
Constant whims and tearfulness in a 5-year-old child

anonymously, about a girl, 1 year old

Good afternoon. I don’t know where to start, because I faced a problem when raising my second child. A 5-year-old girl, quite emotional: very active with peers who obey her, at the same time does not like it when there are many children, because she is afraid that she will be knocked or pushed and hurt. She does not like and does not know how to lose, everything should be as she wants. If something goes wrong, hysteria begins. Now about the main thing. At home, he rarely and moderately cries, because most often we make concessions, in kindergarten it's just a disaster, according to the teachers: they say, take the child off and bring up at home. The child cries in all classes: physical education, music, reading, mathematics, modeling, etc., everything that goes in the garden. However, she cannot be reassured. It began about three months ago with certain activities where she did not succeed. Now it has moved on to everything, even to the previously loved ones. When talking at home, she explains her crying in an accessible way, for example, there was not enough ball or changed couple in dances, or skipped a page for a lesson, etc. and then he hears nothing and just cries. Which specialist should you contact and how to help your child?


First of all, you need to consult a neurologist, the child may have increased anxiety as a result of the consequences of neurology (high sensitivity of the nervous system), hence the possible emotional anxiety, tearfulness. This happens most often in children in spring and autumn.

Secondly, the child may have a delayed crisis of 5 years, it is usually accompanied by unjustified fears, self-doubt, irritability, sudden aggression and tantrums. A child at this age learns to be independent, to control his emotions, wants to be significant. Therefore, it is important for him that he succeeds. And tears are often used by children as a weapon against adults, this is also worth paying attention to.

The main thing is for parents to be always there and learn to bypass all the manipulations and tantrums of the child.

You can also pay attention to the type of temperament, according to your description, the melancholic type is suitable. They are just always whiny, afraid of everything, constantly in an anxious state. Check out the recommendations for this temperament.

And lastly, it is imperative to analyze the style of your upbringing and the situation in the family, maybe something has changed recently, children react to everything quickly with their behavior.

You can go to a psychologist for a consultation with your child, where on the spot, with the help of conversation and diagnostics, the psychologist will help your child to come to a stable emotional state. All the best!

Psychology and Psychiatry, anonymously (about a girl, 1 year old), 26 December 2018

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Psychology and Psychiatry, anonymously (about a girl, 1 year old), 03 July 2017

Natalia, hello! With the birth of my second daughter, with a difference of 6.5 years, I began to notice that the eldest was jealous, often rubs around me, wants to snuggle, especially in those moments when I deal with the younger ...

Psychology and Psychiatry, anonymous (about boy, 1 year old), 24 June 2017

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Psychology and Psychiatry, anonymous (about boy, 1 year old), 11 April 2017

The child is 7 years old, first grade. Every day he makes tantrums and cries with or without reason, says that everyone offends him. Please tell me what to do.

Watch the video: How can I help my child with depression? Number One FAQ Health Channel (June 2024).