
Can't wean from breast, big addiction to GV

anonymously, about a boy, 1 year old

Hello, Natalia! My name is Anna, I have two kids, two sons, 6 years old and 1.5 years old. The older one goes to kindergarten, while the younger one is at home around the clock. The husband works, and the children see him a couple of hours a day, that is, the younger one is only with me all the time, he is breastfed. We have a great dependence on breasts, they demand it very often, sometimes every 20 minutes, suck a little and then go about their business, play with it. He reacts to my attempts not to let me cry, although sometimes it turns out to distract me with something. About two months ago I tried to wean from the breast, but to no avail, as I began to refuse regular food, the temperature rose. Please tell me what this addiction can be connected with and how to overcome it without harming the baby. Thanks for the answer!

Hello. Breastfeeding children under one year old is very important - any mother knows this. After all, breastfeeding is for the baby the main source of all the necessary trace elements, but also gives a feeling of comfort, a sense of security and emotional communication with the mother.

Everyone knows that those children who were breastfed up to 1.5-2 years old, firstly, get sick less, since breastfeeding is the main immunity during the period of illness, and secondly, they have a high degree of trust and affection for their mother ... But when a mother tries to forcibly wean the baby, psychologically it greatly traumatizes him. Then the emotional connection between them is broken, and the relationship can develop according to a different scenario. In addition, with a very early reduction in feeding, the child may well become seriously ill, but sometimes the increase in temperature can only be associated with the growth of teeth.

I would recommend that you continue to breastfeed, but if you are firm in your decision to stop, do it gradually. Start first by removing daytime feedings, then before bedtime, then evening feeds, then before evening sleep, night feedings are usually the last to be removed.

The process of weaning, which is smooth and painless for mom and baby, usually takes 2-3 months. No one knows how traumatic it will be for your child.

And with children at this age, you can play situations with toys, for example, the bunny has grown and no longer suckles, the milk is over. And you and I will run out. Or come up with something like that.

You can negotiate, bargain, for example, I wanted this doll - but it is for adult girls, and adults do not suckle. Remember, after a year, the baby can already follow the rules that you create for him, not demanding breast on the street, at home, when mom is busy with something. After all, when he plays, he does not need a chest.

But if he lacks communication with you, he will always hang on your chest. Therefore, play more, communicate and distract your baby in those moments when he insistently asks for a breast.

But, if for some reason you cannot complete the GW, then it would be best to contact a breastfeeding consultant, he will help you draw up an individual, gentle weaning plan. This will minimize the negative effects of weaning on the mother and baby. All the best!

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Watch the video: 5 TIPS TO WEAN BABY FROM BREASTFEEDING! (July 2024).