
Defecation 4-5 times a day in a 1-year-old child with an allergy to milk protein

anonymously, about a boy, 1 year old

Good afternoon. Please tell me: my son is 1 year old, breastfeeding ended at 3 months, at the moment the child eats everything except dairy products in any form, because he is severely allergic to milk protein. We are introducing new products gradually, it is very responsive and can add to it. Recently they tried to give bread (both black and white), my son really liked it, but he pours it in, so I make bread and cookies myself. I often give him oatmeal cookies, there is no allergy, but recently I noticed that I can go to the toilet a lot 4-5 times a day, while the stool is not liquid, not green, and the child feels good. The same situation occurs with bread (by leaps and bounds). Also, the child, in principle, loves to eat and we eat about 300g. Tell me, is this the norm with such a diet, how many times to poop or not? We eat vegetables and meat (fish) mainly, i.e. a lot of fiber. I have also removed the oatmeal into the cookies, I'm waiting for the result. I would be very grateful for your answer.

Hello! First of all, you need to contact your pediatrician and gastroenterologist. Your child may have a suspicion of malabsorption syndrome and therefore need a deeper examination. Do FGS, complete blood count, complete urinalysis, and coprogram.

Pediatrics, anonymous (about girl, 1 year old), 26 December 2018

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Watch the video: HOW I KNEW SHE HAD A MILK PROTEIN ALLERGY. weekend vlog (June 2024).