
Sudokrem for newborns and babies: instructions for use

Many mothers face irritation and inflammation of the child's skin, because the skin of babies is very delicate and easily damaged by various external and internal factors. To combat redness, dryness and other unpleasant symptoms, various topical preparations are used, including Sudocrem. This remedy has been successfully treating diaper dermatitis for more than 80 years and is prescribed to patients of any age.

Release form and composition

Sudocrem is produced in Ireland and is a white creamy mass with an indistinct lavender aroma. The product is sold in plastic jars containing 60 or 125 grams of cream. In the form of an ointment, gel, suspension, aerosol or other form, "Sudocrem" is not produced.

The drug is multicomponent, that is, it contains several compounds that provide it with medicinal properties. It contains slightly more than 15% zinc oxide, 4% lanolin and a small amount of such active substances as benzyl alcohol, benzyl benzoate and benzyl cinnamate. The auxiliary ingredients of Sudocrem are solid and liquid paraffin, lavender oil, wax, distilled water, citric acid and some other compounds.

Operating principle

Thanks to the emollient components, Sudocrem soothes irritated skin, relieves pain and other uncomfortable symptoms. Since the base of such a preparation has water-repellent properties, after being applied to the skin, the cream forms a protective barrier. It protects the delicate skin of babies from many irritants, such as urine. In addition, it stimulates the regeneration of damaged cells, which is also facilitated by the antifungal and antimicrobial properties of the drug.


"Sudocrem" is used for a variety of skin problems. Such a tool is used:

  • with diaper dermatitis, to eliminate irritation and soreness;
  • with minor burns, including sunburn;
  • with bedsores and ulcerative changes in the skin that appeared because of them;
  • when the skin "blooms", which often occurs in a newborn;
  • with shallow cuts or scratches;
  • with eczema, manifested by red cheeks, peeling of the skin and other symptoms;
  • with frostbite of the skin, if it is mild;
  • with acne and pimples that appear in adolescence;
  • with abrasions and bruises;
  • with chickenpox as an adjuvant to eliminate inflammation and faster healing;
  • with allergies, which is manifested by skin changes.

At what age is it prescribed?

The manufacturer of "Sudocrem" emphasizes that this drug can be used in children at any age.

The product is harmless to baby skin and can even be used on newborns.

It is often prescribed for infants up to one year old, and for preschoolers and adolescents, because such a cream helps to cope with a variety of problems that arise both in a newly born baby, and in an actively growing toddler or in a transitional age.


The product should not be used in children with hypersensitivity to any ingredient in Sudocrem. There are no other contraindications for such a drug.

Side effects

Since the drug is hypoallergenic, negative reactions after skin treatment with Sudokrem are very rare.

However, sometimes the remedy can provoke a rash, redness, swelling and other symptoms of intolerance, upon the appearance of which its further use must be discarded.

Instructions for use

If "Sudocrem" is prescribed to an infant as an aid against diaper rash or a remedy for their prevention, the drug is used during each diaper change:

  • after washing the baby's skin and drying it, you need to take a little Sudokrem with a clean, dry finger;
  • apply the product to the surface of the baby's skin, gently rub the cream;
  • rubbing movements are performed in a circle, but they should not be intense, especially if irritation has already appeared;
  • the cream should be completely absorbed - if after lubrication there is still a white film on the skin, it means that the drug was applied too abundantly (next time you need to take it in a slightly smaller amount);
  • the processing is repeated as often as necessary.

When using "Sudokrem" for other indications, a small amount of the drug is applied to areas of damage or inflammation, and then rubbed in with light movements until a transparent thin film is obtained.

If the drug needs to be applied to the face, it is important to ensure that it does not accidentally get into the eyes or mouth of the child, since the product should not come into contact with mucous membranes.

Terms of sale and storage

You do not need to take a prescription from a doctor to purchase Sudocrem in pharmacies. The average price of a jar with 60 g of cream inside is 300-340 rubles, a package with 125 g of the drug is 430-450 rubles. It is recommended to store it at home at room temperature by placing the jar in a dry place.

The shelf life of the sealed product is 5 years, but after opening the contents of the can can be used no longer than 12 months.


Almost all reviews about "Sudocrem" are positive, which is associated with a wide range of applications of the drug, the ability to use for all age groups, an effective effect on damaged or irritated skin, as well as the absence of side effects. According to mothers, the cream is easy to apply, it is economically consumed, quickly copes with redness and rashes, and smells good.

Among its drawbacks, inconvenient packaging and high cost are usually mentioned.

A review of Sudocrem is presented in the following video.


There are no drugs that have the same composition of active substances as Sudocrem, therefore, if necessary, the doctor will recommend replacing such a drug with an analogue a topical medicine with a similar therapeutic effect, for example:

  • "Desitin". The effect of such an ointment is due to zinc oxide, which, like the components of Sudocrem, softens, reduces irritation and creates a protective barrier on the skin. The drug is used even in infants, both for the treatment of diaper rash and its prevention, and for scratches, burns and other indications. It can be replaced by "Zinc paste" or "Zinc ointment", which is somewhat cheaper.
  • "Bepanten". This drug is in demand for inflammation or damage to the skin, and for the prevention of various problems, such as cracks and diaper rash. It comes in the form of an ointment and cream, and the main component of these drugs is called dexpanthenol. "Bepanten", like "Sudocrem", can be used from birth and can be substituted by other means based on the same active compound ("Pantoderm", "Dexpanthenol", "Panthenol", "D-Panthenol", etc.).
  • "Elidel". This 1% cream contains pimecrolimus, thanks to which the drug acts on the inflammatory process in the skin. Processing the skin of children with such a remedy is allowed from the age of three months. The medicine is most often prescribed for atopic dermatitis, as well as for various skin problems triggered by an allergic reaction.
  • "Skin-cap". This cream acts on the skin thanks to zinc pyrithione, which has not only anti-inflammatory, but also antifungal and antibacterial properties. It is used for atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, dandruff, eczema and other indications in children over a year old. It is also available in shampoo and aerosol form.
  • "Tsindol". This suspension, like Desitin, contains zinc oxide, which can dry and soften the skin, as well as absorb harmful substances and accelerate healing. The drug is in demand for itching and inflammation of the skin, for example, with dermatitis, prickly heat, thermal burns, scratches or chickenpox. In children, this "talker" can be used from birth.

Watch the video: Sudocrem Face Mask Hannah Phillips Real (July 2024).