
What to give a girl for 3 years?

The birthday of a small child, especially a girl, is especially difficult for parents and other guests, because the birthday girl is still very young and it can be difficult to guess with a gift. If you think carefully, you can find many options for suitable gifts - you just have to take care of this in advance.

Selection recommendations

In a hurry, parents often forget about the obvious signs that could transparently hint at what to give the child. Here are some of the most important tips for making a three-year-old girl “shine” on her birthday:

  • At three years old, the baby can almost certainly already tell something about her preferences. Ask what she likes without mentioning the upcoming holiday in the same conversation - that will be a pleasant surprise.
  • Pay attention to your child's hobbies and behavior. For example, a mobile girl can be given something of a sporting nature - or even a bicycle, but a calm child may not like such a gift.
  • Don't be trivial. Of course, a doll is considered an eternally relevant gift, but not if the baby already has a lot of them.

  • Do not be guided by adult selection criteria. The child evaluates the overall attractiveness of the gift, not its value, so an expensive purchase may be liked less than a cheap one, but to the point. Again, remember that three years is a very young age and many toys are still too complicated for a birthday girl.
  • If nothing at all comes into your mind from the material, donate an intangible - organize a magnificent party with animators and a large crowd of friends, go to a children's cafe, in the end, take your child to all the rides at once, and so on.

Finally, remember that whatever you choose, never leave planning and implementation to the last moment.

We develop creativity

At the age of three, children begin to take an active interest in creativity, but now they are attracted not only by bright colors - a certain idea can be found in their creations. Gifts of a creative nature usually require a certain perseverance, so you should not load an active child with them, except perhaps for a test. If your daughter has a pronounced desire to create, and you see that she is ready to devote a lot of time to this, give her one of these:

  • Painting supplies. One of the most popular gifts for children is sketchbooks, felt-tip pens and colored pencils, an easel, brushes and paints, as an option - finger paints. Coloring books are also popular.
  • Applique and craft kits that contain colored paper and cardboard. A three-year-old girl is unlikely to be able to make something really worthwhile out of them, but the very colorfulness will delight her.

  • Volumetric creativity from composite parts. This includes both plasticine and mosaics with puzzles, and even the LEGO constructor. In the case of the latter two, remember that the child is still very young - there should be nothing complicated and small.

Introducing sports

Three years is the time to frolic and play, especially since a fragile body requires strengthening the muscular system. More and more often you can find recommendations on buying a home sports corner, including for girls, but in fact, such a gift is much more interesting for boys. For the baby, you can choose something from this list:

  • Means of transport. The absolute leader in this category will be the children's tricycle. Sometimes, as an option, it is advised to buy a scooter, but then it must be quite stable - the birthday girl is unlikely to already know how to keep her balance.

  • General sports supplies. The ball, if it is bright and beautiful, will please the girl no less than the boy. Of the typical gifts for girls, one cannot but single out a rope - the favorite entertainment of most girls.

  • Home playground elements. The girl is unlikely to be interested in various wall bars and horizontal bars, but individual elements can be installed. Pay attention to trampolines - all children love to jump, and now you can always do it. If space and wallet permits, a home swing will also be a chic option.

"Women's things" for a young fashionista

Children strive to imitate adults in everything, and girls, respectively, adult girls and women. This also applies to such an important attribute as beauty and its guidance: at three years old, the baby probably still does not know how to make up, but she simply must try to repeat after her mother. So far, such gifts are mostly symbolic, but already now they are teaching the young lady to take care of herself. Consider the following gift options:

  • Clothes and footwear. Dress and shoes, like a real little princess, are guaranteed to delight the child. She is still so small, but in her heart she is already a real woman who dreams of being the most beautiful.

  • Children's cosmetics. Some manufacturers produce special baby kits, consisting of completely harmless components, which allow you to play with cosmetics and learn the basics of makeup. To stimulate interest, such gifts are usually packed in bright boxes with your favorite cartoon characters.

  • Children's dressing table. If the baby already has cosmetics, please her with special ladies' furniture, which allows convenient storage of all accessories.

Gifts for the little housewife

At the age of three, not a single girl still thinks about a career, now her dream is to become a good housewife, start a family and raise children. She will surely like anything that imitates a beautiful family idyll. You can create it using the following things:

  • Dolls. Even if the character that the doll corresponds to is much older than the baby, she still subconsciously perceives her as her daughter - she feeds her, dresses her, combs her hair, and so on. As for ordinary baby dolls, they are generally perceived only in this way, and teach the child to take care of others.

  • "Home" sets. First of all, we are talking about the kitchen - dishes and other accessories, often - with all kitchen furniture. There are also complete sets of furniture that imitate the whole house. Toy household appliances will also be a good gift, and in order not to be sprayed on trifles, you can give a whole dollhouse with everything you need.

  • Products for dolls. In addition to the doll itself and all sorts of sets, you can give other toys "for mom". A striking example is a toy stroller, a bathtub, a towel and clothes for a doll are also suitable.

Top trendy toys and useful birthday kits

In our world, such a concept as fashion has even reached children's toys. Fashion for specific toys changes from season to season, often along with popular animated series. Of the eternal, one can only name the Barbie doll. It is better to consult with other parents about such things, but the Bratz and Winx dolls, baby Born, who naturally imitates a real baby, Pappa's pig, the snow queen Elsa and the horse My Little Pony, have also been popular in the last few years.

Thematic sets, in addition to playing and entertaining functions, are also very conducive to learning and broadening one's horizons - they allow the hostess to transform into an almost real representative of the adult profession.

Among the little ones, the most popular sets are those that imitate the places of work where adult women traditionally work - first of all, a store, a hairdresser, a hospital, a cafe or a school. Among other things, such a gift will greatly contribute to the socialization of the child, because playing such games is much more interesting with girlfriends than alone.

Original ideas

Parents are increasingly complaining that with all the seeming diversity, all of the above is too commonplace, and the child already has it. Well, then don't give material, but vivid impressions. Here are some simple ideas:

  • Take your child to an interesting place. Eternal "magnets" in such cases are a zoo or a circus, a dolphinarium or a water park, and so on. A good children's cafe with a waiter dressed in the costume of your favorite hero will also be counted.
  • Arrange a noisy fun holiday for your daughter with friends and animators. Invite everyone to visit, come up with interesting contests with useful prizes, set not just a delicious, but also a beautiful table. Be sure to consult with the baby, because for her the meaning lies in the fact that she is the kind fairy who will make all friends happy. Be careful with food and drinks - ask the parents of the invited children in advance if anyone has any allergies.
  • Try to turn your daughter's everyday life into a fairy tale - for this, make repairs in her room, start from the age and interests of the child. One way or another, her favorite fairy-tale characters should be present there, the whole interior after the renovation should be as convenient as possible for the little mistress.

For information on how to decorate a room for a birthday, see the next video.

Watch the video: 10 Affordable Gift Ideas SHE Will LOVE Under $30. Inexpensive Gifts For Women (July 2024).