
Height-adjustable children's table

Furnishing a children's room is generally a rather difficult task, and creating a comfortable workplace is doubly difficult. There are a number of criteria that must be followed in order to ensure that the child does not have problems with posture in the future, but at the same time the child grows, and furniture that previously met the necessary criteria very quickly becomes unusable. The solution to the problem can be a height-adjustable children's table.


Experts recommend when equipping a child's working area pay attention to a number of little things that will not spoil the baby's health. The child spends several hours every day studying the lessons, so the slightest deviation from the norm is fraught with serious consequences. While sitting at the table, the student's hands should be folded on the tabletop at a right angle, while he should neither stretch nor hunch over. Since the growth of the baby is not constant, the adult table is initially too large for him, and any suitable children's table will eventually outgrow.

Some parents try to solve the problem by purchasing a regular table designed for an adult, and to it - a chair with height adjustment, which allows you to raise the child to the required level.

However, experts recommend purchasing a desk with a chair, each of which is adjustable.

At the same time, you will not surprise anyone with an adjustable chair for a long time, but tables of this design are still perceived by many parents as a curiosity. Such a school desk will cost significantly more than a classic one, but it has a number of important advantages:

  • Adjustable table top height allows you to use such furniture for people of almost any height. An adult does not need such an option, but in the case of a schoolchild, parents save themselves the need to purchase a new desk several times. Even if you manage to sell old tables, taking away some of the money spent, imagine how much time and effort you can save by purchasing one day a universal solution suitable for both a classmate and an adult student.

  • Regulated usually not only the height of the countertop, but also the angle of its inclination. On a perfectly horizontal surface, it is only convenient to draw, while a slightly tilted table top is better for writing, as for reading or drawing, even a well-noticeable bias will not be superfluous there. For maximum convenience, you do not need three tables - one is enough if it can be adjusted.
  • Since such furniture is initially focused on the maximum convenience of its owner, manufacturers do not skimp on equipping such tables with various pleasant additions. Depending on the model, these can be drawers, backpack hooks, book holders, or even full-fledged built-in lighting.

In other words, such a solution can replace several of the most comfortable tables at once, and the period of its use is limited only by the strength of the materials from which it is made.


As for the raw materials used for the production of height-adjustable tables, either solid wood or plastic is most often used. The rest of the materials are also found, but rarely.

Of course, a wooden table is the most optimal solution. Wood is of 100% natural origin, and therefore cannot harm the human body. This is an excellent building material, the service life of the best samples of which can reach several decades. In addition, even unpainted, such a product usually looks very aesthetically pleasing and fits perfectly into most interior styles.

When choosing a table made of solid wood, you should pay special attention only to the used paints and varnishes, which, unlike the wood itself, can turn out to be harmful chemistry. In general, the only drawback of a wooden table can be called high price, but the durability of the purchase neutralizes this factor.

The attitude towards plastic tables is initially more biased, because plastic is synthetic and it is not a fact that it does not emit toxins into the air. However, you should not be too categorical - modern types of expensive plastic retain chemical neutrality and are not noticed in any harmful fumes; this quality can be determined thanks to the certificates that bona fide manufacturers and sellers must have, as well as the absence of any unpleasant or pungent odors.

Expensive types of plastic, by the way, can also last a dozen years without visible damage, but at a price they often turn out to be more profitable than natural wood. At the same time, if wood is an eternal classic, then plastic is the embodiment of modernity, especially since it is easily painted in any bright colors. This allows you to choose a plastic table that will fit perfectly into your nursery.

Models for two children

Interestingly, the height-adjustable table is not necessarily limited to just one workstation. Unfortunately, the double version is usually designed for children of approximately the same height, which is good only in those families where there are twins and twins. Nevertheless, there are also models with a tabletop that is individually adjustable for each child.

Of course, the best solution of this type is like two separate tabletops in one common body. They can be located both side by side and opposite each other, the main thing is that each of them can be adjusted independently of the second. There are not so many such models, but they allow the simultaneous use of the same table by children, even with a significant difference in height.

There are also double tables, which have only one table top, but the height adjustment for each of the legs is performed separately. Such a design is sometimes permissible unless the difference in the height of the two children is very small. It should be borne in mind that a lower child will always have a tabletop slightly inclined towards him, but a taller child, which is even worse, from him.

About choosing a color scheme

Modern manufacturers, focusing on child customers, quite often produce tables decorated with bright pictures, or simply painted, albeit in one, but catchy tone.

At first glance, this may help to decorate the baby's room and will keep him interested in studying, but in reality it is not. First of all, the student's interest will not be attracted by the study itself, but by the decorative images on the table, which will only interfere with the lessons.

Do not forget also that an adjustable table is bought for many years, and the child will soon outgrow the cartoon characters, and just too bright colors do not seem to a teenager as attractive as a small child.

For this reason, experts recommend giving preference to neutral shades - woody, brown, beige, and also white. Other tones are also acceptable, if, thanks to this, the interior of the room will sparkle with new colors, however, the color of the table in any case cannot be too bright and attractive.

The following video provides an overview of the children's adjustable table.

Watch the video: 5 Best Kids Desk and Chair Sets (July 2024).