
Viral conjunctivitis in children

Among various ophthalmic diseases in children, viral conjunctivitis is quite common. Any child under the age of ten has a high probability of getting sick. Every mother will be able to recognize the first manifestations of conjunctivitis, knowing the main symptoms of the disease. The earlier the disease is detected, the better and more favorable the prognosis and treatment.

Common causes

Inflammation of the lining of the eye or conjunctiva is called conjunctivitis. Most often, babies in the first three years of life have an acute process. In this case, symptoms appear very quickly. The first manifestations appear within a couple of hours from the moment the pathogen enters the child's body.

Today, scientists have more than 20 types of different viruses that can cause inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes. The most common variant is adenoviral conjunctivitis. In this case, adenoviruses are the culprits of the disease.

In addition to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, they can also cause severe runny nose and lead to respiratory failure. The disease is usually quite severe with severe symptoms of intoxication and fever.

Herpes variants are more rare causes of viral eye diseases. The human herpes virus damages many mucous membranes in the body, including the eyes. The disease, as a rule, is more common in weakened and only recovered children. Quite often, cases of viral conjunctivitis are recorded in babies with congenital or acquired immunodeficiency.

The common flu virus can also cause inflammation in the lining of the eyes. This manifestation of the disease is rare. This option is most difficult for newborn babies and children of the first year of life. The treatment requires the use of specific drugs that have a destructive effect on the virus.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that the timely appointment of antiviral drugs in the form of eye drops for the treatment of influenza viral conjunctivitis helps to significantly speed up the baby's recovery.

Quite rarely, pediatricians note infection with viral conjunctivitis in utero. In this case, the child, while still in the mother's womb, can become infected. Such cases are most common in congenital rubella. The disease should be treated immediately after the birth of the baby.

Main symptoms and signs

Confusing conjunctivitis from another eye disease is difficult. This disease proceeds with severe clinical symptoms.

The most common manifestations of viral conjunctivitis:

  • Severe lacrimation. The discharge is usually light. However, when a secondary bacterial infection is attached, the discharge may be bloody or purple in color. In the daytime, lacrimation increases significantly. In the evening or at night, the baby feels much better.
  • Redness of the eyes. Strong redness is characteristic of both eyes at the same time. The blood vessels begin to protrude strongly above the surface of the inflamed conjunctiva. Sun exposure increases redness and lacrimation.
  • Intense photophobia. Being in a bright room for a baby with acute conjunctivitis brings severe discomfort and soreness. Getting on the inflamed conjunctiva, the sun's rays cause additional trauma and increase the pain syndrome. Babies try to blink more often, prefer to sleep more or lie with their eyes closed. By the evening, this symptom decreases.
  • Suppuration. With viral conjunctivitis, it is not always found. As a rule, this symptom manifests itself when a secondary bacterial infection is attached. With a simple course of the disease, the discharge of pus is not typical.
  • Swelling of the eyelids. Severe inflammation leads to swelling of all mucous membranes of the eye. The eyelids become hard and swollen. Babies look sullen. Overhanging swollen upper eyelids can lead to impaired vision and even double vision when looking at various objects.
  • Increased body temperature. Viral diseases are characterized by rather vivid symptoms of intoxication. With an uncomplicated variant of the disease, the body temperature rises to 37-37.5. In more severe cases - up to 38-39 degrees. With a dangerous course of the disease, treatment is already required in a children's hospital.
  • Nasal congestion, respiratory failure, and sometimes coughing. This combination of symptoms is most common in adenoviral diseases. Adenoviruses, multiplying and damaging the mucous membranes, very often cause a whole range of different manifestations.

All symptoms of viral conjunctivitis appear after the incubation period. This is the time from the moment the pathogen first enters the body until the onset of the primary manifestations of the disease... For viral inflammatory eye diseases, the incubation period ranges from 4-6 hours to one day.

Getting and spreading in the body, viruses quickly damage the mucous membranes. Having a toxic effect on cells, they cause severe inflammation, which leads to the appearance of the classic manifestations of the disease. With timely diagnosis and treatment, viral conjunctivitis lasts 5-7 days. In more severe cases or with the addition of a secondary bacterial infection, the disease can drag on for a couple of weeks.

Diagnostics of the viral conjunctivitis

Appointment of the correct treatment is impossible without the first correct diagnosis. The very striking classic manifestations of viral conjunctivitis allow parents and doctors to quickly suspect eye inflammation. However, not all cases are easy to diagnose. Sometimes additional examinations and tests are required in order to establish the cause of the disease.

Most often, viral conjunctivitis is confused with bacterial. In this case, a regular blood test comes to the rescue. Such a simple laboratory test allows the doctor to confidently say which pathogen is the culprit of the disease. Whether it was a bacteria or a virus. Also, with the help of a blood test, a pediatrician can determine the severity of the disease.

In the earliest stages of the disease, an excellent diagnostic method to clarify the virus that caused the disease will be a bacterial culture... The material for such studies is the lacrimal discharge. This test identifies the type of virus that caused the disease. Conducting such a survey is most informative only in the first couple of days after the onset of the disease.


Each year, the list of drugs for the treatment of viral conjunctivitis is growing and expanding. According to mothers, modern medicines for the treatment of inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eyes are better tolerated in babies and do not cause numerous adverse reactions.

The appointment of treatment for viral conjunctivitis is prescribed only by a pediatric ophthalmologist. When the baby has the first signs of illness, try to urgently show it to the doctor. The pediatrician will be able to establish the nature of the disease and prescribe all the necessary treatment.

Treatment of viral conjunctivitis in a mild form of the disease can be carried out at home. The complex of therapy, as a rule, includes the following therapeutic procedures:

  • Obligatory regular eye rinsing. For this, solutions of disinfectants or medicinal herbs are used. A decoction of chamomile is perfect. You need to process the eyes at least 3-4 times a day. It is necessary to remove the discharge from the inner corner to the nose. Different cotton pads are used for each eye.
  • Prescribing medicinal antiviral eye drops. Appointed from the first hours of illness up to 5-7 days. Frequency rate, dosage and duration are chosen by the attending physician. When a secondary bacterial infection is attached, the appointment of antibacterial eye drops or ointment is also required.
  • Sufficient drinking regime. To eliminate the symptoms of intoxication, the baby needs to drink plenty of fluids. Usually from 1.5 liters per day. As drinks, the child can be offered warm boiled water or berry compotes, as well as a variety of fruit drinks. Such drinks replenish the fluid deficit in the child's body and help to quickly remove the remnants of viral toxins.
  • Compliance with the regime of the day. In the acute period of the disease, the baby must sleep during the day. During rest, the damaged mucous membrane of the eye is restored and healed. The child must sleep at least 10 hours per day. Try to cover the room with dark curtains. This will help the baby fall asleep faster.
  • It is better to limit walks in the summer for the entire acute period of the disease! Solar activity contributes to additional trauma to the damaged eye and increases discomfort and soreness. When the inflammation subsides, you can go outside. Don't forget about a hat for your child! It is better to choose products made from breathable material with wide brims.
  • The inclusion of protein foods in the diet. During any viral infection, an adequate supply of all essential nutrients is required in the body. An optimal amount of protein is needed for the immune system to function well. Try to make sure to include poultry or fish, as well as beef in the children's menu. Don't forget about fermented milk products. They quickly saturate and improve the immune system.
  • Bathing in the early days of the disease should be limited. If the baby has a fever, then the baby should not be bathed. Reschedule water treatments for several days. You can wipe your baby with a clean cloth or towel dipped in warm water. In the first days of illness, it is better to add decoctions of herbs that have a bactericidal effect to the bathing bath. Decoctions of chamomile or calendula are perfect.

Treatment of viral conjunctivitis requires a whole range of different therapeutic measures. From the first hours of the illness, doctors prescribe various eye drops:

  • Ophthalmoferon. This drug helps fight the main manifestations of viral inflammatory eye diseases. Perfectly eliminates redness and watery eyes, and also significantly reduces itching. Usually 1-2 drops are prescribed in each eye up to 5-6 times a day.

  • Aktipol. It is used to accelerate the healing of the damaged conjunctiva. Helps in the restoration of the mucous membrane of the eye. Usually the drug is prescribed for 5-7 days in 2 drops. The frequency of admission is chosen by the attending physician.

  • Oftan I go. It is prescribed for the treatment of inflammatory eye diseases for children over two years old. Issued for a period of 5-6 days. After all the adverse symptoms have disappeared, the drug can be used for another five days. This scheme allows you to prevent the transition of the disease to a chronic form.

Parents should remember that before instilling medicinal eye drops, be sure to wash your hands! It is better to use antibacterial soap for this. This will help prevent additional bacterial infection from entering the eye.

Timely treatment of viral conjunctivitis helps to cope with the adverse symptoms of the disease. With adequate therapy, chronicity of the process, as a rule, does not occur. After a week, the kids return to their usual way of life.

The causes of conjunctivitis will be explained by Dr. Komarovsky in the video below.

Watch the video: How To Treat Baby Pink Eye Conjunctivitis. Care u0026 Treatment English (May 2024).