
What to give a child for 10 years?

A decade is the first really big anniversary in a person's life. At ten years old, we are still dealing with a child, but already grown up enough to understand the full significance of the event. In addition, this is already a vivid personality with his own preferences and dreams, and his own decade for such a man often becomes a way to achieve at least some material points from the list of goals.

In any case, no matter how the ten-year-old person treats gifts, you need to achieve the main goal - to make sure that the hero of the occasion will remember him for life. This can and should be achieved with the help of presentations, and it is possible to complete the task in this way even if the child did not ask for anything material. To show how to achieve this, consider what sensible and interesting can be presented for the first anniversary in life.

Useful Birthday Gadgets

Children, and especially boys, at this age are already completely interested in technology. True, not any, but mainly the one that is attributed to gadgets, because these intelligent devices usually combine the capabilities of a communication device, a multimedia player, an Internet portal and a gaming platform. For example, the simplest gadget - a player - was the dream of any teenager some decade ago, but today it already recedes a little into the background, because it is exclusively a player, and it is also good if it supports video.

But the newfangled invention, widespread in recent years, called smart watches is far from just a watch, although they also show the time. This small device, worn on the hand, synchronizes with a smartphone, and often has its own SIM card, which allows you to make calls and access the Internet.

In addition, using smartwatches, parents can track the whereabouts of their owner.

However, the most popular gift option among gadgets has been and remains a telephone. Of course, a modern ten-year-old schoolboy is unlikely to be very happy if you give him an ordinary push-button "dialer", and even on such a round date. It is quite another matter if it is a smartphone of a new model with a touch screen, the main task of which is not even to call, but to support powerful new games and have a stable high-speed connection to the worldwide network.

An even higher status gift will be a tablet that provides all the same features, but on a larger diagonal screen. Not only for entertainment, but also for the benefit in the field of study, a computer or laptop is useful, however, the latter will have to play the role of a stationary computer for the time being - it is hardly worth letting a child go alone with such an expensive and noticeable technology.

As an original alternative, you can also give a camera, but this gift is not for everybody. In addition, you will either give a too primitive copy, or spend a lot of money on a worthy thing, the best qualities of which such a young kid simply cannot reveal, and it will be dangerous to wear it.

Educational gifts

It is never too late to develop, and although ten-year-olds are often confident that they are already practically adults, they also have room to grow. The most common educational gift for several thousand years has been an ordinary book. Naturally, not any - choose something that would really give some new information, and at the same time would be interesting for the child. Most often, they choose bright illustrated encyclopedias on topics popular among children - usually the animal world, geography and travel, science and technology, certain historical topics, such as wars, pirates, and so on.

However, in fact, ordinary fiction can also be useful - it is not for nothing that it is studied in schools, and something even belongs to the eternal classics. In particular, an interesting detective story can teach you to think outside the box, and the masterpieces of the world classics will contribute to the development of the ability to behave in society, be human and simply behave correctly in various life situations.

Board games are also very helpful for development. At the age of 10 and older, again, games with a detective story are in the lead, requiring developed ingenuity, logic, and sometimes team interaction to solve a conditional crime.

Games such as quizzes, both educational and on a specific topic, can also be of practical use - even if you do not know the correct answer, it will become known to you during the game, and your horizons will expand. Various games, the meaning of which is to explain the hidden word without naming it, develop associative thinking and imagination, and even artistry, and also contribute to improving the atmosphere in the team. Finally, economic strategies teach how to do business, keep track of your own money, and financial planning.

Hobbies and Interests Presentations

Above, we considered mainly universal gifts that are suitable for everyone or almost everyone, however, if you know about the individual preferences of the hero of the occasion, then it is best to focus on them. How many children are on the planet, there are so many varieties of their hobbies, but here are just a few examples that may not cause delight for most children, but will make a true little connoisseur happy:

  • Sporting goods. Perhaps a bicycle is a product from the "for everyone" category, but there are also less common gifts like badminton, volleyball or ice skates. Some children will play a couple of times, and even abandon, but for someone this gift can turn a whole life.
  • Musical instruments. Usually, children show interest in such things earlier, or parents also take the initiative earlier and send the baby to a music school without his desire. However, if the birthday boy is suddenly interested, an inexpensive guitar or synthesizer will be very appropriate.

  • For girls - typically girly things: a diary, accessories, purse, cosmetics or perfume. Since childhood, girls have dreamed of becoming queens, and at ten years old we are already almost a grown-up girl, so she will be sincerely glad to have an “adult” gift.
  • For boys - gifts with a masculine character. If the kid is interested in sports, but he only watches it on TV, maybe it's time to get to the game live? The boy probably loves to make something with his own hands, so a set of a young master will do.

What animal will 10 year olds like?

Children tend to make friends, not limited to people - animals are also very close to them, at least in words. It should be noted that a pet is not just a friend, such a gift also teaches responsibility, because you need to monitor it, feed and water it regularly, or even walk it. However, when buying a living present, be prepared for the fact that the main care for it will fall on the shoulders of the parents, and not the main owner.

A person's main friend to a child or adolescent will become an even more loyal friend than an adult. Most of the boys would be frankly happy after receiving such a gift, and the girls probably would not refuse. Boys might want a fighting breed for themselves, but those are best avoided - they are too capricious and unlikely to appreciate trying to play with them.

Choose a dog from among those breeds that are distinguished by a good-natured disposition.

If you grew up in the era of the developed Internet, then you probably know that every girl's dream is a beautiful kitten. Boys are given cats much less often, but the girl will surely gasp when she sees this little miracle in your arms, and realizes that it now belongs to her. If you suspect that the child does not need a friend as much as entertainment, and he will not pay much attention to the animal anyway, give preference to one of those options that do not require special care. These include parrots, fish, or small tame rodents.

Original and memorable surprises

Sometimes it happens that the birthday person already has everything a child's soul can wish for. However, this probably only applies to standard gifts that come to mind first, so you should pay attention to those things that are relatively rare, but highly popular among children and adolescents. Here are some noteworthy examples:

  • Gum for hands. This is a modern, highly improved plasticine, which does not get dirty and is able to take any shape, ranging from a thick liquid to glass-level strength. This is a great warm-up for hands, and at the same time a great material for fun - for example, for making "melting" objects.
  • Homemade chocolate fountain. This is the rare occasion when a beautifully designed kitchen utensil can be a good gift for children. Put a chocolate bar in it, and he drowns it and releases it in the form of a small fountain. In addition to being just beautiful, you can also experiment by dipping various goodies into it and creating your own dessert recipes.
  • Interesting experiences. Have you seen how the school is trying to interest children in physics or chemistry? To do this, they show simple experiments that allow you to visually see certain natural processes that, with their simplicity and everydayness, simply cannot be seen in the middle of the street. 99% of children will never be able to find practical use for what they see, but it looks beautiful! Special kits allow babies to independently conduct simple but visually spectacular experiments, and most importantly, all this is completely safe and understandable for ten-year-olds.


It is not easy to find a child who, at the age of ten, does not like sweets. As for your own birthday, and even the anniversary, this is exactly the place and time where there should be a lot of sweets. However, our task is not just to fill up the child with ordinary store-bought sweets, but to make sure that he will remember this day forever, so it is better to leave banalities for later, because sweets can be no less bright gift than all of the above.

The easiest way out is to create an unusual birthday cake. Nowadays, not a single birthday is complete without a cake, and children's anniversaries in particular, so why not make the cake the highlight of the program? Nowadays, many pastry shops offer the service of individual baking of a cake in the form of one or another item - try to use this opportunity to give the hero of the occasion what he loves, only in a sweet version. Regardless of gender, kids will love a cake baked in the shape of their favorite movie or cartoon character. For boys who love sports, a cake in the form of a soccer ball or a whole field, as well as a racing car, will be an excellent gift. Girls will appreciate some sweet idea in the form of a palace worthy of a real princess.

However, sometimes quantity develops into quality, so you can not rack your brains over a creative idea, but just give a really huge cake, which will be enough for the whole company, but be careful - remember the dangers of excessive amounts of sweets.

The video below will give you a lot of ideas on what to give a girl for 10 years.

Watch the video: How To Get Kids To Listen Without Yelling (June 2024).