
Psychosomatics of muscle spasms in adults and children

Muscle spasms are very painful. Everyone who has experienced them at least once knows this. Official medical publications interpret them as a violation of tension - in a healthy person, muscle tissue is either elastic and relaxed, or evenly stressed when circumstances require it. A muscle spasm is an area of ​​constant tension. In most cases, these spasms are of psychosomatic origin.

General information

Muscle spasm is popularly misunderstood as cramps. A spasm is an involuntary contraction of a muscle, a spasm is its constant tension with impaired blood circulation and severe pain.

It is felt as aching or sharp pain. Spasms can occur in both skeletal and smooth muscle tissue. Therefore, a spasm can occur not only in the muscles of the body, limbs, but also in any internal organ.

There are not so many objective reasons for spasms - trauma, prolonged static tension and stress. Up to 90% of all cases of muscle spasm are attributed to stress. It should be noted that having appeared once, for example, in the neck, the spasm persists for life.

If a person is forced to be in an uncomfortable position with a tense muscle for a long time, then the cells of the muscle tissue seem to get used to the condition and themselves are already trying to maintain it further.

Why spasms are considered a typical psychosomatic illness is easy to understand. Muscles are toned under stress. They receive such a signal from the brain, the tone is maintained by the appropriate hormonal background - adrenaline, cortisone, etc. When the stress subsides, the tension should also go away. But it often happens that a person is in an environment of stress for too long, or he experiences stress from the inside and does not realize it himself, then a chronic persistent spasm develops for psychogenic reasons.

Psychosomatic causes

The very fact of the presence of muscle spasm, from the point of view of psychosomatics, indicates that a person has a severe internal conflict, which is probably supported by external stresses. In other words, a person cannot come to an agreement with himself (desires diverge from opportunities, responsibilities with preferences, etc.), and then there are conflicts at home, at work, troubles, financial problems. Muscles cannot relax due to the state of stress that is neglected and supported by the body itself.

But to more accurately establish the cause, in order to get rid of tension and pain, the place of the spasm will help.


Muscle spasm in this part of the body indicates that a person has excessive mental activity, he overloads himself, does not give himself the opportunity to recover, or a chance to rest. With a spasm, the neck is blocked, mobility triples, thereby the body tries to limit the view - less seen on the sides - fewer thoughts, from which the head is ready to explode. Often these spasms are accompanied by headaches.


A spasm in the throat zone indicates a person is blocking emotions. Mechanisms of interaction with people or oneself are critically violated. A spasm in the throat area near the jugular notch often occurs in situations where a person in front of himself cannot admit to something that he has done. Spasms in this area are an important warning. If a person does not accept him and does not change the order of communication with himself and people, does not become more open, then the development of diseases of the thyroid gland, diseases of the bronchi and lungs is possible.

Chest (upper part)

This is a place of accumulation of grievances. Remember your feelings in a situation when you experienced a terrible offense - in the upper chest there is a completely physical sensation of a coma, tension with a chill spreading down the larynx and down the chest. The people often call these sensations "a stone in the heart."

Muscle tension in this area actually affects the heart - the pericardium suffers.

If the cause of the psychosomatic spasm is not identified and eliminated, then cardiac pathologies cannot be avoided. Such people are easy to recognize by their characteristic facial expression - lowered lips, offended and haunted eyes.

Chest (center)

Zone of love and tender feelings. If a muscle spasm occurs here, then you need to look for the cause in your personal life, in the patient's heart experiences. Often people who have deliberately excluded love from their lives suffer from such spasms (for example, they stopped believing in it and abandoned the desire to love and be loved). In the absence of love, longing fills the void inside. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the real reason for the lack of love in such patients lies in a long-standing childhood psychological trauma, in which the child concluded that the world does not love him, no one needs him, love does not exist.


Social and material fears and blocked emotions. A person does not know how to express either grief or joy. He seemed to have received a blow in the stomach from life and froze in this position. He rarely laughs, rarely smiles, he is unfazed. Often he himself forbade himself to express emotions, since the main desire of such patients is to keep everyone and everything under control. The requirement applies to oneself.

Navel and area nearby

Human fear lives here. A spasm in this part of the body is a signal that fear has reached its climax. If nothing is done, a variety of diseases can appear - from tuberculosis to oncology. People with cramps in the umbilical area are usually very timid and vulnerable, they sometimes do not know how to stand up for themselves.


Muscle cramps in the pelvic area - an indication that a person is blocking sexuality. Even if there is a personal life, then sex does not bring satisfaction and relaxation in it. Often combined with obesity, diseases of the pelvic organs.

Arms and legs

Spasms in the limbs are a signal that a person is doing something wrong (arms) or going in the wrong direction in life (legs). Often such spasms are suffered by people with a great internal conflict, which has developed due to the need to go to an unloved job, to do something that the soul does not lie to.


Elimination of spasms requires the obligatory help of a psychotherapist - a specialist in psychosomatics. Relaxation techniques, hypnotherapy, as well as swimming and adequate exercise therapy can help you gain health.

However, you will have to adopt a new type of thinking - positive. Stop being afraid, open up to feelings and learn to express them, accept yourself, forgive offenses.

Watch the video: Epilepsy In Older Adults Seizure Identification and Epilepsy Basics (July 2024).