
Psychosomatics according to Valery Sinelnikov

Psychosomatics is a branch of medical science that allows you to discover and understand the underlying causes of human diseases. All practicing doctors know that the patient's physical condition and recovery depend on the type of thinking and attitude to the world of the patient. That is why they often urge to tune in for the best, to believe in the success of treatment, without this belief, even the right medical prescriptions and the best medicines may be useless.

Specialists in the field of psychosomatic medicine have gone further: they formulate and indicate which errors in human behavior and thinking can lead to certain diseases. One of these specialists is Valery Sinelnikov, whose system helped many people find peace of mind and health.

In this article we will explain the principles of this system and give a table of diseases according to Sinelnikov.

About the author

Valery Sinelnikov approached human health issues from the perspective of a doctor. He is a general practitioner, licensed psychotherapist and homeopath.... Receiving people and listening to complaints about their well-being, he suddenly realized that every disease has deep causes in the psyche and subconsciousness of the patient, and by eliminating these causes, it is possible to contribute to the healing of a person in the most effective way.

As a result, life itself decreed that Sinelnikov also became a writer, as well as the officially recognized founding father of a number of important discoveries in the field of medical psychology. He is the founder of the Doctor Sinelnikov School of Health and Joy charitable foundation... Sinelnikov's works quickly became popular and were translated into several languages.

Valery was born in Vladivostok in 1966. His father was an officer in the missile forces, and his mother was a school teacher. Graduated with a gold medal from the Simferopol Physics and Mathematics School, with honors from the Medical Institute in Crimea. Practiced as a therapist, then received a second education in psychotherapy, was keenly interested in the principles of homeopathy.

The most his first book made a bomb effect - "Love your disease" was published in 1999 and immediately became very popular. In it, Sinelnikov collected and visually analyzed his own practice: he outlined the basics of his method with references to the very real stories of his own patients. That is why the book quickly fell in love with readers who noted that Sinelnikov expresses thoughts concretely, clearly and confirms them from the point of view of medicine, which distinguishes him favorably from many writing psychologists who limit themselves to general metaphysical statements.

Today Sinelnikov is a happy dad of four children, he lives in Crimea, travels around the world, conducts trainings and seminars to improve the quality of life, provides assistance to the sick, and also works on new books.

Basic ideas and principles

Valery Sinelnikov is sure that everything, according to the laws of physics, is in dynamic equilibrium. If a person finds this balance with the world around him, he recovers, the quality of his life increases significantly... The Universe gives the one who is in equilibrium with it, everything that he needs: health, money, fulfillment of desires, etc. Sinelnikov considers it a rational organism, a large energy information storage, which contains data about everyone in the past, present and future.

The doctor calls for maintaining balance with nature and its laws at all levels, and especially - at the psychological, mental level. At the same time, Valery Sinelnikov considers Consciousness to be the most important in the Universe. It is not the person himself who is in constant connection with nature, but his subconscious - the least studied part of human consciousness, which at all times is of great interest to psychotherapists and psychiatrists. Only the subconscious knows complete and accurate information about the state of affairs, while at a conscious level, a person most often distorts this information, since he evaluates it from the point of view of morality accepted in society, his own experience, views, etc.

When the number of mistakes in life (wrong, aggressive, destructive thoughts, feelings, attitudes) reaches a critical mass, the subconscious mind begins not only to prompt the right answers, but to declare, point out loudly, sending a person a disease; after all, he will pay attention to her in any case, no matter what views on life he adheres to.

It turns out that illness is the only way by which the subconscious, always in harmony with the Universe, can reach a person's consciousness, inform him of the need to urgently change something.

Sinelnikov singles out several most important principles, the main of which is the principle of purity of thoughts: the desires and needs of a particular person should not run counter to the laws of the Universe, and also should not harm others.

Claiming that most people in everyday life are either victims (everyone offends them, they are unfair to them), or tyrants (aggressive and controlling, accustomed to go ahead to the goal), Sinelnikov deduced his own new model of consciousness and attitude to the world - the “Magician” model or "Master". He is, in fact, proposes to abandon old attitudes and change his worldview from the position that a person himself creates his own life, he is a full-fledged owner of it, he is a real magician who can achieve everything he wants if his thoughts are pure.

For people who are looking for the reasons for their failures, their own illnesses and the frequent illnesses of their children, Sinelnikov offered not only a table of possible psychosomatic causes, but also a method of communicating with their own subconscious, which knows exactly why the disease appeared. At the same time, he teaches a simplified system of the method of immersion in oneself and subconscious programming.

After asking his subconscious what caused the problem, and having received an answer, he suggests changing his own views in accordance with the answer and forming new attitudesthat will trigger the healing mechanism. This is how a person can not only improve his health, but also fulfill his innermost desires, since another Sinelnikov principle says that the Universe is abundant and generous and gives everything that he needs to everyone who strives for balance with it.

If we briefly outline the main theses of Dr. Sinelnikov, they sound like this.

  • Any problem or illness is the fruit of our own thoughts. Everything is born in the head: the more negative the thoughts, the worse the person is doing, the more and more often he gets sick.
  • A person must control not only his thoughts, monitor the purity of thoughts, but also his words, which also carry a strong energy charge.
  • Optimism and positive thinking should be normal, natural. They are the very unique tool for achieving goals.
  • All people are unique, everyone is unique, you need to be aware of and respect this, be flexible and patient in communication; in each of them to see a particle of oneself and the Universe and remember that not only diseases speak about something, but all the people we meet with good intentions, according to the plan of the Universe, carry certain important information for us.

Every problem in the life of an adult or his child is a situation in which, first of all, adults should think about what their actions and thoughts led to trouble. If a child is sick, almost always the problem was created by his parents, and it is they who need to solve it at the psychosomatic level, in consultation with their own subconscious.

Disease table

Valery Sinelnikov compiled the summary cause of the most probable causes of diseases based on observations of many of his patients, as well as people who managed to recover or eliminate their life problems using his method remotely. They regularly write their stories and send them to the doctor. They often form the basis of the author's new books.

Please note that before searching for the cause of the disease using this technique, it is important to first talk with your own subconscious, since it is in your case that the reason may be completely unexpected. How to do this is described below. In the meantime, we will give only a few examples from Valery Sinelnikov's psychosomatic table.

Communication with the subconscious - how?

Only the subconscious, according to Sinelnikov's method, is able to inform a person in more detail what events, grievances or meetings with people, what actions gave rise to trouble or illness. For this, the doctor gives advice on how to establish contact with your own subconscious. There is a lot of theoretical psychotherapy in these tips, the easier and more understandable everything turns out in practice.

To begin with Valery Sinelnikov advises to take a relaxed position of the body, not to strain, to feel lightness throughout the body. Then mentally ask a question, ask what his words, actions or thoughts, what situations caused that problemthat is. The answer can come in the form of an image or sounds, in the form of a ready-made answer, a phrase. The answers can be “Yes” and “No” if the person uses the finger method: agree in advance with the subconscious mind which finger of which relaxed hand will tremble or rise if the answer is positive or negative.

Sinelnikov recommends to always thank your subconscious for the answers. If there is no answer, it is worth trying to "talk" later. If the answer is not clear, you should clarify, concretize, ask the subconscious mind to give a more understandable image. Also, the subconscious should be asked to suggest a way to solve the problem so that it does not contradict the laws of the Universe. Get the answer, embrace the new model, and take action.

What to read?

In addition to the book "Love your illness", Sinelnikov's books such as "Life without fear", "Practical course of Dr. Sinelnikov" are worthy of attention of those who firmly intend to improve the quality of their own life. “How to Learn to Love Yourself”, “Stress Vaccination or Psycho-energetic Aikido”, “Stress Vaccination”. "How to become the master of your life", "The Power of Intention". "How to Realize Your Dreams and Desires" and a number of others.


There are many positive reviews about Sinelnikov's works and his method, which are mainly left by people who the technique helped to better understand oneself and change the attitude towards life... Many point out that books become desk books, and they turn to them for advice again and again in the course of life, in difficult situations. But there are also reviews that indicate that the method did not work, is not credible.

Almost all those who study according to the method of Dr. Sinelnikov at the very initial stage are faced with the fact that difficulties arise in establishing contact with the subconscious "I", but after a few sessions of relaxation, meditation, it is usually possible to ask questions and get answers.

Practicing psychologists are usually supportive of the work of a colleague, often recommending them to people who find themselves in very difficult, traumatic psychological circumstances. Many later admit that reading these books helped to survive the most difficult days of an acute period of personal tragedy or illness.

Watch the video: Медитативный Курс Освобождение. Школа Синельникова. Светоч, Крым (July 2024).