
Psychosomatics of Disease by Louise Hay

It has been known about psychosomatics for a long time, but it has been widely talked about relatively recently. The idea that diseases quite often have a "starting mechanism" in the form of certain thoughts, feelings, psychological states, is not rejected by doctors of various specialties. Previously, they had to shrug their shoulders - the examination did not reveal anything, and the person is sick. Now the treatment of such a patient, who was "written" in the category of chronic patients for idiopathic reasons, is being dealt with by specialists in the field of psychosomatics.

How to find the cause of the disease according to its system, how effective it is and whether it helps, we will tell in this article.

Even in ancient times, doctors noted that not everything that happens to the human body can be explained exclusively by physiology, and they assumed that there is something else that connects the body with the soul and is reflected in the state of this body. Psychosomatics is a medical direction that considers the mechanisms and causes of the development of bodily diseases, depending on certain psychological factors. She explores the invisible, but very real connections between what the characteristics of the patient's personality are, and how they are reflected in the course of the disease..

Many scientists and luminaries of world medicine drew attention to the fact that the soul and body constantly interact, and positive-minded patients recover faster and more often, and those who torment themselves with thoughts of a possible negative outcome get sick longer and more severely... Psychosomatic medicine aims to find what reasons on the psychological and emotional level could lead to the development of a particular ailment that torments a person. And knowledge of the laws of development of diseases, from the point of view of psychosomatics, is an excellent prevention.

The history of psychosomatics comes from Ancient Greece, where philosophers and doctors tried to compile the first summary data on the connection between the spirit and the body. The term was proposed in 1818 by Dr. Johann Heinroth, and four years later, his work was supplemented and largely refined by Dr. Jacobi. In 1939, the journal "Psychosomatic Medicine" began to be published in America... And doctors, psychologists, psychoanalysts began to consider its foundations with a single goal - to create a system that would work and help treat various diseases.

Known to everyone, Dr. Sigmund Freud singled out some psychosomatic ailments, which he himself called hysterical (this has nothing to do with hysteria in the literal sense of the word). Freud included bronchial asthma, migraines and allergies among them. Later, it was even proposed to include in this list stigmata - bleeding sores that appear on the hands and feet of some believers, it was proposed to associate them with that hypertrophied faith that gives stigmata people the opportunity to identify with the suffering of Christ on the cross.

In the understanding of doctors, psychosomatic illness today is an ailment that actually exists, but no explanation for which can be found, that is, the examination did not reveal any prerequisites for the disease... They also talk about him in the event that the correct treatment does not bring the expected result for a long time, that is, it turns out to be ineffective, despite the fact that the person regularly takes medications, undergoes the necessary procedures.

If a person is capable of creating a lot of bodily problems for himself with certain thoughts and feelings, then he can heal himself, in any case, his body has everything necessary for this. It was this idea that Louise Hay, one of the leading psychosomat psychologists, tried to convey to her many readers from all over the world.

The principles of psychosomatics, which she and many other authors support, are quite simple, and if you simplify them even more and do not overwhelm you, dear readers, with an abundance of complex psychological and medical terms, then everyone will get a familiar expression almost from childhood about that "all diseases come from the nerves."

Let's go over the basic principles.

  • Anxiety, fear, depressive mood, negative way of thinking create a fertile ground for the development of physical pathologies. The search for the cause and its "working out", replacing it with positive thoughts and feelings lead to the disappearance of the root cause of the disease, and the person begins to recover.
  • Correctly defined reasons accelerate recovery.
  • All cells of the human body, even nervous (partially), have the ability to restore, psychosomats believe. A properly started recovery process guarantees an improvement in the condition and a gradual recovery.

Louise Hay not only managed to convey to her readers the basic psychosomatic laws, but also repeatedly tested their effect on her own body, which ultimately explains why her theories and proposed programs are one of the most popular in the whole world.

In order to better understand whether the system proposed by Louise Hay is effective, it is worth asking her life, because she came to many theses based on events and feelings experienced by her personally. Initially, it was the destructive events and feelings from her biography that became the basis for her work.... Then she offered the system to everyone, becoming the author of more than 30 books and the founder of a charitable foundation.

She was born in 1926. The family was in need, constantly fighting for existence. But poverty could have been endured if not for the cruel stepfather, who regularly beat little Louise and her mother, and once raped a girl when she was just over five years old. Barely enduring to receive documents, Louise, at the age of 14, decided to run away from home. By this time, she was already abusing drugs, taking psychoactive drugs and leading, to put it mildly, a licentious lifestyle.

The girl left for Chicago, where for the first time she tried to start a normal life, but again it did not work, and at the age of 16 she already gave birth to a baby, but did not dare to bring up - she gave it to strangers.

When she was in her 20s, she moved to New York. There she struggled again to try to lead a normal life. To survive, she had to work as a housekeeper and waitress, salesman. By chance, she was offered to work in the modeling business, and for this she changed her first and last name. It is possible that she could have achieved great success in her modeling career, but she had to quit this job too - she married a respectable, wealthy businessman. After fourteen years of marriage, the couple divorced.

With the advent of the 70s, Louise began to study psychology. At first, she spoke to a small audience in a local church, and then gradually began to advise people on various issues, Dr. Louise's advice was in high demand... It took her several years to create her own reference book of psychosomatic diseases, because most often they came to a church psychologist in a state of serious illness.

The system of new, positive thoughts and statements she proposed, capable of literally treating patients, interested many, and soon Louise was invited to seminars and lectures. At first, she performed in front of large audiences only in the United States, then her teachings reached the Europeans and went on.

Three years later, Louise managed to get higher education, she received her degree in teaching psychology at Maharishi University in Iowa.

In 1977, Louise had a real chance to put her own teaching to the test: she was diagnosed with a terrible cancer. After reviewing the list of the methods of treatment proposed by doctors (chemotherapy, surgery), Louise decided to heal herself... She realized that the reason for the oncological disease was the grievances that remained in the depths of her soul since childhood: she was angry at her stepfather for violence. So Louise created her famous "Forgiveness Scheme", the essence of which was to stop and completely destroy such feelings as an old, deep resentment.

She created new thoughts, new affirmations, applied visualization techniques, cleansed her body. Six months later, at a scheduled appointment, Louise's doctor could not believe his eyes - there was no trace of the tumor... It is still unknown if Louise was really sick. Several years ago, the doctor who observed her then made a sensational statement to the journalists of a youth publication in New York. He said that Hay never had oncology, she just herself believed that she was sick, and it turns out that she was treating her own invented disease. Many doubted the doctor's words, since the Hay system had already managed to gain many followers, among whom there were already quite real cases of recovery from serious illnesses.

Louise returned to her native Southern California in 1980. She devoted herself entirely to research, writing books. In 1985, she recruited a small group of six people with HIV infection and began working with them to maximize their lifespan (and ultimately cure them). The group grew rapidly, and instead of six people, it was attended by 850 patients. All this happened several decades before red ribbons were worn in buttonholes as a sign of trust, support and love for those undergoing treatment.

Two years later, Louise created her own publishing house, which quickly became a large and successful company. She tried to unite authors who are closely involved in the issues of achieving a person's happiness and health. Practicing doctors, teachers, psychologists from all over the world were published in her publishing house.

In 2005, Louise, who has already gained worldwide fame, opened a radio station, which was called "Radio for the soul" and created a charitable foundationproviding support to women victims of violence, as well as HIV-infected people.

She lived a rather rich life, having understood and “rewrote” her own mistakes many times, including the mistakes of her youth. For his contribution to philanthropy, a deed of kindness and the promotion of love and forgiveness was repeatedly nominated for awards of major international charitable foundations.

Louise died quietly, in a dream, she did not suffer from diseases and until her full 90 years looked great and always smiled at people. She died at home on August 30, 2017 at 91 years of age.

The principles put by Louise Hay in her psychosomatic reference book, or, as they often write on the Internet, “tables”, are quite simple, but an unprepared person will first have to take everything on faith, abandon the idea that someone is generally to blame for his troubles , failures and diseases.

The rest of the principles can be summarized briefly, those interested can find explanations in Louise's books, which are translated into all languages ​​of the world, and therefore it is very easy to find them in the public domain.

So listen carefully.

  • Any thought is important. Each, even the fleeting one, creates the background that will ultimately shape the future.
  • The past has already been, the future is not yet obvious, so you need to live exclusively in the present, realizing that it is important to feel here and now.
  • The main mistake of all people in the world is dissatisfaction with themselves, as well as the feeling of guilt experienced by a person.
  • If the bad in our head is just a thought, then we need to understand that thoughts can and should be changed.
  • Condemnation, resentment and guilt are the most terrible states of the soul, in which the harm to human health is maximum.
  • If you learn to forgive, you can overcome even serious diseases.
  • If you learn to love and accept yourself, this will help to establish financial and other matters, and will also help to heal from existing pathologies.
  • Everyone, without exception, is worthy of forgiveness, no matter what they are to blame for you.
  • Every existing disease, every unpleasant coincidence of circumstances in which a person falls, he owes himself and no one else.

At the heart of everything, according to Louise Hay, is human thought. It is she who shapes not only his behavior, but also programs the events that should happen to him, and also underlies all, without exception, diseases known to mankind. Respectively, changing thoughts, systematically accustoming oneself to think differently (with new affirmations), helps to solve existing problems and avoid new ones.

To replace the old thoughts, which ultimately destroyed human health, it is necessary to draw up new, positive ones that will launch the process of that very regeneration at the cellular level, because every living organism seeks to live, not die, be healthy, not sick, and in this he just needs help.

Illness, according to Louise Hay, as well as other well-known authors of psychosomatic research, become possible in the absence of self-love, as well as in the presence of vivid destructive emotions. There are not so many of them, and it is very easy to remember them, they are familiar to everyone - fear, anger, sadness (longing), resentment. From a mixture of anger and fear, jealousy is born, from a "cocktail" represented by a mixture of fear and self-loathing, depression and anxiety are born.

Talk to yourself honestly - how do you see yourself? How do you see the world around you? How do you interact with the world? It will quickly become clear that everything that you give to the world comes back to you, and quite quickly. If you hate your neighbors, you get in return not only hatred from them or someone else, but also a somatic disorder, which "owes" its appearance to your original hatred.

If you tell yourself for a long time mentally that “you can no longer see (someone or something)”, then you should not be surprised that problems with the organs of vision will begin, for example, a decrease in its acuity will appear.

The most devastating consequences can have such a feeling as resentment, and the longer you carry it in your soul, the more likely that the illness that it will cause will be serious, for example, cancer.

Psychologists, psychotherapists, psychosomats can help in searching for the underlying causes. It is not always possible to honestly admit something secret, even to oneself. Louise Hay's tables will also help.

Using them is very simple: you need to find your diagnosis or the diagnosis of a loved one and see what thoughts or feelings could lead to an illness. Also, in each case, Louise Hay gives an example of a positive affirmation that should replace the existing negative attitude.

The disadvantage of these tables is that they are rather average, they do not take into account the individuality and characteristics of an individual. And this is their main drawback.

The longer the disease lasts, the more difficult it will be to cure it, because a person does not come to the disease immediately. Destructive thoughts and emotions, wrong or aggressive attitudes accumulated for a long time before "shooting" the disease... Finding causes can be challenging too. The fact that you are on the right track will be indicated by positive changes in well-being, in the analyzes. You should not wait for a quick healing literally the next day - you have serious and responsible work to save yourself from yourself.

Thought is a special form of energy. If it is not visible, it does not mean that it is not. A good thought gives calmness, joy, peace, love for yourself and everything around. A destructive thought destroys a person's connection with the outside world, undermines and destroys him from the inside... At the physiological level, we observe a disease when the destruction is already significant.

Do not think that thought alone is capable of causing bronchial asthma or an attack of appendicitis. No, there is no mysticism. Everything has logical physiological explanations. So, thought triggers the processes of work of certain parts of the brain, it evokes feelings that shape the mood. The hormonal background is changing.

Let's see how this works at the level of the central nervous system.

  • A negative thought appears - there is a primary impulse from the brain to a specific muscle or muscle group.
  • When the negative attitude is repeated, the impulse arises more quickly and lasts longer.
  • Any negative thought is always an internal conflict, and therefore, in opposition to it, another thought arises, which performs the functions of a conflicting, controlling one. The first will give impulses, and the second will prohibit them. The result is discoordination.

Speaking of muscle, psychosomatic medicine means not only biceps, triceps and other large muscles, but also small, deep muscles of internal organs hidden from us. This a small spasm that occurs when a bad thought occurs Once again, you cannot feel it, but metabolic disorders begin to occur at the cellular level. If such exposure lasts a long time, the disease begins. of the organ that was "hit".

The processes with the reaction to the negative thoughts of the endocrine glands proceed in exactly the same way. Strong fright or great joy is accompanied by the production of the hormone adrenaline, and with longing and depression, norepinephrine is produced. Stress hormones can suppress the action of sex hormones, which often leads to psychogenic infertility. Any change in hormonal levels is potentially dangerous to human health., since the work of all organs and systems is "debugged" by hormonal support.

Diseases develop most rapidly in secretive people who are used to suppressing their emotions, not showing them, not telling others about them or those who do it very rarely. Since thought is energy, then, according to the law of conservation of energy, it needs an outlet in any case. She will find him. And not the fact that it will get back on track.

Of course, other factors cannot be underestimated: the ecological component, a person's lifestyle, a predisposition to certain ailments, but one should not underestimate the power of thought either. Even the belief that thought can cripple and heal should not lead people to abandon conventional treatment.if the doctor deems it necessary. In this case, changing your thinking style to positive will help speed up your recovery.

Psychosomatics gives a rather simple answer to the question of why some people get sick more often, while others hardly get sick, although their feet are wet and they "pick up" viruses. Just the former are dominated by destructive thoughts, while the latter love themselves more, more often forgive themselves and others.

Pay attention to how many angry and nervous people are in the queue at a regular clinic at rush hour? They are outraged by everything: the queue, the doctor's work schedule, medicine in general, the government. They will never let themselves go ahead without waiting in line for someone who is late for an appointment or decided to come without an appointment. Do you think it is the line and the circumstances that make them angry? No, it is their inherent anger and dislike for themselves and others that cause certain health disorders, for which, in fact, you have to go to the clinic.

If the signals of the body are not "unraveled", the person will not pay attention to them, then the problem will acquire a more solid scale.

It is clear that in the table we have presented far from all the problems and diseases that can annoy a person. There are a lot of them, and as psychosomatic medicine develops, the data are replenished and specified. If you are interested in Louise Hay's opinion, then we recommend reading her books: "Heal Yourself", "Heal Your Life."

Reviews of Louise Hay's system and her books are different. There are those who tried to live according to the scheme she proposed and managed to cope with illnesses, and there are those who simply read the book and did not believe it or, after several attempts to change something, abandoned the idea.

There are people who are categorically opposed, pointing out that Louise did not offer anything of her own and new, and writes the same common truths as most specialists in the field of psychology.

Many of those who were helped by the system indicate that the results were not immediate, work on themselves took quite a lot of time, but the books still remain desktop, beloved, to which you want to return again and again when a problem occurs or health problems begin ...

Watch the video: Assisting in Your Own Healing by Louise Hay (July 2024).