
Catarrhal otitis media in a child

Inflammation in the ears causes many uncomfortable symptoms in babies. One of the variants of the disease is medium - catarrhal otitis media. What parents should know about this pathology is described in this article.

What it is?

Inflammation of the middle ear leads to the development of otitis media in a child, which can occur in a variety of clinical variations. Quite often babies have catarrhal otitis media. In most cases, this type of disease is replaced by another - purulent, proceeding much more severe.

Differential diagnosis between these pathological conditions can only be made by pediatric ENT.

The most common cause of inflammation in the middle ear is various bacterial infections.

The development of catarrhal otitis media can also lead getting into the Eustachian tube of viruses and fungal flora. These types of diseases are much less common.

You can get catarrhal otitis media at any age. Adverse symptoms of the disease are found in infants and school-age children.

The Eustachian tube is the main structural element that is present in the middle ear cavity. The infection through it and the development of catarrhal otitis media is possible from the nasal passages.

Normally, there are anatomical messages between the nasal cavity and the ears. Having a small size, pathogenic viruses and bacteria easily reach the Eustachian tube, contributing to the development of severe inflammation in it.

The pathological process can be one- or two-sided. Babies suffering from immunodeficiency conditions or having severe chronic diseases often have damage to both ears at once. Right-sided otitis media, according to statistics, occurs in babies more often. Usually, the catarrhal variant of this disease is usually easier than the purulent one.

The inflammatory process, which triggers the appearance of characteristic symptoms of the disease in a sick baby, also leads to the development of pronounced edema of the mucous membranes lining the middle ear cavity. This pathological condition contributes to plethora of blood vessels, as well as pronounced lymphocytic infiltration.

With catarrhal otitis media, a large amount of pathological secretion is formed in the damaged ear - mucus. It can be quite dense in consistency.

Usually the first symptoms of the disease appear 3-5 days after the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the ear cavity.

Prolonged accumulation of inflammatory exudate can lead to secondary bacterial flora joining the inflammation. This pathological condition often leads to the development of purulent otitis media.

Children's doctors note that the development of a chronic form leads to a pronounced decrease in immunity. Usually this condition occurs in babies with chronic diseases of internal organs.

Children suffering from diabetes mellitus or various cardiovascular pathologies have a higher risk of chronic chronicity of acute catarrhal otitis media in the future.


The very first clinical signs of this disease may be mild. The classic symptom of the disease is the appearance of congestion in the affected ear. Usually this symptom leads to impaired perception of various sounds. Severe hearing loss with catarrhal otitis media, as a rule, does not occur.

The inflammatory process contributes to the development of symptoms of intoxication in a child. Body temperature with catarrhal otitis media usually reaches 37.5-39 degrees. Against the background of such an increase, the baby may feel a fever or severe chills.

The state of health of the crumbs significantly worsens the appearance of severe headache and rapid fatigue, which develops in a sick child during the acute period of the disease.

A pronounced intoxication syndrome leads to the appearance of a strong thirst in the baby. The child's lips become very dry, they may even crack. The tongue is usually coated with a white coating.

When a bacterial infection spreads from the ear cavity to the nasal sinuses, this leads to severe breathing congestion. Some babies may also have a slimy runny nose.

Severe pain syndrome in the area of ​​the affected ear can also spread to the neck area, the lower jaw area, and in some cases even take up half of the face.

A fairly common symptom of middle ear inflammation is autophony. This is a pathological condition when the baby hears his own voice while pronouncing words or sounds.

With the development of the inflammatory process, this symptom in the child completely disappears. This already indicates that the cavity of the ear is completely filled with pathological exudate, and the pressure inside the Eustachian tube has greatly increased. This leads to the fact that the baby begins to feel a strong feeling of "bursting" inside the damaged ear.

The mood and behavior of a sick baby change markedly. The child becomes more capricious, refuses the usual favorite dishes, feels severe drowsiness even in the daytime.

Severe ear pain can also disrupt sleep at night. The child becomes more restless and may wake up several times during the night.

A characteristic symptom that occurs with this type of disease is the appearance of soreness when pressing on the ear tragus. This clinical sign increases with the development of this pathology.

This symptom allows parents to identify and suspect the disease on their own, even in the smallest children, who still cannot complain to them about the deterioration of their health.


When the first symptoms appear or the child's behavior changes, parents should definitely seek advice from a pediatric otolaryngologist. It is possible to establish the correct diagnosis and carry out a full differential diagnosis only with the help of special examinations.

During the initial clinical examination and examination, the pediatric otolaryngologist examines the ear cavity. For this, special medical instruments are used.

To establish the cause that caused the disease, as well as to determine the severity of the course of the disease, laboratory tests are performed.

A complete blood count allows you to identify moderate leukocytosis. With this pathological condition, the number of leukocytes in the peripheral blood increases. Inflammatory changes are also accompanied by an acceleration of ESR.

During the clinical examination, the doctor can collect biological material for bacterial culture. With the help of such a test, you can also fairly accurately identify the causative agent of the disease. It usually takes 3 to 10 days to get results.

This test allows not only to identify a specific type of microorganism, but also to select a specific therapy that will lead to the recovery of the baby.


Therapy for the smallest patients is carried out in a hospital setting. This is necessary to prevent the development of secondary complications of the disease, as well as for a quick recovery.

The duration of hospitalization can be different and depend on the initial severity of the disease.

The most severe cases of the disease are treated in intensive care units.

The main goal is to eliminate inflammation in the cavity of the inflamed ear, as well as prevent the transition from an acute form of the disease to a chronic one. Usually, a complex of drugs and physiotherapy are prescribed to eliminate the adverse symptoms of catarrhal otitis media.

To restore hearing and reduce high pressure in the Eustachian tube, UHF therapy, ultrasound and phonophoresis. To achieve a positive effect, a whole course of physiotherapy is usually required, consisting of 8-12 procedures.

If the cause of the disease is a bacterial infection, various types of antibacterial drugs are used. Currently, doctors give preference to drugs that have a wide spectrum of action.

Penicillins protected by clavulanic acid are the most commonly used drugs used to treat bacterial otitis media.

Many types of chronic otitis media occur against the background of a reduced immune system. To normalize immunity, doctors prescribe multivitamin complexes and interferon preparations for babies. These funds are also used for course admission.

Long-term use of immunomodulatory drugs must necessarily be discussed with a pediatric immunologist.

To eliminate soreness in the affected ear, ear drops are used. They are usually prescribed for 7-14 days. You can use these medicines 3-4 times a day.

Otipax helps to eliminate severe inflammation in the cavity of the affected ear, and also reduces the possibility of secondary bacterial infection and spread of the process.

Ear drops should be used only after a preliminary examination by a pediatric ENT doctor. Many of the drugs are contraindicated if there is a perforation of the tympanic membrane in the ear cavity. Only an otolaryngologist can identify this pathological deviation with the help of a special medical instrument.

To normalize high body temperature, antipyretic drugs are used. In children, it is most optimal to use drugs containing paracetamol and ibuprofen. These medicines should be used only when the body temperature rises above 38 degrees.

Babies should not take products containing acetylsalicylic acid. These drugs can lead to the development of many unwanted complications.

The course of catarrhal otitis media must be carefully monitored. The most dangerous days are considered 3-5 days from the onset of the disease. As a rule, at this time, the process can turn into a purulent form.

To identify complications of the disease, a complete blood count is required. An increase in leukocytes against the background of the treatment is an unfavorable sign that requires mandatory consultation with the attending physician.

To prevent the transition of acute catarrhal otitis media into chronic it is required mandatory strengthening of immunity. To do this, doctors recommend that babies follow the correct daily regimen, eat high-quality protein foods, and regularly walk in the fresh air. Any severe stress and overly active physical activity can only lead to a decrease in immunity.

About what otitis media is and how to treat it, see the next video.

Watch the video: Otitis Externa and Otitis Media (July 2024).