
Althea syrup for children: instructions for use

Every mother faces a cough in a child, so the question of choosing an effective and safe remedy that can help get rid of this unpleasant symptom is very relevant for parents. One of these drugs is called Althea Syrup. But is it permissible to treat small children with such a remedy and how to take this syrup correctly in childhood?

Release form

The medicine is released in the form of a yellowish-brown transparent syrup, which has a thick consistency, sweet taste and peculiar aroma. So that the liquid does not lose its properties, it is placed in a bottle made of dark glass. One package of Althea Syrup weighs 125 grams.


The main component of the preparation is the extract obtained from the roots of marshmallow. The healing properties of this part of the plant are much higher than those of its leaves and flowers. 100 grams of syrup contains 2 grams of active substance, that is, the drug is a 2% solution.

The liquid extract is combined with a sugar syrup from water and sucrose to produce a delicious herbal medicine. Sugar in it acts as a harmless preservative, but the manufacturer can also add other substances for long-term storage of the product - sodium benzoate or potassium sorbate.

Operating principle

Marshmallow root stimulates the formation of mucus in the respiratory tract, and also improves the motor function of the respiratory tract, therefore, syrup from it is classified as an expectorant. Such a medicine has the following action:

  • The product envelops the mucous membrane and stays on its surface for a long time, due to whichProtects from irritation. This action provides a large amount of plant mucus in the marshmallow root.
  • The drug softens the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and helps to cough up phlegm. EThis determines the usefulness of Althea Syrup both for dry coughs, and when the cough has already become productive, but the sputum is too viscous.
  • Syrup reduces the severity of inflammation and stimulates regeneration processes in damaged tissues.

It is important to note that such therapeutic effects of marshmallow root are beneficial not only for the respiratory system, but also for the digestive tract, as well as for lesions of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat.

Watch a video describing the properties of marshmallow roots as a medicinal plant:

The beneficial properties of the plant are provided not only by mucus, but also by other compounds, including pectin, starch, oils, trace elements, vitamins and other substances. While taking Althea Syrup, they help to eliminate malaise and nervousness, and also have a positive effect on the sleep and appetite of a sick baby.


Althea syrup is most often prescribed for children with diseases of the respiratory system, the symptom of which is a cough. The medicine is indicated for a debilitating dry cough, and for a wet cough, when sputum is separated with difficulty. Such a drug can be given when:

  • Tracheitis.
  • Tracheobronchitis.
  • Bronchitis.

Althea syrup also helps children with gastritis, ulcerative lesions of the digestive system, enteritis and some other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract to recover.

From what age can you take?

The use of marshmallow syrup is possible from birth, however, due to the high risk of an allergic reaction to such a drug at an early age, when the infant's digestive and immune systems are not working well enough, marshmallow root extract syrup is not recommended under one year of age.

For this reason, it is unacceptable to give Althea Syrup to an infant at the age of 4 months or six months without consulting a doctor. With indications for its use, the pediatrician can prescribe Althea Syrup to a baby up to a year, reducing its single dosage. If the child is already 1 year old, 2 years old or more, such a drug can be safely used by parents to treat cough.


Marshmallow root is a natural product, so there are very few reasons to stop using it. Althea syrup should not be given to children only if there is hypersensitivity to such a drug. In addition, due to the presence of simple carbohydrates in the preparation, its use in patients with diabetes mellitus is limited.

Side effects

The child's body can react to Althea syrup with allergies. And therefore, if the baby has a tendency to allergic reactions, before using the syrup, it is worth giving the baby a small amount of it in order to assess the tolerance. If a rash, itching and other allergy symptoms appear, the use of Althea Syrup should be discarded.

We recommend watching the release of Dr. Komarovsky's program devoted to the problem of cough in children. Maybe this video will be very useful for you now?

Instructions for use and dosage

The syrup is given to the child to drink after meals in such a single dose:

  • Under the age of 12 - a teaspoon of syrup, which is advised to be diluted in a quarter of a glass of water at room temperature.
  • Children who are already 12 years old - a tablespoon of the drug, diluted in half a glass of water.

For children under 6 years of age, the dosage may be reduced for example, many pediatricians prescribe half a teaspoon of marshmallow syrup for a child aged 3 years at one time.

If desired, the medicine can be drunk before meals, because marshmallow has no irritating effect on the walls of the stomach, but on the contrary, this remedy has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. Dilution of the syrup is also optional. Some kids and moms like it undiluted.

The recommended frequency of receptions of Althea Syrup is from 4 to 5 per day, and the duration of treatment is from 10 to 15 days. If necessary, after examination, the doctor may prescribe medication for a longer period.


Drinking too much syrup can provoke vomiting or severe nausea. In such a situation, it is advised to rinse the child's stomach, and then give some drug from the group of sorbents.

Interaction with other drugs

With regard to the joint appointment of other medicines and syrup, the instructions for the use of this medication warns that Althea Syrup should not be combined with antitussive drugs, for example, codeine-based. Such drugs will suppress the cough reflex, which will make it difficult to produce phlegm and can worsen the child's condition.

Terms of sale

You can buy Althea Syrup in any pharmacy without a prescription from a doctor. The tool is produced by several pharmaceutical companies, and the price of such a drug is from 30 rubles.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Keep Althea Syrup away from direct sunlight. In addition, the medicine should not be freely accessible to children. The optimal temperature conditions for storing this product are from + 15 ° С to + 25 ° С. You need to use the syrup before its expiration date, which is 18 months from the date of production.


Mothers who gave Althea Syrup to their babies for coughs, in most cases, were satisfied with this medicine. Their reviews include such positive characteristics of the drug as naturalness, pleasant taste, low price and quick effect.

Among the shortcomings, the excessive sweetness of the medicine is noted. In addition, in some children, Althea Syrup caused allergies. However, most young patients tolerate this medicine well. The sweet taste does not cause protest among children, and many babies drink this syrup with pleasure.


You can replace Althea Syrup with drugs that have a similar therapeutic effect. The most popular analogs are:

  • Prospan or Gedelix. Such syrups, which are also made from plant materials (ivy extract), are allowed from birth.
  • Linkas... This multicomponent herbal medicine can be used from 6 months of age. The drug effectively liquefies phlegm and reduces inflammation.
  • Dr. Theiss. A syrup with this name includes plantain extract, a herbal ingredient with a good expectorant effect. The drug is prescribed for children over a year old.
  • Bronchicum C... The expectorant effect of this medicine is due to thyme oil. The remedy is used for coughing in babies over two years old.
  • Herbion. These syrups are made from plantain, primrose or ivy. They are popular in the treatment of young children.
  • Licorice syrup... This is another popular herbal remedy for coughing that can be given to infants in the first year of life.
  • Tussamag... The basis of such a syrup, prescribed for children over a year old, is the extract of thyme, so it can be a good substitute for marshmallow syrup.
  • Bronchipret... This syrup, allowed from the age of three months, contains ivy and thyme.

Watch the video: Mini RF Review (July 2024).