
An overview of antiemetic drugs for children

Vomiting is a protective reflex that every child has. Vomiting is caused by intestinal infections, cranial injuries, the use of stale food, and meningitis or other pathologies. Usually, before vomiting, you can notice the child has dizziness, weakness, pale skin, rapid breathing, increased salivation and other symptoms.

The main danger of vomiting is dehydration, which occurs fairly quickly in children. Also, the masses released during vomiting can enter the respiratory tract. And therefore, in some cases, it is important to stop vomiting as soon as possible.

First aid for children with vomiting at home

First of all, parents should reassure the child. It is also important to keep calm and the adults themselves, so as not to frighten the baby with their panic. Next, it is important to determine if the child needs urgent medical attention.

Call the pediatrician at home in such cases:

  • Child's age up to three years.
  • Vomiting attacks are constantly repeated throughout the day.
  • Together with vomiting, the child has fever and diarrhea.
  • The kid is lethargic and weak.
  • The child refuses to drink.
  • A rash appeared on the baby's skin.
  • The vomit contains impurities of bile or drops or streaks of blood.

We recommend watching a video in which the pediatrician gives recommendations to parents on what to do when a child vomits:

An ambulance call is required if:

  • Vomit has entered the child's respiratory tract.
  • Vomiting is provoked by the ingress of a foreign body into the lumen of the esophagus.
  • Vomiting is one of the symptoms of head injury.
  • The child has lost consciousness or is confused.
  • The kid complains of acute abdominal pain.
  • Vomiting more than 4 times in the last 2 hours.


The safest and most popular remedies for vomiting in children are sorbents... They absorb toxins and remove them from the child's body, therefore they are most often used for intestinal infections and various poisonings.

These drugs are approved for use in children of any age and do not inhibit the normal intestinal bacterial flora.

The group of sorbents includes the following drugs:

  • Activated carbon. This is the most affordable sorbent option that should be kept in your home medicine cabinet. Due to its porous structure, this product quickly absorbs toxic compounds and is safe for babies. The drug is presented in black tablets, the amount of which is dosed taking into account the weight of the child.

  • White coal. The sorption properties of this type of coal are much higher, so it is used in a lower dosage. In addition, such a drug does not provoke constipation, but, on the contrary, has a positive effect on intestinal peristalsis. White coal is available in tablets. Annotation to the tool does not recommend giving it to children under 14 years of age, but the attending physician, taking into account the indications, may prescribe white coal at an earlier age, if he sees more benefits than risks from the use of this sorbent.

  • Smecta... Such a medicine, harmless for children of any age, not only absorbs toxic substances, but also envelops the mucous membrane, protecting it from irritation. The drug is a powder in sachets. To prepare a suspension, it can be diluted with water, compote or a mixture, and also mixed with baby food. The only drawback of Smecta is such a side effect as constipation.

  • Enterosgel... This sorbent is available in the form of a gel and is approved for use from birth. For babies, it is given before feeding 6 times a day, 2.5 g each, mixed with water or human milk. If the child is 1 year old, Enterosgel is prescribed 7.5 g three times a day, and for children over 5 years of age, a single dosage is increased to 15 g of the drug.

  • Polyphepan... This preparation, in powder or granular form, contains lignin obtained from softwood. It absorbs harmful substances and normalizes the digestive tract. The remedy can be given to children under one year old, one teaspoon one hour before feeding, three times a day. At the age of 1-7 years, a single dose is a dessert spoon, and for children over 8 years old - a tablespoon of powder, which is diluted with water or washed down.

  • Polysorb MP. The basis of this drug is silicon dioxide, which is capable of adsorbing toxic substances. The contents of the sachet are stirred with water and given to the child, adjusting the dosage according to his body weight.

  • Enterodesis... This sorbent in powder form contains povidone. A suspension is prepared from it and given to children, calculating the required dose based on the weight of the baby.

  • Filtrum STI. This lignin-based drug is available in tablets, which are ground and mixed with water before use. Babies who are not yet 3 years old are given half a pill, and a child 4 years old and older is given a whole pill three to four times a day.


If a baby is vomiting, it is usually afraid to feed. The absence of several meals does not harm the child, but, on the contrary, is useful in case of intestinal illness or poisoning. However, not all children tolerate fasting normally.

If we are talking about an infant, regular nutrition is important for his life, therefore, there is no break in feeding babies when vomiting.

As for older children, it is advised to satisfy requests for food in the periods between bouts of vomiting. If a child asks for food after vomiting, then he should be offered it, but with some reservations:

  • Servings should be kept small, so it is best to split one meal into several and serve meals more often.
  • Food should be given to the child warm.
  • Vegetarian meals are preferred, which are easy to digest.
  • Freshly mashed potatoes are a good option.
  • After vomiting, children should not be given sweet foods, as fast carbohydrates will provoke fermentation processes.
  • Spicy and salty foods should also be excluded from the diet.
  • Do not offer your child fatty or fried foods after vomiting, because they will put an additional burden on the liver.
  • Fresh fruit should not be given to babies, as the fiber will irritate the intestines. You can bake an apple for your child as a source of pectin.
  • To restore the intestinal flora, fermented milk products are useful for babies after vomiting.


Paying attention to soldering the baby is the most important task of every mother. Its implementation should begin before the arrival of the doctor, as dehydration due to vomiting can be dangerous for young children. The baby needs to be given a small amount of liquid (a teaspoon or a few sips) every five minutes.

If the baby throws up a drink, the soldering continues. If the child is thirsty, he should be given as much liquid as he can drink.

The approximate amount of drink that a child should be given after vomiting is calculated based on his weight - the mass in kilograms is multiplied by 75. So many milliliters of liquid are given to the baby within 4 hours after an attack of vomiting.

Rehydration solutions are the best drinking option for babies with vomiting. They help restore the balance of fluids and salts in the child's body, disturbed by an attack of vomiting. The most famous solutions are Oralite, Re-salt, Regidron. If they were not in the home first-aid kit or the nearest pharmacy, mom can make a similar liquid on her own by adding 2 tbsp of water to a liter of water. tablespoons of sugar, 1 teaspoon of table salt, and 1 teaspoon of soda.

Any other drink may be offered to children who do not need rehydration solutions. It can be weakly brewed tea, mineral water without gas, fruit compote, rosehip decoction, infusion of raisins or other dried fruits.

The temperature of the liquid offered to the crumbs should be close to the baby's body temperature, then it will be absorbed faster in the digestive tract and will not provoke repeated vomiting. If your son or daughter does not want to drink, try to persuade the child, because with a categorical refusal to drink, the only way to avoid dehydration is hospitalization.

Antiemetic medicines

Before considering drugs that help stop vomiting, it is important to note some of the features of their use. First of all, only a doctor should prescribe a medicine with an antiemetic effect.

It is unacceptable to purchase the product yourself and give it to the baby after reading the instructions. First of all, due to the frequent occurrence of side effects from taking any anti-emetic medicine. Since the funds of this group mainly affect the central receptors responsible for the gag reflex, they can cause dizziness, drowsiness, problems with vision, breathing, heart rate, and many others.

It is equally important to understand that anti-vomiting drugs cannot cure its cause, but only affect the symptom itself. If you give an antiemetic drug before the arrival of the doctor, it will be more difficult for the pediatrician to establish a diagnosis, as well as to assess the volume and nature of vomit released during an attack.

It is equally important to understand that anti-vomiting drugs cannot cure the cause, but only affect the symptom itself. If you give an antiemetic drug before the arrival of the doctor, it will be more difficult for the pediatrician to establish a diagnosis, as well as to assess the volume and nature of vomit released during an attack.

Review of anti-vomiting medications

Cerucal... Such a drug, the active substance of which is metoclopramide, acts on the vomiting center and blocks it. The medicine is available in tablets and ampoules. It is intended for children over 2 years old. The liquid form of Cerucal can be taken orally or given an intramuscular injection. The dosage of the medicine is determined by the doctor.

Motilium... This medicine helps to normalize the digestive tract, therefore it is used for nausea, heartburn, bloating, vomiting and colic. It is produced both in tablet form (in a shell and for resorption) and in suspension (it is convenient to give it to small children). The active substance of the drug is domperidone, which suppresses the activity of the vomiting center and accelerates the transfer of food from the stomach to the intestines. The remedy is prescribed from the age of 2, and its side effect may be increased excitability and other symptoms from the nervous system. They disappear as soon as the drug is stopped.

Riabal... This drug blocks cholinergic receptors in the digestive tract, due to which the tone of smooth muscles decreases, and the secretion of digestive juices decreases. The medicine is prescribed for vomiting, as well as for pain caused by gastrointestinal spasms. The syrup is approved for use in children from birth, and the tablet form - at the age of 6 years and older.

Bromopride... Such an antiemetic agent acts on the brain stem, and also improves gastrointestinal motility. It is presented in capsules, but it is also available in candles in several dosages.

Atropine sulfate. This drug inhibits the vomiting center, and also reduces the secretion of digestive juices and lowers the tone of the digestive tract. It is represented by both tablets and a solution for injections or ingestion. The dosage of such a medicine should only be selected by a competent doctor.

Domperidone... Such a drug is produced in the form of suppositories, as well as tablets for children over 5 years old. It is convenient to use suppositories for severe nausea and frequent bouts of vomiting. The dosage of the medicine should be determined by the doctor, taking into account the child's age and weight.

Avia-Sea. This remedy helps with vomiting, which is provoked by motion sickness and motion sickness. The medicine contains dimensionhydrinate, approved for use in children over one year old.

Ondansetron... This antiemetic drug is used during chemotherapy, treatment with cytostatics, as well as after surgery to prevent vomiting. Injections can be given to children over 1 month old, syrup is allowed for babies over 6 months old, and tablets are for children over 2 years old.

Folk remedies

  • Children with bouts of vomiting can be given peppermint decoction or lemon balm infusion. Such remedies are very effective for nausea and indigestion.
  • If you grate the ginger and boil it a little, then after straining such water in a warm state, you can give it a few sips after vomiting to prevent its recurrence.
  • A decoction of tansy and wormwood is capable of suppressing the gag reflex. In addition, such a remedy has an anti-inflammatory effect and prevents the spread of harmful bacteria.
  • A decoction or tea made from dill seeds can be given to a child after vomiting to normalize digestion and prevent bloating.
  • A 1: 1 mixture of potato and cabbage juices is also a good antiemetic.

The video below is a tea recipe that effectively helps with vomiting in a child:

How to give a child to drink when vomiting, see the program of Dr. Komarovsky.

What to do in case of food poisoning in a child, see the program of doutor Komarovsky.

Watch the video: DSM-5 Overview (July 2024).