
"Elokom" for children: instructions for use

For some skin diseases, hormonal medications have to be used, which quickly eliminate redness, rashes, itching and other negative symptoms. One of these drugs is Elokom. So that it does not harm the child, you need to know when its use is justified and what dosages are used in children.

Composition and dosage form

You can buy two drugs in pharmacies called Elokom.

  • Cream. It is packed in tubes of 15 and 30 grams and is an almost white soft homogeneous mass that is well absorbed.
  • Ointment. It is also available in tubes containing 15 or 30 grams of medicine. The medication itself has a white color and a thicker, but homogeneous consistency.

Both forms of the drug contain mometasone furoate as an active ingredient. The amount of such a compound in 1 gram of the drug is 1 mg, that is, both the cream and the ointment are 0.1%.

Additionally, both versions of "Elocom" include white beeswax and water, as well as phosphoric acid, hexylene glycol and petroleum jelly. In addition, among the auxiliary components of the ointment there is propylene glycol stearate, and the cream contains titanium dioxide, soy lecithin (hydrogenated) and aluminum starch.

A solution called "Elok Lotion" is produced separately. It has a yellowish tint, but more often such a product is colorless. The main component of such a solution is also represented by mometasone in the same form (furoate) and concentration (1 mg / 1 g). It is supplemented with sodium dihydrogen phosphate, hyprolose, propylene glycol, water, phosphoric acid and isopropanol. Elokom Lotion is sold in polyethylene bottles equipped with a dropper. One bottle contains 30 ml of solution.

In addition to these drugs, you can find Elokom-S ointment on sale. Its main difference is the presence in the composition of the second active substance - salicylic acid. The amount of such an ingredient in 1 gram of this ointment is 50 mg, and the dosage of mometasone furoate is the same as in the usual "Elocom".

The list of excipients of the drug "Elokom-S" and the ointment "Elokom" also coincides, with the exception of phosphoric acid, which is not in "Elokom-S". The drug is sold in tubes made of aluminum or plastic, containing 15 or 45 grams of a white homogeneous mass.

Operating principle

The main ingredient of "Elocom" is a glucocorticoid hormone, so the drug has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. After treatment with ointment or cream, tissue exudation decreases and itching disappears. Such effects are associated with the ability of mometasone to activate the synthesis of proteins that block the formation of prostaglandins and leukotrienes (special substances that are released during inflammation).

The absorption of the drug into the blood is insignificant and, depending on the dosage form, does not exceed 0.4-0.7% after lubricating intact skin.


"Elokom" is in demand in case of an active inflammatory process in the skin, which can be affected by local glucocorticoids. The medication is prescribed for:

  • atopic dermatitis;
  • psoriasis;
  • red flat lichen;
  • contact allergic dermatitis;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • itching after an insect bite;
  • solar urticaria and other diseases.

If the areas of the skin where hair grows are affected, it is preferable to use "Elokom Lotion".

At what age are children prescribed?

All forms of "Elokoma", according to the instructions, can be used in children over 2 years old. The use of infants in the first years of life is not recommended, since there is insufficient data on the safety of mometasone for such small patients.


It is forbidden to use "Elokom" in children with:

  • hypersensitivity to mometasone or any auxiliary component;
  • perioral dermatitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • bacterial skin lesions;
  • skin infection with fungi or viruses;
  • negative reaction to vaccination;
  • skin lesions with syphilis;
  • rosacea.

If you need to treat large areas of the skin or there is a need to apply the product on the face, you need a doctor's supervision.

Side effects

After treatment with Elocom, local reactions may occur in the form of:

  • itching;
  • burning sensations;
  • dryness;
  • acne;
  • increased hair growth;
  • dermatitis;
  • folliculitis;
  • atrophy;
  • prickly heat;
  • stretch marks and other changes.

If you use an allergy medication on large areas of the skin or cover the lubricated area with an occlusive dressing, Elokom can cause systemic negative effects, including adrenal insufficiency.

Instructions for use

Treatment with cream or ointment is carried out once a day. The medicine should be applied in a very thin layer and in children it is used in a minimal amount. "Elokom Lotion" is also applied to the skin only once a day, a few drops, and then rubbed until absorbed. Treatment with Elokom-S ointment is recommended twice a day. The duration of use of any form of "Elocom" depends on the tolerability of the drug, its effectiveness and the occurrence of side effects.

Overdose and drug interactions

If the dosage of "Elocom" is exceeded, a negative effect on the adrenal glands and hypothalamus is possible. If the treatment has been long, the drug should be withdrawn gradually. As for compatibility with other medicines, the manufacturer does not provide any information about this.

Terms of sale and storage

To purchase "Elokom" in a pharmacy, you need to get a prescription from a doctor. The price of the medication, depending on the form and amount of the drug, starts from 70-80 rubles. For a tube of Elokom-S, which holds 15 g of the drug, you need to pay about 780-820 rubles.

The shelf life of the medication is 2 years for the cream and 3 years for the ointment. Shelf life "Elokom Lotion" is 3 years, and ointments "Elokom-S" - 2 years. Until the date marked on the tube or bottle has passed, you need to keep the drugs at home at temperatures below 25 degrees Celsius.


The use of "Elokom" in childhood is generally responded positively, calling such a remedy fast and effective. The disadvantages of the medication include its hormonal basis, a large list of contraindications and the risk of side effects.


Another local remedy that also contains glucocorticoid hormones, for example, Advantan, Momat, Beloderm, Lokoid, Kutiveit or Synoderm, can replace Elokom. Some of these drugs are used even in infants, but only under the supervision of a specialist.

In addition, instead of "Elokom" for some diseases, non-hormonal drugs with anti-inflammatory action can be prescribed, among which "Protopik", "Elidel" and "Sudokrem" are especially popular. Although they are devoid of the disadvantages of hormone-based drugs, their use in children without the advice of a pediatrician is also not recommended.

For more information about Elokom for children, see the next video.