
Blood tests in children

Everyone is faced with studies that analyze human blood. Such tests are prescribed from birth, so each parent should know why they are needed and for what purpose they are carried out.

Why do they take blood?

The study is assigned in cases where:

  • There were suspicions of the development of the disease in the child;
  • It is necessary to assess how serious the child's condition is and at what stage the disease is;
  • The disease has been taking an unusually long time or complications have appeared;
  • It is necessary to determine if the treatment is helping;
  • A prophylactic annual examination was appointed;
  • Check the condition of a child who has a chronic illness.

Types and indications for delivery

Blood from a child can be taken from a finger (capillary) and from a vein (venous).

Also, all blood tests are divided into types depending on the purpose of their conduct:

  • General blood analysis. This examination helps diagnose many diseases. It is also prescribed for prophylactic purposes, monitoring whether the child is healthy. The main indicators of this analysis are the number of erythrocytes, the content of hemoglobin, the number of platelets, the number and ratio of different forms of leukocytes, ESR. The study will help diagnose anemias, leukemias, infections, inflammatory diseases, dehydration, and many other health problems.
  • Biochemical. For this study, venous blood is used, which must be donated on an empty stomach. The analysis helps to determine the level of proteins, the amount of bilirubin, enzymes, fats, glucose and other indicators. Its results are important for detecting lesions of the liver, kidneys and other organs.
  • Serological. Such an analysis is aimed at detecting antigens or antibodies, therefore it is prescribed for viral infections and parasitic diseases, for example, to detect toxoplasmosis, amebiasis, herpes, HIV and other diseases. Also, serological diagnostics helps diagnose autoimmune diseases.
  • Coagulogram. This analysis is needed to determine the state of the blood coagulation system. On the basis of such a study, hemophilia can be diagnosed. An analysis is also required when planning an operation.
  • Blood test for allergies. The study is aimed at identifying specific antibodies that are formed in the blood during allergic reactions. This test is more extensive than skin testing because it can be performed on a large number of allergens.
  • Blood sugar test. The determination of sugar is carried out both as part of a biochemical analysis (from venous blood) and separately (when it is taken from a finger). This test should be taken strictly on an empty stomach. It is prescribed for children with suspected diabetes mellitus.
  • Analysis to determine the blood group. Such an examination can be prescribed during preparation for the operation or, if necessary, urgently transfuse blood to the child. Also, this analysis is indicated for hemolytic disease of the newborn.
  • Blood test for genetic diseases. This study is prescribed in the hospital, with the consent of the parents. Analyze the blood obtained from the heel. The examination helps to identify phenylketonuria and congenital hypothyroidism.

Where can I get tested?

Blood tests are carried out in polyclinics, hospitals, private laboratories or large medical centers.

In an ordinary clinic, the time for testing is strictly defined (blood is taken in the morning), and in other medical institutions it can be donated at any time of the day.

How to psychologically prepare a child?

Almost all children are very afraid of injections, therefore, when going with a baby for analysis, you need to pay attention to the psychological preparation of the baby. Try to explain to the little one why an analysis is needed and how everything will happen. At the same time, do not deceive the baby, assuring him that he will not be hurt at all. Better to be honest about the pain that will be short-lived and will go away quickly. You can also play doctor at home by treating soft toys. You can also promise your baby to buy something that will delight the child after an unpleasant procedure.

Watch the video: Davi. Coleta de sangue humanizada. Blood Test Childجمع آوری خون Сбор кровиجمع (July 2024).