
What is normozoospermia and is it easy to get pregnant with it?

There are many terms in the arsenal of doctors that are not clear to most patients. Therefore, having received a conclusion on the conducted spermogram with a diagnosis of "normozoospermia" or "normospermia", the man and his partner have many questions - is it normal and whether it is possible to conceive a child with such a diagnosis. Let's sort out all these questions in order.

What it is?

There are not so many situations in which a man may need to donate sperm for analysis. This usually happens when a couple cannot conceive and see a doctor for help. The doctor needs to assess not only the female reproductive health, but also the condition of the male, because about 40% of all cases of family infertility are associated with just such a factor. A man is assigned a spermogram.

Suppose that the results after a laboratory test indicate "normospermia", this means that all the criteria for the sperm and germ cells of a man are normal. There is no doubt about the fertility of this patient. If the results indicate "normozoospermia" - this means that the parameters in general and in general are also normal, but doctors do not give any guarantee that a man is able to conceive a child, since the study was carried out according to a simplified scheme.

If, with normozoospermia, it is impossible to conceive a child, in about half of the cases, a more expanded spermogram usually reveals certain fertility disorders. It is difficult for laymen to understand why this is happening, but let's try to figure it out.

When conducting a standard spermogram, 4 main parameters of male germ cells - spermatozoa are assessed in the laboratory:

  • quantity;
  • concentration in 1 milliliter of semen;
  • activity and vitality;
  • morphological structure.

If all these parameters are normal, the diagnosis of "normozoospermia" is established.

But in addition to these four parameters, there are other properties of the ejaculate, and deviations in them may well affect conception. For example, increased viscosity makes it difficult to conceive, since the speed of movement of sperm decreases, and increased acidity makes it difficult for the "live" to survive in the rather aggressive environment of the female genital tract. That is why, with normozoospermia, no one gives guarantees that a man can become a father.

If you make a more extended spermogram with an assessment of all additional parameters, then in the absence of problems the man will be diagnosed with "normospermia". If certain negative changes are found in sperm, which is generally characterized as ejaculate with preservation of physical characteristics, then in the conclusion it will be described what kind of normozoospermia in a man is found.

With agglutination

With such normozoospermia, there is a "sticking" of sex cells among themselves due to the presence of antisperm antibodies. In the course of a certain immune process, a man's immunity begins to treat his own reproductive cells as foreign, as a result, young spermatozoa acquire "accompaniment" in the person of those very proteins-antibodies. The noticeably "heavier" sperm become less mobile, "stick together".

Such a pathology can occur against the background of a previously received trauma of the genitals - the penis or scrotum, after surgical intervention in the pelvic organs, with infections, including winged infections, such as chlamydia, which remain undetected for a long time, after sexually transmitted diseases, against the background of inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system.

With aggregation

If the doctor has established normozoospermia with aggregation, this indicates that completely normal healthy spermatozoa are unevenly distributed in the semen. They can "gather" into large "companies", become lumps.

Fertility does not disappear in this case, but it can be somewhat difficult. If no other pathologies are detected as a result of spermogram, then normozoospermia with aggregation is not a cause for strong concern. Such a man may well conceive a baby without the help of doctors and reproductive techniques.

Usually, during aggregation, mucus is present in the spermogram. It can get into the seminal fluid due to the inflammatory process in the urinary tract of men, and it can be a long-standing inflammation, or rather, what is left of it after the treatment.

Infectious and non-infectious inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary tract are the most common causes of sperm aggregation. If no inflammation is detected, then the likely cause may be eating disorders, severe stress, as well as alcohol or drug use.


This term hides overly viscous and very thick semen. With viscosipathy, the ejaculate is so viscous that it complicates the task of sperm workers, they are not able to quickly and efficiently move towards their only goal - the fateful meeting with the egg. There are many reasons for this. These are inflammation and diseases such as orchitis, prostatitis, varicocele.

The viscosity of semen increases if a man takes hormones, especially anabolic steroid hormones, which are widespread among athletes. After a course of antibiotic treatment for some time, the viscosity of the ejaculate also remains elevated.

Viscosipathy is often found in men who lead a sedentary lifestyle, have a "sedentary" job, like to "take on the chest." If a man's nutrition is insufficient, he may also have mucus in the ejaculate, and aggregation is also characteristic of men who are dehydrated.

Influence on conception

Relative normozoospermia with preservation of physical characteristics may well lead to pregnancy in a partner. And normozoospermia with semen pathology does not cause such optimism among specialists.

If as a result sperm motility decreases, then everything depends on how it is reduced, sometimes the probability of conceiving a child with morphologically normal forms of sperm and a sufficient number of them tends to zero.

However, abnormal normozoospermia is not a reason to diagnose infertility. Normozoospermia does not apply to forms of male infertility and diseases. The problems associated with it are quite amenable to correction and treatment.

Normospermia - what the result looks like

We figured out a bit about the concept of "normozoospermia" and its varieties, now it's time to understand what normospermia looks like:

Results with normospermia

This is exactly what the spermogram result should be in order to establish "normospermia". Any deviations in the parameters described above can reduce a man's reproductive capabilities.


If, with established normozoospermia, spontaneous conception does not occur naturally throughout the year, doctors recommend passing the MAP test, making an extended spermogram, passing urine and blood tests, an analysis for sexually transmitted diseases and genital infections. Prostate secretion microscopy is likely to be required, as well as a urethral smear and sperm culture.

Scrotal ultrasound and rectal ultrasound are shown. Only after the root cause of the difficulties with conception is established, the patient is prescribed treatment. It is different depending on the type of normozoospermia.

With agglutination

Since the inflammatory process is at the heart of the mechanisms of the development of the disorder, it is necessary to be treated without fail, and observing all the recommendations of the attending physician, without showing "initiative". Depending on the exact reason, which is determined by a detailed examination, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. What drugs to prescribe, the doctor will decide after he receives the test results.

When the pathogen is identified, point antibiotics are prescribed, which act specifically on this or that microbe. And if the pathogen remains unknown, broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed. No one will be able to say in advance how many courses of antibiotic therapy will be required, there may be several of them.

The most laborious task is to neutralize anti-sperm antibodies. This process, as already mentioned, is immune, and everything related to human immunity has not been fully studied by medicine. However, there are immunosuppressants, immunomodulators, drugs that have a "restraining" effect on the immune system. If necessary, they are also assigned to a man.

Dynamics control is carried out after each completed course of therapy. If the results of the new spermogram again do not satisfy the doctor, he changes the drugs, and the course of treatment is repeated.

The main drugs in various combinations are combined with other drugs - antihistamines, improving spermatogenesis, vitamin preparations. Most often prescribed: "Gonadotropin", "Clomiphene", "Vitaprost", "Speman".

With aggregation

To eliminate the reasons why mucous clots form in the ejaculate, doctors also use antibiotics. The most commonly prescribed drugs are macrolides, fluoroquinolones. In parallel with them, vitamin complexes or individual vitamin preparations and agents are recommended to improve the quantitative and qualitative composition of the ejaculate.

A man with normozoospermia by the type of aggregation really needs to get enough vitamins A, E, C, vitamin D, folic acid, selenium and zinc. Means for improving spermatogenesis are usually used as follows: "Spermactin", "Viardot", "Prostamol UNO", "Verona", "Selenzink".

It is always easier to treat aggregation disorder than normozoospermia with agglutination. The prognosis for possible conception even during treatment for sperm with aggregation is more favorable.

Sometimes it is enough for a man to just stop being nervous, start eating right, engage in gentle sports that do not require excessive physical overload, and the situation with the composition of the seminal fluid is normalized.


Drinking water can help reduce the viscosity of the semen. Men with such a diagnosis must definitely drink at least 2 liters of clean drinking water per day. In most cases, this gives excellent results in a couple of months.

At the same time, sperm thinning drugs, such as "Speroton", as well as preparations with a high content of zinc and selenium, can be prescribed. Often, men with viscosipathy are effectively helped by drugs used to thin sputum when coughing - drugs - with a mucolytic effect.

Treatment of viscosipathy takes a long time. You should prepare for the fact that this will take from 3 months to six months. But subject to the appointments and recommendations of a specialist, the results will be mandatory.

General recommendations

When detecting normozoospermia, a man should not despair, because no one considers him infertile or sick. He just needs to gather his will into a fist and start changing his lifestyle. This will be a good help for the therapy prescribed by the doctor.

First of all, to improve sperm performance, you should abandon shock work on the night shift: a man who wants to become a father must sleep at least 8 hours a day, and specifically at night.

This will help to normalize the hormonal background, reduce the level of perception of stress, the health of the stronger sex will become noticeably better. You cannot go to the bathhouse, solarium, sauna, even if you really want to - any temperature effect on the testicles worsens the quality of the male seed.

A man should pay special attention to his gastronomic habits - an addiction to fast food, to food saturated with dyes and preservatives, has a detrimental effect on the composition of sperm.

The daily diet should contain foods that contain a large amount of protein - dairy products, eggs, fish, meat. You also need products with a high content of vitamins required to improve the quality of sperm — oranges, lemons, black currants, nuts, fresh herbs, fresh tomatoes.

Among all sports that are suitable for the good purpose of maintaining shape in the treatment of normozoospermia, one should choose those that do not require overload. Swimming, jogging are fine, but weightlifting, bodybuilding, cycling is best avoided for now.

It is important that during treatment the man does not come into contact with toxic substances, heavy metal salts, painting substances, pesticides and nitrates. All these substances have a detrimental effect on the condition of male germ cells.

Sexual activity during treatment should be moderate, doctors recommend having sex about 2-3 times a week, more frequent contacts can cause microtrauma of the vas deferens, pathological dilution of sperm, and a decrease in its volume. Long-term abstinence is also not good for a man.

Repeated spermograms can be done at any time, but it is best to wait about 3 months. It is during this period that the cycle of spermatogenesis is completed, new spermatozoa are formed.

Treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies can be very effective, but only in combination with the prescribed traditional treatment, and not in place of it.

Nettle helps to improve the quality of semen - ordinary green tea is brewed from it, which a man can take 2-3 times a day in a small cup. According to reviews, an effective remedy is nine-strength, as well as rose hips. A decoction is prepared from them, and berries are also eaten in a pure form.

For information on how to get pregnant with a bad spermogram, see the next video.

Watch the video: Normal Semen Analysis (July 2024).