
TFK strollers for twins: characteristics and tips for choosing

In the modern world, the need for strollers for twins is growing. Parallel to this, the number of companies able to provide these strollers is increasing. In this variety of products, choosing the right product can be difficult. An excellent example of a combination of affordable price and excellent quality is the TFR stroller for twins.


Choosing a stroller for one baby is not easy. The situation gets more complicated when you need to choose a stroller for two children. Of course, buying two separate models is irrational both in material terms and in terms of convenience. One mother will not be able to roll two strollers at once and watch both babies. That is why such a wonderful thing as a stroller for twins was invented. She quickly found her niche in the market, but, like any product, there is a lot of competition here.

One of the most popular manufacturers of strollers for twins is the German company TFK, founded in the last century. The main feature of this company is that it produces strollers in a sporty style, thus combining comfort, safety and attractive appearance. The manufacturer claims that its strollers can serve more than one generation of children. They are strong and reliable enough to support two babies at the same time. They are also comfortable, practical and durable.

If you want to buy a sleeping stroller, then this company also has such models (for example, Buggster and Joggster Twist). Perhaps, together with TFK, you can assemble a whole set of children's furniture.

Twinner twist duo

This is perhaps the most popular twin stroller in the company's arsenal. We can say with confidence that thanks to its double configuration and reasonable price, it cares about the comfort of not only babies, but also their parents. Together with the stroller, you purchase cradles, adapters for them, walking blocks for babies up to six months and a cape on the legs, which makes the purchase even more desirable. It is also possible to purchase car seats separately for family travel.

The walking block is equipped with seat belts for the safety of the baby, a convenient basket for mom's shopping. Its back can be folded out in four positions, including taking on a horizontal plane. The carrycot can be carried like a cradle. For this it is equipped with a handle on the hood. The bumper is removable and adjustable, and the footrest can be lifted in three positions.

Lightweight chassis made of aluminum. For compactness, it can be folded into a book (especially convenient for travel).

You don't have to worry about the comfort of children - each baby has its own spacious compartment, they won't have to be crowded. The inner part of the product is upholstered in cotton and has soft mattresses. Additional hoods with buttons are provided for winter time, and a raincoat is included for a rainy autumn.

It is recommended to use a visor on the hood against the heat of the sun, and a mosquito net with a ventilation window against annoying insects.

A separate consideration is the swivel wheels, which are the best example of maneuverability. The front pair swivels 360 degrees and can be locked if needed. The wheels provide a smooth ride despite all obstacles and the complexity of the road. The stroller is four-wheeled, the tires can be inflated.

Thanks to the braking system, there is no doubt about the safety of the stroller. It is equipped with a disc brake. Also, the brake lever is located on the stroller handle, which provides manual braking. The handle is height adjustable to suit your comfort. Also in the stroller there are five-point seat belts for both babies.

Twinner Twist Duo is available in eight shades: blue, gray, black, purple, chocolate, blue, brown and tweed. This variety allows you to choose an option for every taste. Such children's transport will not get lost among others. The chassis is 75 cm wide, which means you can walk through any standard doorway. The stroller can carry up to 45 kg. This means that two babies can travel on it until they reach the age of three.


Parents' opinions about this brand's strollers are mostly enthusiastic. Customers note that transport for twins has excellent characteristics. It is really convenient for the parent and for both babies. Mothers especially like the compactness of the stroller and how easy it is to make a cradle or a walking model out of it. The fact that the cradle is deep is also considered a plus, because when the kids grow up, they will be able to sit in it without the risk of falling out.

The Twinner Twist Duo is safe for parents. Belts hold firmly, but do not chafe. The wheels can be blocked. The handle for the brakes is very conveniently located, which allows you to quickly respond in emergency situations. The leg cover and hood provide reliable protection from the cold and insects.

Twinner Twist Duo is small in size and made of lightweight materials, which greatly simplifies its path on steps and other obstacles. This is especially important for short and fragile young mothers. The presence of four rather than three wheels makes the model more stable than many of its "brothers" from other manufacturers. The product is convenient to take with you on a trip, as it folds easily. The entire structure fits easily and without damage in the trunk of a car.

Drawing a conclusion, it is safe to say that Twinner Twist Duo is one of the few high quality twin strollers in its price segment.

Tips for choosing

Before you buy a stroller, you need to make sure that you have made the right choice. To do this, it is recommended to do a few steps right in the store (unless, of course, you buy a stroller over the Internet).

  • Put the children (in this case two) in sleeping places. Carefully assess whether they are lying freely. Do the same with the seat and carrycot. The comfort of babies is the most important criterion when choosing a stroller, even more important than price and configuration.
  • Give your future stroller a little test drive. Ride a child or both children in it. Pay special attention to safety systems - check how well the brakes work, how the wheels lock, how firmly the seat belts hold. Check the maneuverability and how the stroller goes through doorways. Remember that you will have to drive the stroller on different roads (asphalt, grass, ground).
  • Evaluate the dimensions of the product, think about whether it will fit into the trunk of your car when folded, whether it fits the size of your apartment.
  • If you decide to buy a used stroller, remember that the default equipment should be complete, unless the seller has warned you otherwise. Pay special attention to the integrity of the chassis and wheels, as the load on the twin stroller is significantly higher than on the regular model.
  • Before purchasing, also review the instructions to make sure that all aspects of the "life" of the stroller and the "care" of it are perfectly clear to you.

The choice of a stroller is a responsible and difficult matter, especially if it is intended for two kids at once. TFK will help parents make this easier.

You will learn more about TFK strollers in the following video.

Watch the video: Behold the TRIPLE Stroller (July 2024).