
Domestic strollers: a review of the best manufacturers

Faced with the question of choosing a baby stroller, more and more families in Russia prefer to purchase domestically produced goods. This decision is both patriotic and justified from the point of view of saving the family budget. And our review will help you choose the best of Russian manufacturers.

Who produces Russian-made strollers?

During the Soviet era, the market for foreign firms was mostly closed, and almost all goods for children in the country were produced by many factories of the Soviet light industry. The collapse of the Union, the fall of the Iron Curtain and the ensuing economic crisis have dramatically changed the situation. and today in Russia there are only a few large manufacturers of strollers for children, namely:

  • Votkinsk Industrial Company from Votkinsk, a member of the Topol group of companies;
  • JSC PKP "Apex", which facilities are located in Dubna;
  • Yekaterinburg factory "Stack Ural";
  • firm "Little Treck" from the city of Mytishchi near Moscow.

Products of the "Votkinsk Industrial Company"

Once upon a time, the Votkinsk carriages were in almost every Soviet family. Now the situation for the Udmurt company has changed dramatically, and it has to be content with a very modest market share. At the same time, the company froze the development and production of its own models for a long time and now it is only engaged in "screwdriver" assembly of products from China and Poland.

The company's goods are produced under the Feya and Selby brands, and the total assortment offered on the official website includes 11 types of strollers. All of them are of the walking type, so if you need a convertible model, a cradle or a transport for twins, then you should pay attention to other manufacturers.

If you are looking for a lightweight and child-safe stroller-walking stick, then take a look at the Selby NS-112 model. And for those who are not afraid of 13 kg of weight, we can recommend a real jeep in the world of children's transport - Selby SS-202 with solid 30-cm pneumatic wheels.

Products of the company "Apex"

Dubna strollers have been produced since the mid-50s of the 20th century, but in Soviet times they did not even manage to come close to the popularity of strollers from Udmurtia. But now "Apex" is the sole leader among Russian manufacturers, to which the mark of 60% of all sales of Russian strollers has been submitted. Such a solid result is also surprising because the company produces only three main models - two classic ("Classic" and "Lyra") and one transformer model "Kolibri".

Despite the name, "Classic" is very unorthodox, because it combines familiar design and innovative technologies such as two swap bodies made of eco-leather (winter and summer) and powder-coated chassis. In fact, this model is basic, which can be transformed at will, for example, change the inflatable wheels to plastic ones and install a raincoat or mosquito net. "Lyra" is also made on the principle of "2 in 1", the cradle in it, if necessary, is replaced by a walking body. Finally, the "Kolibri" will pass on any ground at any time of the year, while maintaining its smooth running.

Products of the "Stack Ural" factory

Of all Russian manufacturers of children's goods, it is the Stack company that has suffered the most from the crisis events of recent years. Focusing on the quality of their goods to the detriment of the range and budget, the Urals ultimately lost a large segment of the market. One gets the impression that the management of the company has not drawn any conclusions from this. And to this day, the basis of the model range of the Yekaterinburg factory is made up of transforming strollers costing from 7 to 8 thousand rubles with purely cosmetic differences.

Reliability remains a top priority for the Stack factory, which is why frames for all models are made exclusively of steel, not lighter materials. The company's products are assembled from both domestic and imported parts.

The official website of the company contains certificates of conformity and quality for all offered strollers, so Stack strollers can be advised to everyone who wants to be 100% sure of the safety of their baby.

Baby strollers from "Little Treck"

The Mytischenskaya company is the youngest among all those presented in this review. Perhaps it was her youth and fresh ideas that helped her to squeeze out competitors and win back as much as 20% of the market. The main difference of the Little Treck philosophy is the striving for the optimal combination of price and quality. As part of this concept, the Moscow Region firm has completely abandoned the production of transformers and offers only two basic models - a stroller for newborns with a one-piece basket and a 2-in-1 with an aluminum frame and inflatable wheels. All products of the company are finished with cotton fabric with padding polyester

Another secret of Little Treck's success is that, in addition to selling transport for children, the company is actively promoting the sale of all kinds of spare parts, accessories and replacement parts for its products.

As a result, out of only two models offered by the company, each family can independently assemble an optimal design, ideally adapted specifically to its needs.

For an overview of the Little trek stroller, see the next video.

Watch the video: REVIEW: Is Doona the BEST Stroller for Travel with Kids? (July 2024).