
"Tantum Verde" during pregnancy: instructions for use

If the expectant mother has a sore throat or stomatitis, it is best to see a doctor right away. He will prescribe one of the local remedies that will quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms and will not affect the pregnancy. One of these drugs is Tantum Verde. With proper use and following the doctor's recommendations, this medicine will alleviate the woman's condition and not harm the fetus.

Features of the drug

Tantum Verde is presented in the pharmacy chain in several forms. The most popular option is the solution with which the oropharynx is treated. Such the medicine is sold in glass bottlescontaining 120 ml of a clear green liquid with a pronounced mint aroma. A measuring cup is attached to the bottle, with which the solution is collected in the required volume.

The metered spray is no less popular.... It comes in a white plastic bottle with a pump and a fold-down cannula - a white tube that carries medication. One bottle contains 30 ml of liquid medicine, which smells pleasantly of mint, transparent and colorless. It contains 176 therapeutic doses.

The third form of "Tantum Verde" is tablets that look like lollipops... They are characterized by a square shape, translucent texture, green color, pleasant smell. They are individually packaged in wrappers and sold in 10-20 tablets per pack. These lozenges are available in four different flavors - lemon, mint, orange + honey, eucalyptus.

The main ingredient in all these drugs is benzydamine hydrochloride. Its dosage in 100 ml of any of the liquid forms is 0.15 g, and in one tablet - 3 mg. In one spray dose, such a substance is contained in an amount of 0.255 mg. Another spray called "Tantum Verde Forte" is produced separately. Its significant difference from the usual metered spray is the double content of benzydamine (0.51 mg in each dose).

All varieties of Tantum Verde are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. The average price of both a bottle of solution and one bottle of spray is 250-300 rubles, a package of 20 tablets is 240-270 rubles.

Store such medicines at home in a dry place, away from sunlight. The recommended storage temperature is not higher than +25 degrees, and the shelf life of any of the drugs is 4 years.

Operating principle

The active substance "Tantum Verde" is a compound that has anti-inflammatory properties. After contact of the drug with the affected areas under the action of benzydamine, the synthesis of prostaglandins stops and the cell membranes are strengthened, which not only prevents the development of the inflammatory process, but also causes local anesthesia.

In addition, such a compound has an antiseptic effect against many bacteria. After penetration into microbial cells, benzydamine provokes their damage and disruption of metabolic reactions, as a result of which the pathogens die. Such a substance also affects fungi, so the medication is also used for candidiasis.

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

In the annotation to any form of "Tantum Verde" there is a note that the use during the waiting period of the child is not recommended, since the effect of these drugs on the fetus has not been sufficiently studied. In fact, such funds are quite often prescribed to expectant mothers, since their effect is predominantly local, and absorption into the bloodstream occurs in scanty amounts.

but due to insufficient clinical base, the use of "Tantum Verde" in the 1st trimester is undesirable... At this time, the most important organs of the baby are laid, so any external factor can have a harmful effect. And if there is an opportunity to avoid treatment, then it should be used. The use of "Tantum Verde" in the early stages is permissible only in serious cases, when the disease is more dangerous than the use of local remedies.

In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, drugs are prescribed more often, since at this time they are no longer able to disrupt important processes of fetal development. However, there are many restrictions on the use of Tantum Verde even at a later date. First of all, they relate to the spray and solution, because one of the auxiliary components of such dosage forms is ethanol. Its harmful effect on a fragile child's body has been known for a long time, therefore when treating with these types of Tantum Verde, it is important to strictly follow the dosage recommendations and in no case swallow the solution.

Lozenges and spray "Forte" are prescribed for women in position least often. When absorbed, the active substance from the lozenges enters the body in greater quantities, therefore, the risks to the fetus increase.

As for a more concentrated solution, it is as effective as a regular spray, but the double content of benzydamine causes more concern, so they also try not to use such a medicine during pregnancy.

When is it prescribed for expectant mothers?

The reason for using any of the forms of "Tantum Verde" is usually an inflammatory process in the oral cavity, as well as sore throat. Such drugs are prescribed for pregnant women with oral thrush and other types of stomatitis. They are used for angina, laryngitis, periodontal disease, pharyngitis, tongue infections, inflammation of the salivary glands or gums.

In addition, Tantum Verde can be used after various dental procedures, for example, if the expectant mother had to remove a tooth.


"Tantum Verde" is prohibited for patients who are found to be intolerant to benzydamine or other components of the drug. All forms of the drug are also contraindicated in cases where there is an allergy to any anti-inflammatory drugs of a non-steroidal structure, for example, to paracetamol. Appointment of "Tantum Verde" to women with bronchial asthma requires caution, since under its action the risk of bronchospasm increases.

Tantum Verde lozenges do not contain sugar, so they can be used for diabetes, but the presence of aspartame in the sweetener limits the use of this drug in patients with phenylketonuria (with the exception of eucalyptus and orange honey lozenges, which contain acesulfame potassium instead of aspartame). An additional contraindication for pill treatment is fructose intolerance.

Side effects

Any of the Tantum Verde variants can provoke a local reaction, such as dryness, numbness, or burning of the oral mucosa. If these symptoms appear when rinsing with a solution, it is additionally diluted with water.

If during dilution side effects remain or they have arisen in response to treatment with other forms, the use of "Tantum Verde" should be abandoned. Sometimes a lozenge, spray, or solution can also cause skin rashes or other signs of allergies. In this case, the treatment is stopped immediately.

How to apply?

Depending on the dosage form, "Tantum Verde" is used as follows.

  • The solution in the bottle is used to rinse the throat or mouth twice a day (sometimes three times). Rinsing is done after eating, after which the solution is spat out. Usually, 15 ml of undiluted medicine is taken for one procedure, but sometimes it is additionally diluted with 15 ml of water.
  • To use the spray, the cannula is rotated to an upright position, directed into the oral cavity, and then pressed on the pump while holding the breath. For one treatment, 4-8 injections must be carried out. Irrigation frequency is from 2 to 8 times a day.
  • Tableted "Tantum Verde" is used 1 piece three times a day. The lozenge is slowly absorbed in the mouth so that its active substances affect the inflamed areas as long as possible. Such a medicine is not chewed, bitten or swallowed.

The duration of treatment with any form should be less than one week. If, after 7 days from the beginning of the use of "Tantum Verde", the symptoms of inflammation still persist, the use of the drug is discontinued and again consult a doctor.


Means of the Tantum Verde line receive a lot of positive reviews, including from pregnant women. For many women, such drugs have become the best option for eliminating sore throats during the period of carrying a baby. Their advantages include ease of use, pleasant taste, high-quality packaging.

In negative reviews, they mention a weak action, the appearance of allergies and an overpriced (there are many such products at a lower price).


If there are no positive changes during the treatment with Tantum Verde, or the woman reacted to the drug with allergy symptoms, the drug is changed to a similar drug, to which the expectant mother will not have a negative reaction.

Several analogs can be noted.

  • "Lizobakt"... Such tablets based on lysozyme and vitamin B6 are recommended for women with stomatitis, gingivitis, tonsillitis and other ailments, when Tantum Verde is also used. They are allowed for expectant mothers at any time and do not have a harmful effect on the fetus.
  • "Hexaliz"... These tablets also contain lysozyme, but it is combined with an antiseptic component and a substance with anti-inflammatory properties. The medication can be used in pregnant women at any time, but only as directed by a doctor.
  • "Hexoral"... This liquid hexetidine formulation is capable of killing harmful bacteria, candida, and some viruses. It is permissible to use it while waiting for the baby for rinsing and irrigating the oropharynx, if such a treatment was prescribed by the doctor.
  • "Ingalipt"... This aerosol preparation is used in the treatment of tonsillitis, aphthous stomatitis and laryngitis. Its action is provided by eucalyptus and mint oils, as well as thymol, streptocide and sulfathiazole. During the period of bearing a child, this remedy is prescribed with caution.

You will learn more about the use of Tantum Verde during pregnancy in the following video.

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