
"Diclofenac" during pregnancy: instructions for use

"Diclofenac" is known for its analgesic effect, so it is often used for various pain sensations. Such an anti-inflammatory agent helps out with damage to muscles and joints, injuries and many other problems in which pain occurs. However, you should be more careful when taking any medications during pregnancy. And for the use of "Diclofenac" in expectant mothers, there are also some restrictions.

Types and action

In pharmacies "Diclofenac" is presented in a significant range of dosage forms. This medication is available as:

  • gel with a concentration of 1% or 5%;
  • 1% ointment;
  • solution for intramuscular injections;
  • rectal suppositories with a dosage of 50 or 100 mg;
  • coated tablets with a dosage of 25 mg or 50 mg;
  • tablets with a long-term effect (their dosage is 100 mg);
  • eye drops.

The action of all these dosage forms is provided by the same active substance, which bears the same name as the drug itself - diclofenac.

It has a pronounced effect on the inflammatory process, as it inhibits substances that cause the development of inflammation (prostaglandins). The same mechanism of action is associated with the analgesic effect of this substance, due to which "Diclofenac" is in demand for pain.

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

Application of "Diclofenac" while carrying a baby not recommended without a doctor's prescription. After examining the expectant mother, the specialist will decide whether treatment with this remedy is permissible, what dose is suitable for a particular pregnant woman and how long it will take.

As a rule, such a medication is prescribed in the minimum effective dosage for the shortest period. As soon as the pain syndrome passes and the inflammatory process begins to subside, the expectant mother should immediately stop treatment so that the effect on the fetus is minimal and there are no negative consequences.

As for the permitted terms, the first and second trimesters are considered safe, therefore, at this gestational age, "Diclofenac" can be used in expectant mothers according to indications. At the same time, oral administration and injections in the early stages are tried to be avoided, and there are no restrictions on the use of gel and ointment. But the 3rd trimester is included in the list of contraindications for all forms of this medication, therefore, for a period of 28 weeks and later, their intake is prohibited.

The reason for using "Diclofenac" while waiting for the baby is:

  • neuralgia;
  • headache;
  • joint inflammation;
  • tendovaginitis;
  • injury;
  • pain after surgery;
  • bursitis;
  • myalgia;
  • toothache;
  • pain in otitis media, pharyngitis, sore throat and other inflammatory diseases.

Features of use while waiting for a child

The most popular forms of "Diclofenac" during pregnancy are these are ointment, suppositories, drops and gel. This preference is associated with a lower percentage of absorption of the active compound and, accordingly, a lower risk for the baby. Local forms have a fairly strong analgesic and decongestant effect.

Gels and ointments

After applying a gel or ointment to the back, a damaged muscle or an inflamed joint, relief, judging by the reviews, comes very quickly, mobility is restored, and the general condition improves.

The frequency of application of the ointment and gel is usually 2-4 times a day, the duration is 7-14 days. Apply the product in a thin layer, and then rub it gently into the skin. Expectant mothers who have used such Diclofenac variants note that the gel is absorbed faster and smells good. In addition, after processing with such a gel-like mass, no greasy traces remain, which is often noted after applying the ointment.

Eye drops

Eye drops can be used for eye trauma, inflammation of the conjunctiva, corneal lesions, and in situations where the expectant mother has undergone surgical manipulation on the eyes. This type of "Diclofenac" is used 1 drop each according to the scheme prescribed by the ophthalmologist.

The duration of treatment during the period of gestation is set individually.


The use of suppositories is indicated in cases where local preparations fail, for example, if the expectant mother has neuralgia, headache or acute ear inflammation. This form of "Diclofenac" is referred to as relatively safe, but is not used for rectal lesions, for example, if a woman has an anal fissure or an aggravated hemorrhoid. The daily dose of the drug in suppositories is 100-150 mg. They, according to the instructions, are distributed for 2-3 applications during the day.


In the form of tablets, "Diclofenac" is rarely prescribed to pregnant women, especially if there are any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or digestive disorders. Such a remedy is prescribed only when urgently needed, when its therapeutic effects will exceed the possible risk, for example, with severe toothache, lumbago or arthritis. The tablets are swallowed after meals, trying not to damage the shell (do not bite), and washed down with water.

Depending on the dose used, such "Diclofenac" is drunk twice or three times a day. The permissible dosage per day is 150 mg.


Diclofenac injections are necessary in a situation where you need to quickly eliminate severe pain. The drug is injected into the muscle tissue at a dose calculated by the patient's weight. This method of using the drug is used in pregnant women in rare cases. At the same time, it is permissible to prick it only in a hospital, and the dosage is determined individually.


Refuse to use "Diclofenac" should be not only in the third trimester, but also in the presence of some other health problems. This drug should not be used in patients with:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • gastrointestinal ulcer;
  • serious liver disease;
  • hypersensitivity to diclofenac;
  • exacerbation of intestinal inflammation;
  • hemophilia and other hematopoietic problems;
  • severe kidney disease.

In tablet form, the drug is also contraindicated in glucose-galactose malabsorption and lactose intolerance. Processing with local forms is prohibited if the skin is damaged. In addition, there are many diseases when Diclofenac is used only under medical supervision. These include heart disease, anemia, diabetes mellitus, edema syndrome, and so on.

Potential harm

In the first and second trimesters, the drug can provoke various ailments if you exceed its dosage or use it together with other drugs noted in the annotation as incompatible. But even if "Diclofenac" was prescribed by a doctor and is taken according to the prescribed scheme without violating the dosage, such a drug can still cause a negative reaction of the pregnant woman's body to treatment.

Frequent side effects of this drug include abdominal pain, nausea, dizziness, loose stools, allergic rashes, and impaired appetite. Less commonly, expectant mothers experience drowsiness, sleep disturbances, high blood pressure and other negative symptoms. If they appear, you should immediately stop using Diclofenac and consult your doctor.

Oral and injection use of the drug in the 1st trimester can cause disorders of embryonic development, spontaneous miscarriage and congenital anomalies. In this case, the teratogenic effect is higher if high doses are used or the drug is used for a long time. Because of this risk, taking "Diclofenac" in the early stages must be monitored by a doctor, the dosage should be minimal, and the duration of admission should be as short as possible.

When using any of the dosage forms in the third trimester, the following problems are possible:

  • weakening of labor;
  • other complications of the course of labor;
  • premature overgrowth of the ductus arteriosus in the fetus;
  • disruption of kidney function in a baby;
  • poor contraction of the uterus after childbirth;
  • postpartum bleeding.

What to replace?

There are many analogues of "Diclofenac" in terms of the active ingredient, therefore, if such a drug is not in the pharmacy, the expectant mother can use one of them in the same dosage form and concentration. For example, local forms can be replaced with "Voltaren Emulgel", spray or plaster "Voltaren", ointment or gel "Ortofen", gel "Diklovit", cream "Diclofenacol" or gel "Diklak".

If the expectant mother was prescribed eye drops, then "Diklo-F" is produced in this form, if suppositories are prescribed, you can use the drugs "Diklovit" and "Naklofen". When using tablets, it is possible to replace with such analogs as "Voltaren", "Diklak", "Diclogen", "Ortofen"... These drugs have the same effect on the body, so the indications and possible negative effects are the same.

As analogues of "Diclofenac" can be used and drugs with a different active ingredient, but with a similar effect. For example, if the expectant mother has a severe toothache or headache, the doctor will prescribe one of the paracetamol-based drugs. Such medicines are considered relatively harmless to the fetus and can be used at any stage of pregnancy.

No less popular are drugs that contain ibuprofen, but they, like Diclofenac, are prohibited in the third trimester because of the possible negative effect on labor.

Video instruction on the use of "Diclofenac" is presented below.

Watch the video: Painkiller medicine in pregnancy, medicine for fever in pregnancy (July 2024).