
"Aspirin" during pregnancy: instructions for use

Treatment of women in position is often a difficult task, because many of the medicines we are used to can harm the baby in the womb. Therefore, if the expectant mother is faced with any ailment, one should not take the medicines that she drank before pregnancy on her own. Always first you need to consult with your doctor, who will tell you if the drug used poses a danger to the fetus. One of these drugs is Aspirin. Quite often, it is undesirable for women in a position to drink it.

Features of the drug

The medicine is produced by the German company Bayer in several forms. It used to be a flat, small, white scored 500mg tablet, but is now offered under the name "Aspirin Express" in the form of fast-acting effervescent tablets. They are round, flat, odorless, white in color, and engraved on one side in the form of a corporate cross.

Such a drug is sold packed in strips of 2 tablets, and one package contains 12 or 24 tablets. Its main ingredient is a compound called "acetylsalicylic acid", presented in a dose of 500 mg. It is complemented by substances such as sodium citrate, sodium carbonate and citric acid. The shelf life of this medicine is 3 years from the date of manufacture. The drug is sold without a prescription, and the average price of 12 effervescent tablets is 250 rubles.

Issued separately Aspirin Cardio, characterized by a lower dosage and the presence of an enteric coating. It is represented by round convex white tablets, which are sold in 28 and 56 pieces. One tablet of such a drug contains 100 or 300 mg of the active substance. Taking this drug It is indicated for thinning blood, therefore it is in demand with a high risk of thrombosis and thromboembolism.

Another type of "Aspirin" are effervescent tablets, in which acetylsalicylic acid at a dosage of 400 mg is combined with vitamin C at a dose of 240 mg. This medicine is called "Aspirin-S"... It is prescribed for colds and viral diseases of the respiratory tract, since ascorbic acid enhances the effectiveness of acetylsalicylic acid and at the same time reduces its harmful effect on the digestive tract.

Bayer's product range also includes "Aspirin Complex"... This medication, available in portioned sachets, is prescribed for high fever, nasal congestion, muscle pain and headache, sneezing, and other signs of SARS. It acts due to three active substances at once - acetylsalicylic acid, chlorphenamine and phenylephrine.

This effervescent powder is not used during pregnancy.

Operating principle

The acetylsalicylic acid present in all types of "Aspirin" has analgesic effect, as well as the ability to lower the temperature with febrile syndrome and reduce the severity of inflammation. Such therapeutic effects are associated with the effect of this acid on cyclooxygenase. This enzyme is important for the production of prostaglandins (substances that cause fever, pain and inflammation), so blocking it prevents these active substances from exerting their effects.

Is it allowed for pregnant women?

The mechanism of action of "Aspirin" can have a negative effect on both gestation (increases the risk of interruption) and on the development of the fetus. If you use such a medicine in the 1st trimester, then the percentage of defects in the development of the embryo increases, for example, the crumbs have defects of the heart or upper palate. For this reason, taking "Aspirin" and any of its analogues in the early stages is strictly prohibited.

This drug is no less harmful at the end of pregnancy, since it can affect labor, inhibiting it. If a woman takes Aspirin Express in the 3rd trimester, it can negatively affect the baby's condition.

Among the frequent pathologies provoked by acetylsalicylic acid in the last weeks of pregnancy, too early overgrowth of the ductus arteriosus and intracranial hemorrhages are noted. The ability of "Aspirin" to thin the blood also significantly increases the risk of bleeding in both the expectant mother and the baby. That's why the third trimester is also the period when this medicine is prohibited for use.

The only time when Aspirin Express is relatively harmless to the baby and the uterus is the 2nd trimester. But even in the middle of pregnancy, drinking such a medicine is permissible. only as directed by a physician. Its reception is permitted with caution and only in cases where it really cannot be done without it, and other, safer medicines are not at hand.

In this case, the use of "Aspirin" must be short-term, and the dosage is lower than traditional. The same restrictions apply to Aspirin-C and Aspirin Cardio.

When is it prescribed for expectant mothers?

Due to its pronounced analgesic effect, Aspirin Express can be used by pregnant women for severe headaches, as well as for sore throat, toothache and other pain syndromes. The ability of the drug to reduce body temperature in case of fever can be used by expectant mothers for colds and infectious diseases. The same indications are noted for Aspirin-C tablets.

As for the appointment of "Aspirin Cardio" during pregnancy, it is often due to abnormalities in blood tests, when there is a risk of increased clotting and the appearance of blood clots. Such a drug is prescribed to expectant mothers with thrombophlebitis, antiphospholipid syndrome, placental insufficiency, varicose veins, and a high risk of preeclampsia.

In such patients, the drug will improve blood microcirculation, reduce the likelihood of thrombosis and fetal hypoxia.


The instruction to "Aspirin" contains a rather large list of pathological conditions when such a medication is undesirable or dangerous to take. These include peptic ulcer disease, renal failure, bronchial asthma, liver disease, heart disease and many other problems. If a woman has any chronic diseases or complications are observed during gestation, taking the pills must be monitored by a doctor.

The action of the drug and its harm to the patient's body is also influenced by the combination of Aspirin with some other drugs, for example, with anticoagulants, antidiabetic agents or other analgesics.

If the expectant mother is already taking some medications, then it is important to clarify compatibility in advance so as not to provoke dangerous consequences.

Side effects

Among the negative effects observed while taking Aspirin, uncomfortable symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract, for example, nausea, pain in the stomach or heartburn, are most often recorded. In some patients, the tablets irritate the lining of the digestive system so badly that it causes an ulcer or bleeding.

The drug can also affect the nervous system, provoking tinnitus, headaches, hearing impairment or dizziness. Due to the effect of acetylsalicylic acid on the hematopoietic system, taking pills can also cause bleeding, for example, from the gums or from the nose. Not uncommon and allergic reactions to "Aspirin", among which there are mild skin reactions, and more dangerous manifestations of allergies, for example, anaphylactic shock.

How to use?

Taking "Aspirin Express" is recommended after meals. The tablet is dissolved in a glass of water, and then the resulting solution is drunk. A single dosage for a specific pregnant woman should be advised by a doctor, but it is often lower than the doses recommended for adult patients.

If non-pregnant women can take 1-2 tablets per appointment, then expectant mothers are advised to take no more than 300 mg at a time. In this case, it is desirable that the dose is minimal, but provides the desired effect. Therefore, it will be different for individual women, because for someone, 75-100 mg is enough, and someone will see the therapeutic effect only after taking 250-300 mg.

Usually the medication is used only sporadicallyif the expectant mother has a very high temperature or very disturbing pain. If a second dose is required, then it is allowed no earlier than 4 hours after the previous dose.

It is also important to note that the duration of use should be short. Drinking such a drug for longer than 3-5 days is undesirable, because this will increase its side effects.

If the expectant mother uses Aspirin-S, then such tablets are also dissolved in water and taken after meals. At one time, use half a tablet so that a single dose does not exceed 300 mg. Like Aspirin Express, it is recommended to take such a remedy only when necessary, and if you need to use it for several days, then such treatment should not exceed 3-5 days.

If it is necessary to take "Aspirin Cardio" the tablet is drunk 1 time per day at a dosage of 100-300 mg per day. The duration of the use of such a medicine must be determined by the doctor. The drug is recommended to be swallowed before meals, and then washed down with water in large quantities. This mode of administration will not harm the gastric mucosa, because the tablets have a protective shell, due to which acetylsalicylic acid begins to be released from Aspirin Cardio only in the intestines.


You can find many positive reviews about the use of Aspirin while waiting for a baby. Women note the effectiveness of such a remedy with increased blood clotting, the risk of gestosis and thrombophlebitis. They confirm that the occasional intake of the drug in the dose prescribed by the doctor in the second trimester did not affect the baby's condition in any way and did not cause complications of pregnancy. At the same time, the majority of patients noted the normal tolerance of the drug, but in some women it caused negative reactions, for example, nausea or an allergic rash.


Pharmaceutical companies produce quite a lot of acetylsalicylic acid preparations that can replace Aspirin. These include "Upsarin UPSA", "Trombo ASS", "CardiASK", "Aspikor", "Sanovask" and other means.

However, they are all prohibited in the 1st and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy, and in the second trimester they are used only according to indications in a minimum dose.

If there is an opportunity to replace Aspirin with less harmful options, the expectant mother should certainly use it. For fever or pain, it is primarily about paracetamol preparations, represented by suppositories, suspensions, effervescent tablets and other forms. They are allowed at any stage of pregnancy, but they are used only after consulting a doctor.

The second option is ibuprofen drugs, which have a fairly strong antipyretic and analgesic effect. However, in the third trimester, their intake is undesirable, since ibuprofen can affect the contractility of the uterus, which will delay the onset of labor.

If an antiplatelet effect is required, then "Aspirin" can be replaced with "Curantil". Such pills not only promote blood thinning, but also dilate blood vessels, and also have an immunostimulating effect. It is a fetal safe medicine that can be used at any stage of pregnancy.

For more information on taking the drug "Aspirin" during pregnancy, see the next video.

Watch the video: Aspirin during pregnancy. Loprin tablet uses in pregnancy. Ecosprin 75 mg used for pregnancy (July 2024).