
Newborn diapers - size, standard

Not so long ago, the generally accepted rules for caring for newborns began to change. In this connection, the question began to arise in every family: "To swaddle or not?" Today's parents face an even more difficult task when it comes to choosing diapers. Today manufacturers produce them in a variety of shapes, sizes, purposes and functionality.

Products with colorful drawings

What is a newborn diaper for?

Children, being 9 months in the mother's belly, get used to the tightness. After birth, nothing more fetters them. During sleep, the muscles of the arms and legs can twitch, which is why the child, shuddering in a dream, wakes himself up. This is the main reason a mother agrees on the benefits of swaddling. Children in the first month of life are really more comfortable sleeping.

The advantage of swaddling is its low cost. Rompers and undershirts are much more expensive, and besides, there should be several sets of such clothes in the house so that there is something to put on for the newborn while the soiled things are washed and dried.

Important! The opinion of the older generation that with the help of tight swaddling it is possible to achieve alignment of the baby's legs, medicine has been refuted. As well as the fact that tight swaddling negatively affects the development of the child's personality and self-sufficiency.

To swaddle or not to swaddle, the mother herself decides, relying on her own skills, preferences and financial capabilities. Even in a family where children are not swaddled, there is still a sufficient number of diapers that are actively used in caring for a newborn:

  • they are placed under the baby when they are placed somewhere other than his crib (on a sofa, in a cradle, on a hammock for bathing);
  • they cover the child for a walk in the summer, when, except for a diaper, he is wearing nothing;
  • absorbent models are placed under the baby when he takes air baths without a diaper;
  • covered with insulated models in cool weather;
  • absorbent diapers are used to blot the baby's skin after bathing;
  • while playing on a developing rug or a floor with toys, a diaper is also placed under the baby.

The complete absence of diapers in the house will not be a tragedy, but will significantly increase the volume of daily washings, because in this case the baby will get dirty with sheets and duvet covers.

Types of diapers and their variety

Modern diapers can be found in a wide variety of types, materials and purposes. If you learn to use at least some of them, childcare will be greatly facilitated.

Warm diapers

The insulated cotton-based fabric allows you to use the nappies as a light blanket that keeps you warm. Some models are reversible, with one side biker and the other fleece.

Thin diapers

Standard size cotton baby diapers are suitable for swaddling up to two months. They are often used to cover the surface on which the baby will be laid.

Modern absorbent models

This type is loved by mothers for its undeniable functionality. On the underside, they are waterproof, on a polyethylene base. The top layer consists of a thin synthetic fiber mixed with cotton, under which an absorbent layer is evenly distributed; in the most inexpensive options, it resembles cotton wool. Such diapers allow you to leave the baby without diapers, without fear for the cleanliness of the bed. Although these models are more convenient for girls than for boys, they are still actively used by mothers of children of both sexes.

Disposable absorbent models

Interesting. The advantage of using absorbent diapers in girls lies in the difference in the structure of the genitals: boys, due to their physiology, lying on their backs without a diaper, are able to wet everything around, but not the diaper under them.

Hooded diaper after swimming

Usually such products are mistaken for insulated specimens, however, the height and stiffness of the pile make it clear that the main function of such a model is moisture absorption. Unlike modern multi-layer diapers with an absorbent layer, these are reusable, like other fabric ones.

Diaper cocoon with Velcro

Diapers with Velcro are a real find for those who find it difficult to learn changing swaddling, but the process itself is actively practiced. No need to think about how to properly wind the corner of the fabric under the handle and behind the back of the newborn. Thanks to the special pattern, it is enough to put the baby in the center of the product, and then fix the free edges with Velcro on the chest. Most of these diapers are made of knitwear, so they fit snugly to the body, but do not hinder movement.


Practical housewives choose them, because it is this fabric that is particularly durable. Its second useful property is the ability to absorb liquid and retain heat. Many mothers use flannel diapers along with thin cotton ones as an additional layer of insulation.


Newborn diapers, the size of which reaches one and a half meters in length, are usually sewn from chintz. This type of product is used both as a bedding in a stroller or carry cot, and in the form of a canopy that shelters from the sun's rays in hot weather. An indisputable plus of this material is the ability to dry quickly.

Optimal size for a newborn

The size standards of a baby diaper for newborns no longer depend on the weight and height of the baby, but on what fabric the product is made of. According to GOST, ready-made diapers can have 4 sizes for each type of fabric.


The standards allow the following sizes of diapers for newborns, the table includes figures for flip-flops and cotton products.

Sizes of finished diapers

Fabric typeWidth x length, cm
Warm75-90x100; 80-90x110; 75-90x120; 90x130
Easy80x95; 75-95x100; 75-80x120; 90x130

If there is no desire to swaddle the baby, you can opt for the largest size, since it is convenient for them to cover the changing table, scales and other surfaces.

What size should the diaper be

For the convenience of swaddling, manufacturers make products according to a single dimensional grid, according to which you can choose the desired option from birth to one year.

Size Chart by Age

Sizes according to age

Age, monthsThe sizeDimensions, cm

Interesting... Hyperactive babies are swaddled even at the threshold of one year of age. This allows you to increase your sleep time

Swaddling children up to a year

Required number of diapers

Preparing for the appearance of a newborn, each parental couple thinks about what exactly needs to be bought for the baby and in what quantity.

To the maternity hospital

Today, state maternity hospitals provide a woman who has given birth with the necessary number of diapers for free, taking the soiled ones for washing every day, and in return providing clean ironed ones.

For home

Home it is worth buying the necessary minimum of 5 pieces of flannel and 5 pieces of chintz. During operation, it will become clear how much and what kind of material still needs to be purchased, or the available quantity is quite enough.

Criterias of choice

When choosing products for a baby, you should mainly pay attention to the quality of fabric processing. Double-sided products should be well-sewn, and for single-layer models, the edges should be evenly processed.

Important! Be sure to pay attention to the label - synthetics in the composition are unacceptable.

Swaddling Tips

Tight swaddling, popular decades ago, was accepted by society as harmful, in connection with which another technique came to replace it - free swaddling. In some maternity hospitals it continues to be promoted today. The pediatrician of the highest category, Komarovsky E.O., is sure that tight wrapping of the child in tissue can significantly impede the infant's breathing.

Diaper care rules

It is recommended to have a separate basket for baby clothes. Diapers are washed only with special baby products. Ironing on both sides will be an additional heat treatment that disinfects the tissue after contamination with biological products of the infant's vital activity.

Velcro cocoon

What and how to dress her baby, every mother decides for herself. Do not be nervous about the fact that it is impossible to turn the baby into a beautiful cocoon. If you want to swaddle your baby, you can always use Velcro models, otherwise it will not be a mistake to give preference to undershirts and forget about the problem of swaddling.

Watch the video: 50 Cloth Diapers On A Newborn- Covers, Flats, Prefolds, Fitteds u0026 More! Indexed For Easy Reference! (July 2024).