
Stretch ceilings for a girl's nursery

At least two requirements are always put forward to the ceiling of a children's room, namely: complete safety for the child and aesthetics. If the first component is important in any case, then the second is even more relevant if a girl lives in the nursery. Stretch ceiling is one of the best modern ways to achieve two goals at once.


It is rather difficult to single out any specific features of a stretch ceiling, since in fact we are not talking about any one product or material, but about a number of developments, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Almost the only thing that unites them is the design principle, in which, in addition to the main, corpus ceiling, another level is added, the main task of which is to decorate the room.

However, the convenience of such a solution also lies in the ability to hide from sight various communications, be it electrical wiring or fire alarm. It is possible to integrate lamps into the stretch ceiling. Due to the huge variety of materials used, completely different characteristics can be achieved.


The most common materials for the manufacture of stretch ceilings are called drywall and fabric. Each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  • Drywall good because it does not burn at all, and it also has a certain resistance to moisture. It is often also chosen because such a ceiling is mounted in pieces, so that if one fragment is damaged, the owners of the apartment will not have to change the entire ceiling - it will be enough to replace one piece. Among other things, drywall also does not collect dust, which is very useful, since the latter is almost the main cause of allergies in children.
  • As for the fabric, then its advantages lie in completely different planes. All consumers, without exception, note that the ceiling made of fabric always has a more comfortable, "home" look, and also provides much better insulation of the room - both sound and thermal. Some designs even allow you to remove the cloth for washing, although, of course, you should not do this too often.
  • Stretch ceilings made of synthetic film are less common. This material is relatively inexpensive, in addition, it does not allow water to pass through in small quantities, but it does not "breathe" contributing to the formation of mold, it ignites very quickly when ignited, and most importantly, the material is considered quite toxic, therefore, inappropriate for a nursery.


Stretch ceilings can be classified according to a number of different criteria, and we will start with the ability to reflect light. The matte surface is close in visual effect to the classic finish, it can be of any color, and is not an accent in itself.

The lacquered glossy ceiling already inevitably attracts attention, since it shines brightly and partially reflects the silhouettes of large objects, visually enlarging the room.

The top of this illusion is mirrored ceilings, the reflection in which looks quite realistic; they are usually white (for a noticeable increase in the room) and black (for an interesting contrast) colors, but other shades are also possible.

In terms of visual design, the ceiling can be monochromatic, which will fit into any interior and any situation, decorated with a picture or even full-fledged photo printing. As for the type of construction, it can be either a classical one-level or more complex - with two or more levels. A two-level design is usually used either for a clear division of a room into functional zones, or in a situation where the internal placement of lamps will make the ceiling too low. In the second situation, built-in lamps are simply placed along the walls, and there the ceiling is lower than in the whole room, but the center is higher and more spacious.


The texture of the stretch ceiling directly depends on the material used.

If matte drywall is chosen, then the surface will in many ways resemble plaster - it will not even necessarily be perfectly smooth, a slight, pleasant-looking roughness is possible. It looks especially beautiful when painted in certain colors, creating a special feeling of comfort.

If the ceiling is made of fabric, then usually, under strong tension, it seems perfectly even and smooth, however, slight hairiness is possible - it all depends on what kind of fabric the customers chose. The disadvantage of this solution is that when flowing from above, the fabric will let water through , in this situation its sagging and deformation is possible, which over time will stretch the material and form folds, which can only be eliminated by repeated stretching.

If, for some reason, preference was nevertheless given to a synthetic film, then its texture is a perfectly flat surface, by the appearance of which an uninformed person will never guess that there is actually a membrane in front of him.

Again, when flooded, the texture may be disturbed, but since the product does not allow moisture to pass through, this will be expressed in the sagging of the ceiling.

Color solutions

Do not think that the standard colors for a girl are exclusively pink or lilac. Even if you prefer the ceiling of a particular color, pay attention to pastel colors, and not only the indicated colors, but also more “unexpected” ones, such as blue, emerald or even brown.

The only requirement is that the ceiling should not be too bright, because under it the girl is still sleeping, and for this she must first calm down and relax.

If the preference in the design is given to a drawing or photo printing, when choosing an image, start from the age of your daughter, first of all. The baby, of course, will really like the fairy-tale motives - there you can put the heroes of your favorite cartoons, princesses, fairies and much more. A dreamy and romantic nature will definitely appreciate the ceiling, which, in its design, resembles a garden.

An interesting solution will also be the combination of a plain and decorated with an image of the surface. Typically, this design is designed for a two-level ceiling, when the lower part located at the edges of the room is monochromatic and hides lamps inside, and the higher central part is decorated with a print. At the same time, there are no specific recommendations regarding the size of the drawing - it can occupy both most of the room, except for its very edges, or be a relatively small accent. By the way, the location in the center is the most common, but still not required.

Tips for choosing

When choosing a specific stretch ceiling, pay attention not only to the performance of the material, but also to the aesthetic effect of the repair. To do this, do not forget about a few things:

  • A girl's preferences vary with age... If you want an "eternal" ceiling, it is better to choose a neutral design, and if you are ready to change it in a few years, be more careful about your choice. It is useful for a baby not to overload the top of the room with an excessive abundance of visual details; in preschool age, on the contrary, colors and elements are very important, for teenagers, the diversity will again need to be reduced.
  • A curtsey towards the daughter's hobbies will be very appropriate.... If a girl, for example, has idols among musicians, then a monochromatic or flower-garden solution may be pleasant, but only the thematic design dedicated to her favorite band will cause real delight.
  • In pursuit of an interesting image and full compliance with the child's hobbies, do not forget that the design of the nursery should look holistic and harmonious... Even a ceiling, which is very practical in terms of price and quality, will have to be discarded if it does not fit at all into the room being repaired - unless it turns out that it would be much easier to change everything that prevents it from becoming an integral part of the interior.

Examples of spectacular designs

It can be difficult to decide on any complex experiments with the ceiling if you have never seen such a thing before and have no idea what you can end up with. For this purpose, we have collected several illustrative examples of what the final result might look like.

The first photo is a vivid example of the most simple two-level ceiling. It is quite simple in itself, but its example clearly shows that simplicity is not always a sign of bad taste.

However, this does not mean at all that the forms should be extremely simple and strictly classical. On the contrary, use the most unexpected forms, do not be afraid to create - the second example shows that good imagination will never be superfluous.

Many, by the way, are dubious about the idea of ​​giving preference to mirrored ceilings - this is too unusual an idea for the champions of the classics. The first photo showed a glossy sample, but the third clearly shows the plausibility of the specular reflection and its effect of enlarging the room.

If you are not sure that a beautiful picture on the ceiling will be appropriate, pay attention to the last of the above samples.

For information on what options are possible stretch ceilings in the children's room, see the next video.

Watch the video: Stretch Ceiling Installation (July 2024).