
Wallpaper in the room of teenage girls

A private room is the place that should be as comfortable as possible for its owner, both for relaxation and for performing certain tasks. The interior of the room should be selected in such a way that it helps to relieve stress, suggests something good, and, of course, in one way or another corresponds to the interests and hobbies of the owner of the bedroom. In the case of a teenage girl, this all plays a particularly important role.

The most common wall decoration material these days is wallpaper - let's talk about them.


There are so many wallpapers in the modern world that sometimes it is even strange how such a concept can be so diverse. Now there are so many types of wallpapers that it is simply impossible to make an abstract choice in their favor until you have a clear idea of ​​what they are. Most often, you can find the following varieties suitable for a teenage bedroom:

  • Paper. Actually, everyone is familiar with the classics, but in a slightly improved performance - progress still does not stand still. They are good, first of all, with a truly huge assortment of colors and patterns, as well as a low price. Their main drawback is the relatively low strength, but this is also a plus - the daughter is growing, her tastes change, and once again such a finish can be re-glued easily and inexpensively. Please also note that paper wallpapers are suitable only for walls with a perfectly flat surface.
  • Non-woven. The main raw material for non-woven wallpaper is the same as for paper, but the result is better. The main thing is the ability of such a finish to stretch, which perfectly masks wall defects and simplifies butt-gluing. In addition, this type of wallpaper almost always allows wet cleaning, and if the chosen design gets tired, the wall can be repainted even over the wallpaper.

  • Fiberglass. This variety is almost always available in a pure white variation, since this finish predominantly involves subsequent staining. Despite the convex texture, these wallpapers repel dust, they are difficult to tear or scratch, but they are easy to wash, and they also do not burn at all. The developers of the highest quality options recommend using them for several decades without changing, just periodically repainting them in a new color. The only drawback is the high cost, but the service life and the named advantages negate everything.

  • Cork. Still a very rare solution that attracts with its excellent insulating characteristics - the material does not transmit neither heat nor sound. This wallpaper also does not absorb odors and does not fade in the sun. Some varieties are even produced with a special adhesive layer covered with a film - that is, you do not need to buy additional glue for them! Designers advise choosing a cork to create coziness, but it has one, and quite significant, drawback - the limited palette of exclusively natural cork colors that are difficult to fit into the interior.

  • Bamboo. They can have both a natural shade and be colored. They are distinguished by high durability and resistance to any damage, they are able not only to retain, but also to store heat. They are completely neutral to wet cleaning, and most importantly, they fit perfectly into the "summer" design.

  • Photo wallpaper. This type of wallpaper is often perceived as something separate, but in fact they differ only visually in the images applied to them. In terms of material, it is almost always ordinary paper or non-woven wallpaper.


If you do not have the skills of a cool designer, it is better to initially decide on the style of the future design - this way it will be easier to ensure the compatibility of all interior details. In case the room of a teenage girl will be covered with wallpaper, be sure to pay attention to the following styles:

  • Modern. This is practicality and convenience with a minimum of unnecessary details that have no practical functions. Pure neutral colors and smooth walls play a dominant role here, and wallpaper can be anything, even inexpensive.
  • English. This style is somewhat reminiscent of modern, but there are still more details here. A characteristic feature of the English style is the use of the colors of the British flag - blue, white and red, as well as their shades.
  • Nautical. Dreams of distant wanderings or just about the sea and the beach are inherent not only to boys, so the girl will also like this decision. Again, the main thing for the wallpaper here is the right colors, namely blue, white and yellow in various shades. Themed images on the wallpaper are also quite acceptable, from stylized steering wheels and lifebuoys to gorgeous photo wallpapers with a full-wall ship or a beach with palm trees.

  • Provence. An excellent solution for young mademoiselles who like everything French. As for the wallpaper, the style requires light shades - first of all, white, and the like. As part of the style, the main tone is perfectly diluted with shades close to natural wood. For the interior of Provence, choose the simplest wallpaper, paper or non-woven.
  • High tech. Be careful - most girls don't like this style, as there is little comfort in it, but there are some who like it. Here, the requirements for wallpaper are the same as for the modern style, although there are no restrictions on colors.

  • Classical. If you do not want any difficulties and think that the best is the time-tested one, give preference to the classics. Use any traditional type of wallpaper, even paper, with a typical pattern for girls - for example, with flowers.

Design and color

You should also pay attention to the design of the wallpaper. Nowadays, there are hundreds, and even thousands, of variants of drawings, there are even wallpapers with drawings and inscriptions. However, it is necessary to start only from the taste of the owner of the room - choose what she likes. The easiest way is to ask her directly about this - she is already quite old and will probably want to take part in the design of her home.

The only thing that should be avoided is gloomy tones and patterns, because even if the girl herself wants just such an interior, it will negatively affect her, especially given her difficult age. If there is not enough natural light in the room, give up dark tones in principle.

When choosing a color, start equally from the wishes of the girl and the lighting of the room. For a girl's room, the following wallpaper colors are often chosen:

  • beige perfectly lightens even the darkest room, promotes relaxation and calming, but requires supplementing itself with several bright details;

  • shades of blue look gorgeous and cheer up perfectly in sunny weather, but if the windows of the room do not face the sunny side and the house is often cool, it is better to forget about these colors;

  • purple it is very beautiful in itself, but it is difficult to carry it in large quantities, and it also evokes despondency, so its use is permissible only with a large number of light accessories;

Features of color combination

The right combination of several colors can give an interior much more than any single color would. There are a few common ideas that don't always sound like a win-win. In order to avoid popular mistakes, let's see what combinations are usually used:

  • symbiosis of light green and pink, at first glance, it may seem somewhat strange, but in fact it is a typical feminine solution, soothes well, but at the same time it is not devoid of energy;
  • white with red and black inserts - a popular solution for adult bedrooms, but you can't go too far with the last two colors, otherwise you won't be able to relax properly here;

  • white and pink - a common color combination, the relevance of which is overestimated, since this option is still more suitable for little girls, and it is too relaxing;

  • White and black - a rather restrained option, which, with the right approach, does not prevent him from being cozy, ideal for focused, calm girls.

How to choose a bedroom?

Actually, we have already got a good idea of ​​the available options, it remains to decide what to choose. It is guaranteed that the thought of consulting with the daughter will be sensible - after all, the room is being made for her, and at least she should have the right to vote when choosing. Another thing is that you cannot look only at the apparent attractiveness in the window - you should take into account a few more important points that most consumers for some reason forget about.

  • The very fact that the wallpaper is chosen for a room where someone lives permanently already puts forward certain requirements for decoration. First of all, it should be environmentally friendly, not pose any danger to a person, not contribute to the growth of fungus and mold in the room - the latter requires the wallpaper to "breathe", that is, to allow air and moisture to pass through.
  • Purely practical points are also important. For example, many embossed wallpapers are capable of collecting dust, and even the admissibility of wet cleaning does not completely eliminate the problem - you will either have to constantly rub the wall or breathe dust. In order not to think about it at all, choose materials with an antistatic effect - they themselves will repel dust. It's not bad, by the way, to choose non-combustible wallpaper - just in case.
  • As much as you like a particular roll of wallpapernever pick it up without considering how well it blends in with the rest of the room. Remember that wallpaper should form a single image of the interior, along with furniture and accessories.
  • If you plan to glue wallpaper yourself, think also about how difficult it will be. Give preference to more durable varieties, perhaps without overly complex patterns that require special layout. When buying, check exactly how gluing is done, and how demanding this roll is on the flatness of the surface.
  • Remember that the design must match the current hobbies of the hostess.but do not forget also that it is growing. Great wallpapers for girls of 12 years old may still contain certain fabulous or childish motives, while at 16 they are already completely irrelevant. If you feel that the child's tastes will change soon, it is better to choose paper wallpapers - at her 14 years old you can replace them, and this will not hit the family budget. For a typical teenager 13-15 years old, it is better to choose wallpaper that is not explicitly tied to a specific age.

If you ignore these requirements, you risk ruining the impression of a teenage girl's room with even the best wallpaper.


Caring for wallpaper in a teenage girl's room is no different from caring for it in any other room.. Most modern types of wallpaper are washable, the obvious exception is paper. At the same time, in any case, when buying, check if this particular variety can be washed, because non-woven, for example, almost all are washed, but there are wallpapers of this type, washing which you will find yourself in need of re-repair. Paper options do not recognize wet cleaning at all, since the paper simply breaks into pieces from exposure to water.

As far as dust is concerned, it can be removed in several ways. Many durable embossed wallpapers can be vacuum cleaned, but this usually only applies to expensive varieties, such as glass cloth or bamboo. For paper use only a dry rag, but if the coating allows wet cleaning, the rag can be wet.

Beautiful design ideas in the interior

Do not be afraid to make the interior two-tone - this will make it less monotonous, and, like any cocktail, will highlight the best qualities of all components. At the same time, single out the role of the main one for one of the colors, while the second will simply complement - give him one wall entirely or even only separate fragments of the wall, you can also emphasize it with accessories of a similar shade.

Not just the second color, but the whole image, both a hand-drawn picture and natural photo wallpaper, can act as a chic decoration. There is a stereotype according to which for this purpose it is necessary to select the entire wall as a whole. In fact, no, you can "inscribe" the image as a picture. And one more thing: the pictures are made in order to see them well, so place them in the light, and not in the darkest corner of the room.

If you clearly like the wallpaper, but there is a suspicion that it will depress, "dilute" them. For example, cover one or two walls with them, and not the entire room, use any decorative elements, or simply choose another wallpaper - the same shade, but with an unobtrusive pattern.

See the next video for even more interesting room design ideas for teenage girls.

Watch the video: Cute Wallpaper for teenage girls room decorating ideas (July 2024).