
How to use the newborn gas tube?

A distended tummy and colic are common problems in a newborn. To relieve the baby of pain, mom is ready to resort to any method, including the use of a gas tube. Such a product really effectively removes excess gas, therefore it is in demand among young parents. If the manipulation is approved by the pediatrician, it is imperative to clarify the algorithm and technique for setting the tube, how to insert it correctly, for how long and how often to put it. Let's take a closer look at how to use the newborn gas tube.

Features and types

The standard vent tube is a hollow tube with a tapered tip. As the name implies, it is designed to remove gases accumulated in the infant's intestines. They are excreted through the tube, which helps to eliminate discomfort and pain. There are several options for tubes and catheters on the market that help gas quickly leave the baby's large intestine. Reusable elastic rubber products. They are affordable but require boiling before use. The size of such a tube is selected taking into account the age of the baby.

Many manufacturers offer and disposable rectal tubes with a rounded end and side vents for better gas removal (Roxy Kids, "Baby"). They are completely safe for newborns, come in several sizes and are often labeled to control insertion.

Disposable Windi catheters are convenient and easy to use. They are made of an elastic material that softens with body heat. Judging by the reviews, the main advantage of such products is the presence of a limiter, and the disadvantage is the high cost.

Important! If the parents do not want to spend money on the purchase of a special device, an analogue of a gas outlet tube can be made with your own hands from a rubber pear by cutting off its tip. The functionality of such a homemade device will be exactly the same as that of a purchased one.

Should you use it?

The tube should be inserted into the baby's rectum only in a situation where the baby cannot get rid of gas on its own, and they cause him severe discomfort. In most newborns, this condition manifests itself in the following cases:

  • strong unrestrained crying, in which the baby's face turns red;
  • swollen, tight tummy;
  • pressing the legs to the chest, ineffectual grunting;
  • stool retention;
  • refusal to eat and decreased appetite;
  • ineffectiveness of other measures (attachment to the chest, motion sickness, tummy massage, medications).

Often, an attack of colic, provoked by the accumulation of gas, does not last long, but many parents cannot stand the cry of the little one and try to help him as soon as possible. However, doctors call the use of a gas outlet tube a rather radical solution, which should be resorted to only when indicated.

Before you buy an accessory and put a tube to the baby, you should contact a doctor and together with him find out why an infant cannot get rid of abdominal pain and bloating on his own.

Colic is usually caused by anatomical immaturity of the intestines, but for some babies, the situation is complicated by other factors. For example, if the mother incorrectly selected the nipple for the bottle or incorrectly applies the newborn to the breast, the baby will swallow air during feeding, which will lead to painful sensations.

To reduce seizures, the doctor, depending on the results of the survey, will advise you to adjust the nutrition of the nursing mother, check the correct application or feeding from the bottle.

Sometimes a gas outlet tube can be not only useless, but also harmful, so using such an accessory should only be done after the permission of the pediatrician. For example, rectal tubes and catheters should not be used for cracked anus or an inflammatory process in the rectum.

Preparation for use

It is worth paying attention to the following steps:

  1. check the quality of the purchased gas outlet pipe; the product should not be defective, and its size should be suitable for newborns; carefully inspect the packaging and read the instructions that are usually attached to the straw;
  2. if a reusable accessory is used, it should be boiled and cooled, and if disposable catheters and tubes are used, check the integrity of their packaging to ensure sterility;
  3. it is also important to pay attention to the handling of the hands of an adult who will insert the tube; they must be washed with soap and, if possible, treated with an antiseptic;
  4. it is convenient for the baby to carry out the procedure on the changing table, because it is quite soft, but has a waterproof coating; to make the baby comfortable, cover the table on top with a soft diaper.

Step by step instructions and rules

When everything is ready for manipulation, do the following:

  1. put the baby on a table or other surface on the back;
  2. dip the end of the tube into pre-boiled and cooled vegetable oil or apply petroleum jelly on it (fatty baby cream is also suitable for processing);
  3. lift the baby's legs, pressing them to the tummy;
  4. gently insert the tip of the gas tube into the anus, making a rotating motion. The recommended tube insertion depth for newborns is 1–2 centimeters.

Monitor the baby's condition - if the baby has pronounced anxiety, stop immediately. Do not try to force the end of the tube if something is in the way. Remember that the intestinal mucosa in an infant is very delicate, so it can be injured with sudden movements.

It is recommended to keep the catheter inside for about 10 minutes (maximum use time - up to 15 minutes). It is possible to determine that the gases have escaped by a change in the general condition of the crumbs and a specific smell. In addition, you can lower the free end of the tube into a container of water and see if bubbles appear - they will clearly show the successful completion of the procedure. Now you need to carefully remove the tube, pressing the baby's legs to the breast. You can't do it abruptly, as this will cause discomfort.

The last stage of manipulation will be thorough washing of the crumbs. Be sure to also treat the area around your anus with baby cream or other emollient. This will reduce irritation from using a foreign object, while preventing burning and other uncomfortable symptoms. Next, the disposable tube must be thrown away, and the reusable tube must be rinsed using laundry or baby soap.

Re-introduction of the tube is allowed after a minimum of 3-4 hours, and it can be placed a maximum of three times a day.

Remember that you cannot use the accessory too often. This can lead to a situation where the newborn will not be able to relax and relieve himself. That is why the use of gas tubes, according to pediatricians, should be only as a last resort when the colic attack is very strong.

Other ways to help your child

Before you buy a gas tube at a pharmacy, doctors recommend trying to rid your baby of accumulated gas using less radical methods. The following methods have a good effect:

  • light massage - due to stroking the tummy of the crumbs clockwise, peristalsis increases, as a result of which gases are more easily excreted naturally;
  • warm diaper - after ironing a soft cloth on both sides, put her baby on the tummy (check that the diaper is not too hot); warmth will help to relax and reduce pain;
  • dill water - such a decoction is classified as a proven folk remedy that improves digestion; it is safe for newborns, sold ready-made, and is also easily prepared at home from dill or fennel seeds (for a decoction, you need to take a glass of boiling water and 1 spoonful of seeds);
  • special pose - noticing that the baby is pushing without a positive result, put the baby on the changing table, lift the legs so that the knees are pressed against the stomach; this should facilitate the passage of gases;
  • breastfeeding - feeling the warmth of the mother's body, the baby will relax and calm down, so when sucking, the air accumulated in the intestines will easily come out.

To prevent colic attacks in a newborn, doctors advise paying attention to the correct diet of the baby and the frequent laying of the baby on the tummy.

In some cases, they also resort to medicines approved for babies that reduce gas production in the intestines, for example, they are prescribed "Bobotik", "Espumisan", "Sub Simplex", "Baby Kalm" or "Infacol". Most of them are liquids (drops, suspension, emulsion), so it is very easy to give such medicines to infants. You should choose a medication suitable for a particular child together with a pediatrician, because, despite the safety, they also have certain contraindications.

Watch the video: Cure your babys constipation and stomach ache with amazing acupressure and reflexology points (July 2024).