Child health

TOP 20 dry and wet cough syrups for children and adults

What syrups are there for cough treatment?

By the principle of action

Cough can be different: dry and wet, allergic and infectious, accompanied by spasms or not. And there are more options. This means that the approach to the treatment of different types of cough must be appropriate. Therefore, pharmaceutical companies produce many drugs with different compositions, combinations of active substances, and direction of action.

There are syrups:

  1. Antitussive. They are designed to eliminate the symptom, suppress it. They are prescribed for dry, unproductive coughs, for example, after surgery, when sutures need to be prevented, or when it is associated with throat irritation. These drugs include Codelac Neo, Sinekod, Omnitus, etc.
  2. Mucolytics. In the composition of such drugs there are compounds that contribute to the liquefaction of sputum and its discharge. Such syrups are shown for coughing accompanied by difficult sputum, that is, when it is difficult for a person to cough up it. Examples: ACC, Fluiditek, Fluifort, etc.
  3. Expectorant action. They stimulate the discharge of phlegm, help cleanse the bronchi. They can be used for wet coughs. An example of drugs of this group in the form of a syrup is Prospan, Gedelix, Alteika, etc.
  4. Complex action. This cough syrup is capable of showing several healing effects at once. For example, Jocet has an expectorant, mucolytic, antispasmodic, antiseptic, sedative effect.

If you do not go into the details of the classification by the principle of action, then you can divide all cough syrups into two groups: "for" and "from". The former suppress the reflex, the latter improve its characteristics and effectiveness.

By the main active ingredient

By this criterion, all cough syrups can be divided into three large groups:

  • Vegetable origin. The main active ingredients in such preparations are herbal extracts. In the production of syrups for children and adults, as a rule, raw materials are used, which contain essential oils, polysaccharides, saponins and other substances. Examples of herbal remedies: Dr. Mom, Pertussin, Eucabal, etc.
  • Synthetic. This cough suppressant for children and adults includes an active substance that does not exist in nature. It was synthesized in the laboratory, and then at the factory. As an example, we can cite Ambrobene syrup, Lazolvan, Bromhexin.
  • Combined. Some cough syrups contain both herbal and synthetic ingredients at the same time. For example, Amtersol and Pertussin-Ch.
  • Homeopathic. Such syrups contain micro-doses of medicinal substances. Their principle of action is to treat "like like". Stodahl is an example of this group of cough syrups.

The most common syrups on the pharmaceutical market are based on Ambroxol, Bromhexine, Butamirat, Thyme, Plantain, Ivy, Licorice, Acetylcysteine, Carbocysteine.

By price

On the Russian market, syrups are presented in various price categories:

  1. Cheap (up to 100 rubles per bottle). Every Russian can afford such drugs. They are taken, as a rule, more often and more. Cough drugs such as Licorice syrup (15-30 rubles per 100 ml), Pertussin (15-35 rubles), Althea syrup (about 50 rubles per bottle), Bronhorus (48-50 rubles per bottle) fell into this category. ) and etc.
  2. Available. These are average price syrups. This category includes Codelac Neo (about 180 rubles for 100 ml and up to 300 rubles for 200 ml), Cook (just over 100 rubles), Linkas (for 90 ml in a pharmacy they "ask" for about 180 rubles), Evkabal (230-250 rubles), etc.
  3. Expensive. They included cough syrups worth more than 300 rubles: Herbion with ivy leaf extract, Fluditek, Prospan, Gedelix, Bronchipret and a number of others.

Of course, this classification is highly subjective. Indeed, for someone, and syrup for 100 rubles. can be very expensive, and someone will say “cheap” for a drug over 500. But, given the situation in the country as a whole, we can say that such a classification still corresponds to reality.

According to the terms of leave from the pharmacy

Most cough syrups are commercially available. However, there are also those that are dispensed with a doctor's prescription. Among them:

  • Bronholitin, Bronchoton, Bronchitusen Vramed;
  • Ascoril, Jocet, Kashnol;
  • Erespal, Erispirus, Siresp, etc.

These medications cannot be used without consulting a doctor. They are capable of serious harm, provided they are self-designated.

Children are not guinea pigs. You cannot experiment with them. Self-medication is especially dangerous in early childhood. For babies up to one year old, syrup should be chosen only in conjunction with a doctor and after a diagnosis is made. After all, a cough is not always a symptom of a cold. Perhaps this is a reaction to dry air in the apartment, cigarette smoke, if you smoke at home, worm infestation, etc. Therefore, even if the drug is sold without a prescription, you should not purchase it at your own discretion for a small child.

Indications for the use of cough syrup in children and adults

If we summarize all the information, then such drugs are taken for:

  • suppressing dry cough;
  • relief of dry smoker's cough;
  • increasing the productivity of cough;
  • improving the discharge of the secretion of the bronchial glands;
  • elimination of bronchospasm;
  • removal (reduction) of inflammation;
  • sanitation of the bronchial tree before and after surgery;
  • preparing the patient for bronchoscopy or bronchography;
  • treatment of respiratory distress syndrome in premature infants and newborns;
  • therapy of catarrhal and purulent otitis media, sinusitis.

One of the indications for the use of acetylcysteine ​​syrup (ACC) is poisoning with Paracetamol. This is due to the fact that the former is able to increase the stores of glutathione in the liver, which were depleted under the influence of an antipyretic analgesic.

General contraindications and possible side effects

If phlegm is released during coughing (difficult or easy, a lot or a little - it does not matter), then in this condition all syrups are contraindicated, suppressing the reflex reaction that promotes expectoration. Otherwise, the discharge will stagnate in the bronchi, inflammation will increase, a bacterial infection may join, pleurisy, pneumonia and other complications may develop. That is, with a cough accompanied by phlegm, you should not take Bronchoton, Bronchitusen Vramed, Butamirat and similar drugs.

Syrups "from" and "for" cough have other contraindications. Summary list:

  • heart failure in chronic form and decompensated stage;
  • severe atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • gastritis, peptic ulcer in the acute period, gastric bleeding in the past;
  • severe liver and kidney disease;
  • diabetes, thyrotoxicosis;
  • intolerance to fructose, glucose, galactose, sucrose, malabsorption;
  • convulsions;
  • glaucoma;
  • postponed laryngitis with obstructive syndrome, bronchial asthma;
  • BPH;
  • age restrictions (not for all drugs, but for most);
  • pregnancy (see the instructions for a specific medicine, some syrups are approved for use during the period of gestation or in a certain trimester);
  • lactation (there are drugs that are absolutely contraindicated for lactating women, and there are those that can be used with caution and on the recommendation of a doctor);
  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • alcoholism in the presence of ethyl alcohol in the composition.

Taking an adult or children's cough syrup, the patient may complain of itching, skin rashes, lethargy, drowsiness, deterioration of the general condition, lack of effect due to addiction and other side effects.

It is a mistake to believe that herbal (natural) cough syrup is safer. In fact, individual intolerance can manifest itself on a drug component of various origins. However, allergic reactions to synthetic cough syrup are less common than those with plant extracts in the list of ingredients. At the same time, the former have an even more pronounced therapeutic effect.

Features of the use of cough syrup in infants

It is customary to call a baby a baby from 4 weeks to a year old. Although he can feed on breast milk longer.

During this period, the bronchi are already formed, but they have a narrow lumen and underdeveloped muscle and elastic fibers. The lung tissue is also imperfect. Its elastic fibers are not sufficiently developed. The respiratory surface gradually increases.

All these anatomical and physiological features of infants determine the tactics of treatment with cough syrups. Antitussives are rarely prescribed. The choice of physician, pharmacist and parents should fall for mucolytic cough syrup for children. It will reduce the viscosity of phlegm and increase expectoration.

In infants, treatment of cough with syrups should consist in transferring it from unproductive (dry) or unproductive to productive. This will eventually lead to its complete disappearance. Antitussives at such a tender age are indicated for whooping cough, dry pleurisy, chest injuries and a real threat of aspiration.

List of cough syrups approved for use in children from birth:

  • Gedelix (based on ivy extract);
  • Prospan (the composition is similar);
  • Lazolvan at a dosage of 15 mg / 5 ml (based on Ambroxol);
  • Ambrobene (a drug from a German manufacturer with a similar composition);
  • Licorice syrup (some manufacturers do not recommend this remedy for the treatment of children under 3 and even 6 years old);
  • Althea syrup (thick, needs to be dissolved in water).

Babies, starting from 6 months, can use Eucabal, and from 3 months it is allowed to give Bronchipret.

Acetylcysteine ​​(ACC) and Carbocisteine ​​(Fluditec) preparations are not indicated for infants. Babies do not yet know how to cough up properly. And these drugs change the rheological properties of sputum, increase its volume. The detachable, although it becomes not so viscous, is still too much of it. The child may choke on phlegm. Vomiting and the development of complications of the disease are possible.

Review of the best cough syrups

TOP 10 syrups for the treatment of dry cough

  1. Sinecode. This dry cough syrup contains Butamirate as an active ingredient. The latter acts on certain centers in the brain. At the same time, unlike codeine-containing drugs, it is not addictive. Helps relieve a debilitating cough caused by a sore throat from a cold. But it should not be taken if there is even the slightest "hint" of phlegm. Approved for use in children over 3 years old and adults. Has a vanilla flavor. Available without a prescription.
  2. Codelac Neo. A drug similar to Sinekod. Only produced in Russia and cheaper.
  3. Omnitus. Monocomponent preparation with Butamirat in the composition. Difference from Codelac Neo and Sinekod in dosage. It is 0.8 mg in 1 ml of the drug, while the previous two drugs have 1.5 mg. To achieve the desired effect, you need to drink twice as much syrup called Omnitus.
  4. Herbion plantain syrup. Herbal preparation. It soothes coughs, has an enveloping mucous membrane and anti-inflammatory effect. Does not suppress natural reflexes. It also contains mallow extract and vitamin C. It has an orange flavor. It is indicated for children from 2 years old and for adult patients. According to the instructions, it does not cause side effects, except for possible allergic reactions due to individual sensitivity.
  5. Pertussin... A familiar drug from the Soviet past. With a "penny" cost, sometimes the action is not inferior to the advertised brand drugs. In the composition of the preparation Thyme creeping (Thyme) and potassium bromide. It has an expectorant effect and reduces the excitability of the nervous system (soothes). Indicated for dry, unproductive cough. Cannot be used by children under three years old, pregnant women, nursing mothers and patients with heart problems. Contains alcohol.
  6. Dr. Mom. The Indian preparation contains many plant extracts. It can be used both for dry cough (laryngitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis) and for wet cough. It has an analgesic effect (for pain and irritation in the throat), anti-inflammatory, expectorant. It can be used to convert dry cough into wet cough. Contains sugar, so patients with diabetes should be careful. Cannot be used in children under three years of age.
  7. Eucabal. The syrup can be used for both dry and wet coughs. This is stated by the manufacturer. The composition of the drug inspires confidence. Has two active ingredients - Thyme and Plantain liquid extracts. This minimal set of active ingredients reduces the risk of allergic reactions. Can be used in pediatric practice. Age limit - children under the age of 6 months. A distinctive feature of the drug is the possibility of its use as a preventive measure during the cold season. Disadvantage - no measuring spoon in the box.
  8. Linkas. A syrup, the healing effect of which is associated with the action of a number of herbal extracts. Produced by India. There are different packages - 90 ml and 120 ml. You can also buy Linkas BSS, that is, sugar free. It can be taken by diabetics and obese people. There is no alcohol in the composition, which means that it is not contraindicated for people with alcohol addiction and drivers. For dry coughs, syrup helps by softening, reducing irritation, making breathing easier, and clearing phlegm. Can be used to treat children over 6 months old.
  9. Bronholitin. Antitussive drug with a 30-year history. Has a combined composition. It is necessary in the case when the cough is dry and exhausting, violating the general condition of the patient, accompanied by difficulty in breathing. The drug is of central action. However, it does not depress respiration and is not addictive. Has a specific smell and taste due to the presence of basil oil in the composition. Approved for use in children from 3 years of age and adults. Dispensed by prescription.
  10. Stodal. Homeopathic medicine originally from France. It is used for coughs of any origin and nature. Safe in all respects. This captivates the consumer. However, the question of the effectiveness of the drug is controversial. It is rarely prescribed by doctors. Usually patients choose Stodal at the pharmacy on their own or on the recommendation of a pharmacist.

TOP 10 syrups for the treatment of wet cough

  1. Lazolvan. An original foreign-made drug. Available in child and adult dosage. It dilutes phlegm, clears the bronchi from mucus and pathogenic microorganisms, protects the respiratory system by increasing the production of surfactant in the lungs and mucociliary clearance. It tastes good. Baby Lazolvan can be used to treat babies from the moment of birth. The price, however, does bite.
  2. Ambrobene... The active ingredient is also Ambroxol, as is the case with Lazolvan. In terms of effectiveness, Ambrobene is not inferior to the original drug. The quality of the generic is high, as they say, German. At the same time, Ambrobene syrup is the only Ambroxol preparation in Russia that does not contain thickeners and preservatives. Another advantage of this medicine is its price, it is almost 2 times lower than that of Lazolvan. The disadvantage of the drug can be considered the absence of an adult form of syrup at a dosage of 30 mg / 5 ml and a potential mild laxative effect due to the presence of sorbitol in the composition.
  3. Bromhexine... In the body, it turns into an active metabolite - Ambroxol. Consequently, their effects are the same.However, due to the fact that Bromhexine must undergo a series of transformations in the body, the onset of its action is slightly delayed in comparison with Ambroxol. Among the advantages of the drug is its low price with a high safety profile (it can be taken even by infants).
  4. Herbion ivy syrup. The number 1 choice in Russia for the treatment of cough among expectorants in this formulation (over-the-counter). Herbal preparation. It has antispasmodic, secretalolytic, mucolytic effects. As a result, it becomes easy to cough up phlegm. Can be given to children from 2 years old and adults. The syrup has a pleasant lemon balm flavor and does not contain sugar. Enough 2 times a day to achieve a therapeutic effect. Among the shortcomings, you can indicate a high price.
  5. Gedelix. Herbal preparation. It is based on ivy extract, like Herbion. However, a distinctive feature of the drug is the absence of age restrictions. Unlike Herbion, Gedelix syrup does not contain alcohol, dyes or preservatives. The taste of the preparation was determined by the added anise oil. If the patient is an infant, then Gedelix should be preferred.
  6. Prospan. Also applies to ivy preparations. The advantage is the cherry flavor that children like better. Perfect for a home first aid kit, because Prospan is a universal syrup. It can be used in the treatment of patients of different ages, regardless of concomitant diseases, for all types of cough.
  7. Dr. Theiss plantain syrup. It is indicated for inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. Natural composition - extract of leaves of plantain lanceolate. It is not used for the treatment of infants, contains ethyl alcohol. However, the drug is of high quality, foreign production, copes well with wet cough, is well tolerated by patients.
  8. ACC. Acetylcysteine ​​based drug. It is a branded, original medicine. ACC syrup is well studied. It breaks the disulfide bonds of mucopolysaccharides of sputum, thinning it. Effective even when it is purulent. The antioxidant effect of the drug helps to protect the cells of the human body from damage. ACC is a detoxifier, because it promotes the formation of a beneficial substance - glutathione. It can be used as a preventive measure for chronic diseases of the respiratory system, and in the acute period of the disease, for example, for colds and flu. Has a cherry flavor. Shown for children from 2 years old.
  9. Fluditek. Presented in child and adult dosage. Can be used in babies over 2 years old. The mechanism of action is similar to that of ACC. However, Fluditec loosens mucus in both the upper and lower respiratory tract. This means that it can be used both for coughing with a large amount of sputum, and for sinusitis, adenoiditis, nasal congestion (runny nose). Also Fluditec is indicated for otitis media. Such a multifaceted effect of the drug determines the frequency of its administration in case of complications of a cold or flu, when, in addition to coughing, a number of symptoms of the disease are observed.
  10. Ascoril is an expectorant. The drug has proven itself as a mucolytic, expectorant and bronchodilator. If the cough is accompanied by difficult sputum and shortness of breath, then Ascoril expectorant is what you need. The syrup is also used when you need to translate a dry cough into a wet one. Ideal for people with bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheobronchitis and a number of other acute diseases of the bronchopulmonary tract. Among the disadvantages are the ability to stain urine pink, which scares patients, and a more extended list of contraindications and possible side effects in comparison with herbal syrups. Therefore, Ascoril is released on the prescription of a doctor.

The popular and at the same time effective syrups used for wet coughs also include Herbion with primrose extract. In case of mild diseases, cheap preparations based on extracts of marshmallow, licorice, thermopsis are also relevant. They are in the top by the number of packs sold. However, this popularity is usually only due to the low price.

Drug interactions. What should not be combined with cough syrup

As a rule, the instructions for the cough preparation indicate that it cannot be combined with antitussives. That is, for example, AmbroGEXAL is not used simultaneously with Libeksin, and Panatus - with Fluifort.

The revealed results of interaction are as follows.

  1. Preparations that contain a combination of glaucine and ephedrine salts, can cause arrhythmias when taken simultaneously with cardiac glycosides (Digoxin, for example), Halothane, Quinidine, and some antidepressants. If the patient is given Bronchoton, Bronholitin or Bronchitusen Vramed and Oxytocin, he and his doctor should also carefully consider all changes associated with heart rhythm. Syrups based on glaucine and ephedrine can neutralize the effect of sympatholytics - drugs to lower blood pressure. Diabetics should also take into account that the effectiveness of drugs to lower blood sugar decreases if antitussive syrups are taken at the same time as the pills they need.
  2. Internal antibiotics (Flemoxin, Ampicillin, Tetracycline, Cephalexin, etc.) interact with the thiol groups of acetylcysteine, as a result of which the effectiveness of antimicrobial agents decreases. Therefore, ACC syrup is drunk no earlier than 2 hours after or before taking penicillins, cephalosporins, tetracyclines, etc. It is also possible to increase the vasodilating effect of vasodilators and Nitroglycerin preparations while being used with this cough medicine.
  3. Lazolvan increases the ability of Amoxicillin, Cefuroxime, Erythromycin to penetrate the bronchial secretions. Thus, the syrup enhances the effect of these antibiotics.
  4. Bromhexine not compatible with alkaline solutions.
  5. Fluditek increases the bronchodilator effect of Theophylline, the effectiveness of therapy of the upper and lower respiratory tract with glucocorticosteroid and antibacterial drugs.
  6. Etched syrup enhances the action of antiviral agents and antibiotics.
  7. Eucabal should not be taken with drugs that inhibit the central nervous system, in particular, with Phenobarbital, Sulpiride, Phenozepam, etc. The syrup enhances their pharmacological effects.
  8. Kashnol increases the action and risk of side effects of other beta-2-adrenergic agonists (drugs Fenoterol, Terbutaline, Salmeterol, etc.) and Theophylline. Taking non-selective beta-blockers such as Anaprilin with syrup is also not recommended. Kashnol helps to reduce the level of potassium in the blood, therefore, simultaneous administration with diuretics and hormonal drugs based on glucocorticoids is considered dangerous.
  9. Licorice syrup can also lead to hypokalemia if taken with thiazide diuretics (Indapamide, Hypothiazide, etc.).
  10. Coldact Broncho enhances the effect of ethyl alcohol, sedatives. Syrup increases the risk of side effects of antiparkinsonian, antipsychotics and antidepressants such as constipation, dry mouth, and urinary retention. If you take Coldakt Broncho and glucocorticoids, it is possible to develop glaucoma - a disease of the organs of vision associated with an increase in intraocular pressure. If the patient is treating an intestinal infection with Furazolidone, then it is better not to buy this cough syrup. The combined use of these drugs due to the presence of chlorphenamine in Coldact Broncho is contraindicated, as it can lead to a hypertensive crisis.

Each drug has its own characteristics, both chemically and therapeutically. Therefore, before taking a cough syrup, it will not be superfluous to look at the instructions that came with it.

Features of storage and dispensing from the pharmacy

As a rule, most syrups are stored in their original packaging at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius. Sometimes it is indicated that the drug should be kept in a dark, dark place. A wardrobe, bedside table, refrigerator are suitable for this. It should be understood that most syrups are already protected from light by the manufacturer. So, the bottles in which the drugs are produced are made of dark glass, and the cardboard box is dense, does not let the sun go through.

Some cough syrups need to be refrigerated. Their storage temperature is 8-15 ° C, 12-15 ° C or not higher than 20 ° C. Examples of thermolabile drugs: Licorice root syrup produced by CJSC "Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory", Pertussin from JSC "Flora Kavkaza".

Modern drugs are stored for years without losing their properties. Even after opening the bottle, the medicine can be safely consumed inside during the entire shelf life. Exceptions are quite rare. For example, the manufacturer recommends not using Ambrobene syrup a year after opening the secondary packaging.

Dispensing conditions are always indicated on the packaging of the medicinal product. The pharmacy leader is guided by this information and regulatory legal acts in the field of medicine and pharmacy.


The pharmaceutical market is saturated with cough suppressants in the form of syrup. It's easy to get lost in this variety. Ideal when three people are involved in the choice of cough syrup: doctor, patient, pharmacist. The first one makes a diagnosis, writes out a prescription, which indicates the required active substance, the second, with the help of a pharmacy worker, makes a purchase of the remedy that suits him at a price and does not contradict the prescribed one.

However, there is a concept of responsible self-medication in the world. In this case, the patient decides for himself what and how to do to recover. To do this, you need to understand the main points regarding indications, contraindications, features of the use and interaction of drugs, including cough syrups. However, in this case, the patient himself bears full responsibility for the incorrect diagnosis and prescribed treatment.



Watch the video: Childrens Cough (July 2024).