
All-season strollers ranking: which model is the best?

Quite often, parents buy two types of strollers for their children, since the winter model is too hot for the summer, and the summer one is extremely cold for the winter cold. To avoid unnecessary costs, you can purchase a versatile, all-season model.


Some of the best all-season strollers are made in Italy and Poland. These strollers are characterized by high quality, durability and convenience, but you will have to pay extra for the brand name. However, you can purchase a budget option, which is made by China.

Chinese products are not always of poor quality, sometimes the reduced price is a consequence of incomplete complete set and simplification of the product, and cheaper labor.

What to consider when choosing?

When choosing a model for an all-season stroller, several characteristics must be considered.

  • Medium or high waist. Low seating is not the best choice, because it will be quite difficult to seat a baby in winter clothes in such a stroller. Make sure the model you choose is spacious. If the place turns out to be quite spacious, then in winter, in addition to the child, a blanket can also fit in the stroller. And in the summer, it will ensure the comfort of the baby and he will not be so hot.
  • Large wheels... Wheels play a significant role in the choice of a stroller. Large wheels will surely come in handy in the winter. They will effortlessly overcome any obstacles that arise during a walk. They play an important role in wheelchair control.

  • Large hood... Any good all-round stroller should have a large hood. It is necessary not only in the winter cold, but also in the hot season. Thus, the baby will be protected both in summer and winter. A good hood should go down to the stroller bumper.
  • Footrest adjustment... It will be useful to have a footrest adjustment. If you lift the footrest, you can easily lay the baby's legs. This promotes restful sleep for the baby. And also in the cold season, you can raise the footrest to wrap the baby's legs.

  • Optional accessories... When buying an all-season model, you should make sure that the stroller has all its components. The set of a stroller usually includes: a raincoat, a mosquito net, a cape for the legs. Accessories can be purchased separately, but it will take a long time to select for a specific model.


Baby strollers are designed for babies from birth to 3 years old. Infants under 6 months of age are best transported in a carrycot. This model has a correct horizontal bottom, which is safe for newborns. But, there are also transformers that can be used from birth. Having chosen this model, you should pay special attention to the folding of the seat back. It should be level and horizontal.

From 6 months to 3 years old they switch to strollers with a walking block. Such strollers, in fact, are all-terrain vehicles, take up little space. They are popular for travel, walking, shopping. In order to find out the exact age for using the stroller, you just need to find out the maximum load by the child's weight.

When choosing an all-season stroller, it is worth starting from their classification.

Before buying a stroller, you should decide on the type that is more suitable.

  • Carrycot stroller Is a classic model with good cushioning and a large berth. A feature of this stroller is the high position of the baby. It is used from birth to one year of age.

  • Transformer - This model consists of a chassis, wheels and walking blocks. The backrest has a horizontal position, in the stroller block of which a soft carrying bag is placed, which replaces the cradle. Transformers are rather bulky, since they have huge weight and large dimensions, both unfolded and folded.

  • Universal model represented by modifications "2 in 1" and "3 in 1". The "2 in 1" stroller consists of a cradle and a walking block, as for the "3 in 1" model, a group 0+ car seat is also included. Universal strollers come in different sizes and weights depending on the manufacturer. When disassembled, they take up little space. The stroller chassis can be four- and three-wheeled.

  • Walking consists of a compact aluminum chassis with wheels and a walking block. It is suitable for babies from 6 months, and occasionally for newborns. Depreciation is conditional and is completely absent in most models. This design is quite lightweight and compact when folded.

Stroller cane is an analogue of a stroller, but only as lightweight as possible. Due to its lightness and compactness, it can be folded with a cane, hence the name. Its use is possible from 6 months of age.

It is better to use it in the warm season, because in winter, due to small wheels, problems are possible.

  • For twins or the weather. This model is less compact than strollers for one baby. However, some manufacturers manage to make them light and small.

Climatic features

Having bought a stroller, mothers often face inconvenience at the slightest change in climate. The winter model is too heavy and uncomfortable, and the summer model is not suitable for the cold season. To choose the best stroller, you need to take a responsible approach to finding it.

So that no bad weather interferes with the walk with the baby, you should pay attention to the size of the wheels. If they are small, then the winter period will be full of difficulties. Large wheels will provide the stroller with all-terrain capabilities both in winter and in the warm season.

The weight of the stroller plays a significant role in facilitating comfortable conditions at any time of the year. Lightweight strollers include a stroller, a cane stroller and, of course, strollers for twins.

Individual preferences

In addition to the model and structure, strollers also differ in design, which allows each parent to choose not only a model that is successful in structure and function, but also in color and patterns. It is impossible to list all the variety of the palette. They range in color from standard white and black to vibrant pink and red. Two-color strollers with a pattern on the hood and seat look beautiful.

Overview of the most popular

Below is a ranking of the best baby-friendly strollers.

Strollers category "Winter-Summer"

Capella S-901

The manufacturer of the Capella S-901 stroller is a well-known Korean company, whose products can be purchased at a fairly attractive price. The three-wheeled model is very comfortable for both babies and parents. It is great for walking in snow and sand. This model has various colors, mainly presented in blue, purple, brown, gray and white tones. The wide seat allows the baby to sit down even in winter clothes.

The stroller is equipped with protection against bad weather and wind. It is specially adapted for walks in winter, however, it can be used in summer too, for this a ventilation mesh is used, hidden under the zip cover. The seat can be easily converted, which allows you to put your baby to sleep even in winter. The backrest is transferred from a sitting position to a horizontal position, and the footrest can be easily pulled out of the body.

Child safety is at the highest level: a large bar is located in front of the child, and the child itself can be secured with five-point belts.

The characteristics of the Capella S-901 stroller are as follows:

  • traditional type of product;
  • intended for children from 6 months;
  • weight is 10.5 kg;
  • book mechanism;
  • four wheels, the front ones go as twin wheels;
  • the width of the sports chassis is 64 cm;
  • high quality spring cushioning;
  • adjustable handle;
  • easily adjustable backrest;
  • there is sun protection, a cape and a raincoat;
  • the size is 93x64x106 cm.

The advantages of this model are the following:

  • large, comfortable place to sleep;
  • protection from wind and sun;
  • an openable bumper to reach the baby;
  • convenient pocket;
  • winter insulation, warm foot cover;
  • equipped with high-quality inflatable wheels, the child will not be shaken even on the most terrible roads;
  • quick and easy fixing of the front wheel;
  • reliable and beautiful basket;
  • disassembled by pressing a button;
  • comfortable and high quality brakes.

If we talk about the disadvantages, then it is worth noting the following:

  • if the road is rather bad, the front wheels will be sideways;
  • if the baby is lying, it will be difficult to get to the basket;
  • belts may fall off;
  • overall maneuverability is weak;
  • if the child has moved in the stroller, then the stroller will move in that direction;
  • legs are poorly covered;
  • the handle can work terribly, because it is not a fold-over handle.

Bumbleride Indie

The Bumbleride Indie is a versatile 9kg stroller. This design refers to station wagons, since it can be used throughout the year. The inflatable front wheel rotates 360 degrees with ease for comfort and safety. It is not afraid of bumps on the road, because it is equipped with a common rear suspension protection. The product is equipped with an adjustable special handle, a multi-purpose modern bumper, and the basket itself is quite voluminous and beautiful.

The set includes: pump, rain cover, hanging removable strap, chair adapter.

The model has the following characteristics:

  • recommended for babies over 6 months old;
  • withstands weight up to 23 kg;
  • the ability to install a car seat;
  • product weight is 9 kg;
  • folded into a book;
  • has three wheels that are removable;
  • adjustable back;
  • the seat measures 31x25 cm;
  • a place to sleep - 100 cm.

The Bumbleride Indie model has such advantages as:

  • easy;
  • great place to sleep;
  • convenient control;
  • confident movement;
  • good shock absorption;
  • excellent maneuverability;
  • compactness, easily fits into an elevator;
  • the presence of a control strap;
  • quick folding.

The disadvantages of the product include the following:

  • the back is a little overwhelmed;
  • poor regulation;
  • very small bottom bag;
  • heavy lifting of the stroller.

Tutiz zippy sport

The manufacturer of this model is a Lithuanian company. Product weight is 11 kg. The stroller takes up a minimum of space and is safe for the baby to move around. The model is equipped with protective straps, there is a sun visor and raincoat.

The characteristics of the Tutiz Zippy Sport are as follows:

  • stroller "3 in 1";
  • use is possible from birth;
  • car seat and walking block;
  • equipped with a book mechanism;
  • four single wheels;
  • chassis width - 60 cm;
  • adjustable handle;
  • easy backrest installation;
  • the presence of a mosquito net, sun visor, raincoat.

Tutiz Zippy Sport has such advantages as:

  • convenience;
  • increased cross-country ability and uniqueness;
  • delightful design;
  • lightweight construction;
  • front wheels with a turn and blocking;
  • soft shock absorption;
  • comfortable and adjustable handle;
  • waterproof fabric.

The disadvantages include such as:

  • handle is not crossover;
  • poor quality wheels;
  • inconvenient approach to the walking block;
  • uncomfortable bag for groceries;
  • the wind can blow inward.

Capella S-803

This is a winter stroller with a four-wheel chassis and a comfortable handle. The diameter of the rear tires is 30 cm. The wheels provide excellent cross-country ability. Special padding protects against wind and cold.

The characteristics of Capella S-803 are as follows:

  • the weight of the equipment is more than 10 kg;
  • folds with one hand;
  • chassis width - 58 cm;
  • the two axles have different widths;
  • diameter of wheels - 20-30 cm;
  • comfortable five-point seat belts;
  • the presence of a cape for the legs;
  • height adjustment of the footrest;
  • three different positions for backrest adjustment.

The Capella S-803 stroller has such advantages as:

  • modern four-wheeled device;
  • large rear wheels;
  • affordable price;
  • protection from weather conditions;
  • high-quality brakes;
  • easy passage on snow and off-road;
  • baby comfort and convenience;
  • folding the backrest in three positions;
  • spacious seat.

Stroller Capella S-803 is characterized by such disadvantages as:

  • lack of a retainer;
  • too high a stroller;
  • poor performance of the handle;
  • the foot cover is fastened with buttons and does not hold well;
  • uncomfortable back position;
  • over time, the handle breaks;
  • weak fixation of the hood;
  • impossible controllability;
  • the front wheels collect dirt.

Chicco Simplicity 2 in 1

This stroller is characterized by unique comfort, is light and easy to handle. The stroller is quite compact and folds very easily, and there is a special side handle for carrying on the model. The warranty period is 6 months.

The Chicco Simplicity 2 in 1 stroller has the following features:

  • recommended for children from 6 months to 3 years old;
  • book mechanism;
  • six-wheeled model;
  • wheel diameter - 16.5 cm;
  • there is a shopping basket;
  • adjustable handle;
  • there is no carrying;
  • excellent quality material.

This model has the following positive aspects:

  • excellent functionality;
  • easy operation;
  • maneuverability;
  • the ability to use throughout the year;
  • maximum comfort for the baby;
  • easy access to the elevator;
  • warm cover;
  • unique fabric.

The design flaws are as follows:

  • the appearance of a squeak of wheels;
  • the handle is short;
  • huge dimensions;
  • heavy;
  • the layout can jam;
  • difficult access to the basket;
  • tight brakes.

Strollers of the category "Stroller-cane"

BabyZen YoYo 0+

The compact stroller is designed for babies up to 6 months old. Its weight is about 5 kg, when folded it takes up space no more than a travel bag. The chassis frame is made of durable and lightweight material, equipped with four rubber wheels, shock absorption, and brakes. The model comes with a carrying case, luggage compartment, sleeping block cover, rain cover and carrying strap.

The disadvantages include the overpriced, small hood, and amortization does not cope well off-road.

Chicco light way

The weight of the model is 7.5 kg. The seat is in a horizontal position, the footrest is adjustable, and there are five-point seat belts with soft pads. The bumper is quite soft and the hood is equipped with a sun awning. The set includes a warm bag that turns into a cape on the legs. The front wheels swivel and lock, and there is also a rain cover and a basket for things.

The disadvantages include a small seat, terrible cross-country ability in snow and sand, and the lack of a viewing window.

Chicco Multiway

This model is quite light, weighing only 8 kg. Twin wheels are part of the chassis, while the front wheels are locked. The wide seat can accommodate the largest child, and a small pillow is attached to the backrest, which can be removed if desired. The back of the transforming stroller can be easily folded into a lying state, which will allow the child to sleep peacefully and sweetly. The model has a mesh basket.

The disadvantages include low amortization, a small hood, which the baby, being in a hat, can cling to, poor equipment and an uncomfortable basket.


A set of basic things for any stroller includes the following:

  • sledges;
  • seat belts;
  • a raincoat or umbrella that will protect your baby during the rainy season and prevent getting sick;
  • a mosquito net is an integral attribute of a hot season, when insects dominate, ready to bite a small miracle;
  • removable basket for things that will hold toys, food;
  • a bag for mom (organizer), which has many pockets for storing a phone, wallet, napkins, diapers, diapers, bottles, pacifiers;
  • The handle extension is a device designed for tall parents who cling to the stroller chassis when walking. The extension bar attaches to the main handle for comfort while walking;
  • The liner is most often used on a stroller because it is lightweight. However, the seat is not very soft. As for the liner, it has a soft padding, reminiscent of a sports car seat;
  • an envelope (thermal cover) in which the child is placed to protect it from the cold;
  • visor. Its name speaks for itself. This dense fabric cover is put on the stroller in winter, protecting the baby from cold winds, and the provided window will allow the child to observe the outside world;
  • The fabric table is attached to the stroller and serves as a receptacle for bottles and other paraphernalia for feeding.

Which manufacturers to trust?

There are many manufacturers of baby strollers. However, it is worth considering the most popular of them, which deserve attention, according to reviews of loving mothers.


This German manufacturer pays special attention to detail. Technologists and designers of the company with 20 years of experience strive for excellence and ease of work for moms. Among the company's products are models such as: "2 in 1", transformers, walking sticks and double versions. The only drawback of the products is the conservatism of the colors.


This is another German company. Each element of the manufactured product is thoroughly tested for compliance with safety and environmental friendliness. The range of the company includes 2 in 1 models, walking, for twins, as well as a large number of modular parts that facilitate self-assembly of the best option for each client. And also accessories are offered: winter sleeping bag, visor and parasol, wheel covers.

As for the stroller set itself, it consists of a foot cover, protective covers from bad weather, a raincoat, a mosquito net, a clutch, and a large shopping basket.

Wheels are a distinctive feature of this company. Soft, wide wheels with a large diameter ensure safe driving in winter.


This is a British company that is the leader in children's products in England. Among the company's products are: walking sticks, strollers for children with special needs. In addition to strollers, Maclaren also manufactures accessories: couplings, umbrellas, insect nets, blankets, covers, seat belts and much more. The strollers are equipped with foot pedal brakes, have protection for the baby's head and legs and, of course, comfortable straps that secure the stroller near you during a walk.


The Norwegian company Stokke is one of the best manufacturers of strollers. In addition to children's products, they also produce furniture. The company devotes a lot of time and attention to sustainability and the environment. Stokke makes 2-in-1 strollers, carrycots, and a wide variety of accessories.


Dutch manufacturers are also not inferior in quality to strollers. When buying, parents can choose the type and color of the stroller themselves. The assortment includes walking models, strollers "2 in 1", models for the weather and twins.

City walks will withstand small front wheels that rotate 360 ​​degrees. When off-road, you just need to turn the handle in the other direction so that in front there are large 12-inch wheels with special foam filling them.

When moving on snow or sand, the stroller is transferred from a four-wheeled to a two-wheeled position.

Useful Tips

Choosing a stroller for your little one is not the easiest thing. In terms of complexity, it can be compared to choosing a car. In a sense, this is so, because the stroller is the transport of your little miracle. In order not to be mistaken, it is worth paying attention to a few points.

  • Passability... For better cross-country ability, the selected stroller should have classic wheels. The larger and thinner the wheels, the easier it will be to move over snowdrifts, bumps and curbs. Small wheels will cause the stroller to be carried around.
  • Swivel wheels... Modern wheels can turn the stroller without involving the handle, without which no twist in the classic version of the stroller can do. However, road irregularities and snowiness affect the quality of the turn. You can't guide it with one hand, otherwise the stroller will skid.
  • Ease... If you live in a multi-storey building without an elevator, it is best to purchase a lightweight stroller. It is necessary to walk with the baby every day, so you will have to wear this design every day.
  • It should be taken into account that there are strollers on the basis of which a car seat is installed, which is quite convenient. When it is necessary to remove the child from the car seat, it can be easily put on wheels and carried, rather than carried in the hands with food.
  • Convenient pallet and mesh at the bottom Are important components of a stroller. It is worth noting that at times mom will have to buy bags of groceries and heaps of diapers home, and they will need to be put somewhere.
  • Design. It will be simply gorgeous if an attractive design is added to the listed criteria.

For an overview of the Bumbleride Indie stroller, see the following video.

Watch the video: BEST STROLLER SYSTEM! 2020 (June 2024).