
5 ways to determine the fat content of breast milk

Breast milk is the best food for a baby. Many mothers are concerned about whether their baby is getting enough nutrition, whether it is necessary to supplement? The fat content of milk can tell about this.

Checking the fat content of milk in artisanal conditions

To do this, you must first express your primary milk. Since it is intended for drinking, it is similar in composition to water and does not affect the total fat ratio. Then, when the main milk starts to come up, add about 10 ml to the container. The container is left for 6 hours to settle. During this time, the fat part will rise to the top and it will be possible to determine its percentage by its appearance. Fat content of 4% is considered normal.

Milk check in a special center

If you wish, you can use the services of laboratories, they will provide a more accurate analysis, but for the most part, such activities are required only for women who have any diseases or hereditary predisposition to a lack of fat in breast milk. If the child is gaining weight consistently, is cheerful and well-behaved, then there is no need for laboratory intervention.

Visual check of the lack of fat in the infant

The fat content of milk directly affects the growth and development rate of an infant. A malnourished baby cannot directly report this, maybe he will not even cry too much, but when weighing in, a lack of weight gain will be found. Therefore, if the child is not gaining weight well, the first step is to determine whether the mother has enough fat milk. At the same time, the fat content of milk may differ depending on the age of the baby and this is absolutely normal.

Checking through heredity

The easiest way. It is necessary to ask the next of kin what kind of milk they had or look at their babies. If they proudly show off large babies with big cheeks and priests, then additional research may not be needed, most likely the young mother was inherited.

Determination of the amount of fat by color

After passing the primary part of the milk, which is usually bluish in color, it is necessary to express the secondary and examine its color. Usually milk, which has enough fat content, is yellowish.

Watch the video: 5 Surprising Things That Can Affect Breast Milk Supply. Parents (June 2024).