
Folk remedies for pinworms in children

Pinworms in a child are a fairly common problem. These parasites are more common in children than in adults. Therefore, children have to be tested for worm eggs quite often, when entering a kindergarten or school, when applying for a country camp.

It is possible to treat a baby in this situation with quite familiar pharmaceutical tablets and folk remedies, which also show high efficiency against intestinal parasites. We will talk with you today about them, tested on dozens of generations of children.

Symptoms and Signs

The widespread opinion that a child can become infected with pinworms from animals does not correspond to reality, because this type of parasite does not live in the body of animals. Of course, our smaller brothers have worms, but they are different. After all pinworms are only a variety of parasites under the general name "worms".

If the baby's analysis showed the presence of pinworms, we are talking about an ailment, which in the language of official medicine is called "enterobiasis". Attentive parents can guess about the presence of parasites even before laboratory tests.

A child with enterobiasis often scratches the anus, where severe itching appears. This symptom is caused by the fact that female pinworms lay eggs precisely in the region of the anus and perineum. The itching becomes many times stronger at night.

The kid, in whose intestines such worms have settled, often suffers from various abdominal pains, he often has diarrhea, nausea, and appetite suffers. In the feces, white worms can be found, and at an advanced stage of enterobiasis and blood impurities.

A child suffering from helminthic invasions has paler skin, dark circles appear under the eyes.

What is the danger?

If you do not cope with pinworms on time, very negative consequences can occur for the child:

  • The development of intestinal dysbiosis.
  • Infected inflammation of the scratching area of ​​the anus or perineum.
  • Disorders of the nervous system.
  • Diseases of the stomach - gastritis, gastroduodenitis.
  • Inflammation of the appendix and the subsequent acute period - appendicitis, requiring exclusively surgical intervention.

When is it impossible to do with folk methods?

Pinworms cannot be treated with folk remedies in infants. For the smallest, there are gentle medications that a doctor must prescribe.

The danger of self-medication of such crumbs lies not only in the fact that most of the anthelmintic non-traditional drugs are in one way or another allergenic, but also in the fact that a child may at any time experience severe poisoning by the waste products of pinworms, intoxication. This condition is considered very dangerous for children under 1 year old.

Folk remedies

There are modern medicines that are effective and safe. It is imperative that the child be shown to the doctor and consulted. The people also use the following means.

  • Garlic enemas are quite effective. For them, take a head of garlic (6-7 cloves) for 1.5 liters of water. Pour the product and leave for 8 hours, then use the resulting water to do enemas twice a day for 5-6 days.
  • Carrot milk. Cook the finely grated carrots in a liter of milk, let the mixture simmer for half an hour. Then cool down what happened and let the child drink the drink every day for four days. A single dose is about a glass, you should drink this medicine on an empty stomach, at least an hour before a meal. Such a remedy should not be given to children under three years old, since they will not be able to drink the required amount of carrot milk, and a smaller dose will be less effective.
  • Sauerkraut brine parasites also don't like it. Cabbage must be fermented no later than 30 days ago, only in this case its brine will have maximum healing properties. You can give it from the age of seven, half a glass twice a day after meals. This should be done throughout the week.
  • Pumpkin seeds. Treatment with their help should not be carried out for young children, this method is more suitable for children from 12 years old and older. It is necessary to give the child about a hundred peeled seeds on an empty stomach in the morning. Forty minutes after the child has eaten them, he is given any laxative allowed by age. The worms will come out almost in full, but to be sure, it is better to repeat the eating of pumpkin seeds in the same amount exactly in a week.
  • Warm sitz baths. Pinworms are very fond of a warm environment, so it's a sin not to take advantage of this. Give your baby a sitz bath at night before going to bed so that only the baby's butt can be lowered into it. The parasites will surely head towards the heat source and exit the rectum into the water. You will be able to see them at the bottom of the basin when they pour out the water. The duration of such a procedure is just over a quarter of an hour. Then the child's anus should be washed with soap and water. Sitting baths should be done within a week. The disadvantage of such treatment is the lack of confidence that all the pinworms have come out. If at least a few individuals remain, enterobiasis will begin anew.
  • Herbal enemas. To prepare such a procedure, you will need a pharmacy collection of wormwood and celandine. 50 gr. Mix each raw material and pour 0.5 liters of warm boiled water. Let stand for about half an hour, then put on fire and boil for three minutes, then the broth should be filtered and cooled. Do enemas with an exceptionally warm broth (heat as needed) for one and a half weeks. An important detail - the procedure must be carried out immediately after the act of defecation.
  • Saline enemas. A teaspoon of salt in a glass of boiled water - these are the proportions of the rectal lavage solution. The procedure should be repeated up to 4 times a day for two days. The process is not pleasant, so you should not do such an enema for too young children, especially newborns and nurses. Pinworms die from salt, the body will bring them out during a bowel movement.
  • Tar soap. This hygiene product does not have a pleasant smell, but it has great health value. Eliminating the pinworm problem with it is long (about one and a half months), but very effective. It is enough just to wash the child twice a day with such soap and change the underwear after each procedure. Due to the prolonged action, tar soap is best used for prevention.

What can’t be done?

On the Internet, many "experienced" are advised to treat pinworms with infusions of alcohol or, in general, vodka. Yes, alcohol acts destructively and instantly on parasites, but this method is not suitable for children. You should not give your child even diluted alcoholic infusions to drink. Enemas with such solutions are also contraindicated, since alcohol is absorbed into the body even faster through the walls of the rectum.


If the child has confirmed pinworms, all family members should undergo treatment without exception.... Indeed, in everyday life, these parasites are transmitted quite easily, and their incubation period is about 2 weeks. In order not to treat each family member in turn several times, in one fell swoop you need to cope with the problem all together.

For information on what to include in your diet, see the next video.

You can find out more about enterobiasis by watching the following video.

Watch the video: Pin Worms - Enterobius Vermicularis (July 2024).