
How to lose weight after a cesarean section?

The desire of a woman to quickly recover from childbirth and regain lightness and excellent physical shape is quite understandable. At the same time, there is no difference in which way a woman gave birth - naturally or by caesarean section. All newly minted mothers want to be slim, beautiful, fit and desirable again. But the process of restoring physical shape after a cesarean section has its own limitations and rules. How to lose weight after this operation, remove the stomach, we will tell you in this article.

Features of the recovery period

After a natural birth, recovery is also more natural. Usually, the issue of weight loss is not an acute issue, since everything happens smoothly and in due time. After a cesarean section, which is a serious surgical operation and a gross intervention in the nature of the female body, recovery is longer and more specific.

Of course, you won't be able to lose weight quickly, especially if a woman gained a solid supply of extra pounds during pregnancy. In the first days after the operation, the puerpera is shown a gentle regimen of physical activity. You can get up only 8-10 hours after the surgical delivery.

The woman has two stitches after the operation. One is external and the other is internal, which she cannot see. Only a day later, the internal suture, sewn up with special absorbable surgical sutures, begins to tighten at the level of the fibrin threads. A week later, he begins to acquire myocyte cells and connective tissue, the blood network is restored, collagen appears in the area of ​​scarring, which gives the scar elasticity. Complete healing of the inner suture takes about 2 months, and the formation of the scar lasts for two years.

It is in the first two months that a woman needs to avoid excessive physical exertion, infections, sexual contacts in order to minimize the risks of the formation of an insolvent scar.

The external suture on the abdomen will heal on average 20 days after surgery. The stitches are removed for 7-9 days, but this does not mean that a woman can immediately do whatever she wants to lose weight, because the inner scar has not yet healed.

The presence of scars as such greatly complicates the task of getting rid of excess weight, but nothing is impossible, the main thing is not to forget about the restrictions imposed by the rehabilitation period after a cesarean section on the entire lifestyle of a newly-made mother.

What cannot be done?

When a postpartum woman is interested in how to lose weight quickly after a delivery operation, she forgets to add a simple but important word to the question - safe. Losing weight after a cesarean section is not necessary quickly, but first of all it is safe. Therefore, for a start, let's clarify what to do for weight loss is categorically impossible:

  • go to the gym, exercise on simulators, lift dumbbells, a barbell, swing the press (up to 7-8 months after the operation);
  • lift any weight over 3-4 kilograms;
  • squat sharply, bend over;
  • visit the pool, bathhouse, sauna (up to 3 months after the operation);

  • massage the abdominal muscles (up to 6 months after surgery);
  • use vacuum cans on the stomach (up to a year after the operation);
  • sit on mono-diets and strict fat-burning diets if a woman is breastfeeding a baby;
  • take hormonal drugs to suppress hunger, all kinds of goji berries and laxative teas, if the woman is a nursing mother.

As you can see, almost all the most popular ways to lose extra pounds fall into restrictions. But this does not mean that you need to put up with weight, learn to live with it and not even try to do anything with extra pounds for six months or a year. It is entirely possible to lose weight without exhausting workouts, a grueling diet, and setting a world record for bench press. Let's take a look at the correct and safe ways to lose weight after a caesarean section.

How to lose weight correctly?

The correct approach to weight loss after surgery is always complex. Do not think that only diet or exercise will help you get rid of the hated pounds. The approach should be multidimensional and systematic. This will reduce to 2-3 kilograms per week. You can start 6-8 weeks after the operation, when the internal seams are already sufficiently elastic and there is no need to fear their divergence.

It is most reasonable to deal with weight loss issues after a preliminary consultation with a doctor, who will confirm that the young mother has no postoperative complications.

Record your starting weight (in the morning, on an empty stomach, after using the toilet, and preferably naked). Keep a notebook, enter the starting weight and date, and plan the duration and type of physical activity, diet and other ways to remove a sagging belly and pretty spread buttocks and hips for each day.

Physical activity, sports, gymnastics

Start your morning lightly. It should include walking in place, tilting the body to the right and left, forward, circular movements of the hips. While sitting on the mat, you can reach your knees with your hands. All exercises that tighten the abs are unacceptable in the first six months.

After this period, you can gradually add leg raises from a prone position to physical therapy (and in fact, your light exercise will be), and then move on to lifting the torso (the standard way to swing the press). Even a light charge of 5-7 minutes will give noticeable results in a couple of weeks.

After removing the external seams, the woman needs to start walking. Long walks are a great fat burner. Combine this with walking with your newborn.

It is only important to remember that you cannot carry the stroller up the steps to the apartment on your own, and try to carry the child in your arms less often.

Walking in the park for half an hour, and then an hour (provided that the woman does not stand still, sit with neighbors on the bench in leisurely conversations while the child sleeps), allows you to burn almost a third of the calories consumed per day.

If a woman has the opportunity to leave her child for a couple of hours with a nanny or grandmother, this should definitely be used and swimming should be added to the physical activity program (3 months after the operation). When the baby grows up to 7-8 months, the mother can safely sign up to the gym closest to the house and work out with a gradual increase in the load. First - only mobile dynamic exercises on an ellipsoid, an exercise bike, then, if desired, dumbbells can be included in the program, but only under the guidance of an experienced trainer.


As already mentioned, fashionable and advertised mono diets are not suitable for a nursing mother. Her nutrition must necessarily be balanced, multi-component, so that the baby can receive everything necessary for his growth and development with breast milk. When drawing up the menu, it is imperative to take into account the individual reaction of the baby to certain foods in the mother's diet.

Eating to lose weight while breastfeeding will have to be at least 6-7 times a day. The portions, respectively, should be reduced to 300-400 grams (the total weight of everything that you plan to eat). In addition to such fractional nutrition, you need to drink plenty of fluids. It is best if the liquid is at room temperature - it is more useful for lactation and for metabolism. The daily rate of fluid is at least two liters. When planning a menu for yourself for a week, remember that balance is the presence of all groups of substances in every meal. In general, proteins need to be consumed per day about 40% of the total, carbohydrates and fats - 25 and 35%, respectively.

Eliminate completely:

  • canned food, pickled foods;
  • factory sweets, cakes and pastries, sugar;
  • high amounts of salt and salty foods;
  • smoked, fried, fatty;
  • sausages, sausages;
  • flour;
  • alcohol, carbonated drinks.

What we eat: vegetables and fruits, both fresh and boiled / stewed, boiled, baked, stewed and steamed meat, fish, poultry. A small amount of whole grain bread, porridge from various cereals, both cooked in water and dairy, dairy products, fermented milk, cottage cheese.

This is quite enough to compose a tasty and healthy menu for both mother and child, in which the baby will not lack vitamins and minerals, the mother will not be hungry and angry, and the weight will gradually go away. The main thing is to remember about 400 grams. That is, lunch will be like this: 100 grams of vegetable soup with meatballs, 100 grams of stewed zucchini, 120 grams of boiled chicken breast and about 80 grams of apples, pears or gooseberries. According to this principle, make 5-6 meals every 2.5-3 hours, make the last meal before bedtime light - only yogurt or only an apple.

Other effective ways

Additionally, if you have the time, money and desire, you can take advantage of the achievements of cosmetology and physiotherapy. The following procedures will help to reduce weight faster and bring the skin on the abdomen back to normal (all are applied three months after the operation and not earlier!):

  • wraps (honey, chocolate, kelp, etc.);
  • ultrasonic cavitation on the thighs and abdomen;
  • vacuum massage with cans (after 12 months from the date of the operation);
  • laser lipolysis.

Before deciding on this or that auxiliary method, be sure to check with your doctor whether it is possible for you to carry out such a procedure after the operation, or while it is worth waiting.


According to the reviews of women, on a sparing weight loss mode per week, you can lose about 3 kilograms. Moreover, in the first weeks, weight loss occurs more intensively than later. But you don't need to stop, then you will be able to achieve a lasting effect and excellent results.

According to the reviews of young mothers, whose babies were born by cesarean section, the most difficult thing in the process of losing weight is the abdomen, or rather, the skin and fat fold above the postoperative scar. With the right lifestyle, it is usually possible to achieve its significant reduction, but, alas, no complete disappearance.

In general, women note that within 8-11 months after the operation, they managed to return to the weight that they had before pregnancy. Some even manage to lose more weight and weigh less than before pregnancy.

Breastfeeding mothers experience a slightly slower weight loss process than non-breastfeeding women. This is due to the special hormonal background of young mothers associated with lactation. But they also manage to return to their previous forms within a year. Reviews about the complete ineffectiveness of weight loss measures after surgery may be associated, most likely, with laziness.

For more information on how to lose weight after a cesarean section, see the next video.

Watch the video: How to Lose Weight After a C-Section 8 Effective Tips (July 2024).