Child health

All the features of the use of Mikrolax in children and adults

What is the "secret" of Mikrolax. Mechanism of action

The developers of the drug managed to create a product that compares favorably with other drugs with a laxative effect existing for the period of the 60s of the last century.

First, the scientists who worked for the manufacturing company Pharmacia (now Johnson & Johnson LLC) included components in the drug that have a strong laxative effect and at the same time complement each other.

Secondly, they chose the rectal route of administration to quickly reach the “problem” site and prevent systemic side effects, since the drug is practically not absorbed into the bloodstream. But these were not already familiar suppositories (candles) or a classic enema with water.

Rectal route of administration is a method of administering a drug through the anus. It is used in the treatment of intestinal diseases, the impossibility of taking the drug in another way (for example, when a person is unconscious, he has myasthenia gravis, or it is unacceptable due to imperfect development of reflexes, etc.) and in a number of other cases.

Microlax is used exclusively rectally! Do not confuse this drug with its closest "relative" - ​​Mikrolax Plus... The latter has a completely different composition and is intended for oral administration.

The mechanism of action of the drug is based on osmotic laws. The citric acid salt in the composition contributes to the displacement of bound water from the feces, they become more liquid, which means it is easier for them to leave the intestines. A surfactant of the type found in many detergents has an additional gliding effect and also participates in the process of liquefying the stool. Sorbitol "pulls" water into the intestines, and glycerin, also in the list of ingredients of the drug, helps to soften the act of defecation.

These three components solve the main problem: promote gentle and rapid bowel movement. The patient makes minimal efforts during defecation, which means that the risk of tissue injury, prolapse of hemorrhoids, and the appearance of painful sensations is reduced. In this way, the Mikrolax enema also provides psychological support to the patient, especially when he repeatedly experienced torment when going to the toilet.

A strong osmotic saline laxative in combination with emollient components increases the likelihood that an x-ray examination, sigmoidoscopy will take place and will answer the doctor's questions. After all, the intestines when using Mikrolax will be cleansed, as it should, feces, gases will not interfere with the process.

The effect of using Microlax rectal solution will not keep itself waiting long. The stool can be expected 5-15 minutes after the contents of the tube are inserted.

Microclysters Microlax composition, packaging feature

According to the instructions, the active components of the drug are:

  • sodium citrate;
  • sodium lauryl sulfoacetate;
  • sorbitol solution.

As auxiliary substances are:

  • sorbic acid;
  • glycerol;
  • prepared water.

The drug is available in two types:

  • Microlax for children from 0 years old - solution for rectal administration, 5 ml No. 4;
  • Microlax solution for rectal administration 5 ml No. 4 and No. 12.

What is the difference? The only feature of Mikrolax for children from 0 years old is its shortened "nose". It allows you to administer the drug to your baby without fear and unnecessary hesitation.

Microlax is a micro enema presented in the form of a tube containing a medicinal solution and an applicator tip extending from it. The edges of the latter are rounded, which means that the packaging will not harm the patient.

Each tube of the drug contains the optimal amount of a substance to have a laxative effect in both a child and an adult. No dosage adjustment is required. The main thing to keep in mind is that the applicator is inserted completely into the rectum, and only for newborns there is a risk to which it is necessary to insert the "nose" of the tube. In the case of using a special children's Mikrolax, this need disappears.

The manufacturer, with the release of such a dosage form, achieved:

  • hygiene (before and after administration of the drug, antiseptic treatment of microclysters is not required, reuse is not implied, since one tube is designed for one use);
  • facilities (no "wisdom" in terms of application, everything is extremely simple and clear, does not require special knowledge and training);
  • security (the applicator is not sharp, has the optimal length and thickness, there is no possibility of overdosing the medicine by mistake or inattention).

It is not for nothing that the manufacturer offers the consumer packaging with various amounts of microclysters. If the patient and / or his family members periodically face the need to use laxatives (constantly, often), then it makes sense to buy a large package. It will be both profitable in terms of money and convenient (there will always be a supply).

If the patient or his relatives first encountered the problem of constipation or the peculiarities of preparation for the examination of the gastrointestinal tract, then it is better to take a package with 4 microclysters for a trial.

Under what conditions is the use of Mikrolax indicated?

The drug is used in two cases: for constipation or to prepare for the examination. However, each age group of patients has their own reasons for using Microlax.


At such a tender age, the reason for using Mikrolax can be the natural process of the formation of the normal activity of the gastrointestinal tract. After birth, a small organism needs to digest food itself, fight bacteria, build up its own microflora, etc. Therefore, sometimes babies experience malfunctions in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract - constipation.

Often in the early stages of life, problems with defecation are associated with artificial feeding or the introduction of complementary foods. Children who eat special formula milk, as a rule, suffer from constipation more often than their peers who are fortunate enough to eat breast milk.

Premature babies can still be vulnerable in this regard. Birth trauma can also contribute to constipation.

Microlax for newborns is a real salvation, because it has no contraindications for age. In addition, it is the only laxative drug in Russia approved for use in children from the first days of life.

Children over a year old

The most common causes of constipation in babies at this age are:

  • not drinking enough fluids (children drink little or consume only sugary drinks);
  • wrong diet (there is no clearly established time for eating, there are snacks with sweets);
  • insufficient intake of dietary fiber (the child refuses fruits, vegetables, or simply does not get them from everyday food);
  • dysbiosis (violation of intestinal microflora);
  • psychological factor (potty training, no diapers, fear of the toilet).

Microlax is used in children over one year old when there is:

  • absence of a chair for 1.5 - 2 days;
  • decrease in the number of bowel movements per week (less than 6);
  • pain during bowel movement, while the feces are dense, dry (this can be considered constipation, even if there are no complaints about the frequency of stool).

Norm is a relative concept. If the parents did not record the signs of constipation listed above, but the baby is restless, his appetite has disappeared, he wants to empty himself, but cannot, then you should consult a doctor.


There are more reasons to resort to the use of Mikrolax in adults. This may be due to:

  • hypodynamia (sedentary lifestyle, profession features);
  • unhealthy diet (too many fats and carbohydrates, not enough protein and fiber, as well as insufficient intake of healthy fluids);
  • stress, neuroses;
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, central and peripheral nervous system, trauma;
  • the need to undergo various types of examinations;
  • taking medications (Almagel, Venter, De-nol, Omez, Ranitidin, Ferrum-Lek, etc.);
  • habitat change (when moving, while traveling);
  • pregnancy (the growing uterus changes the physiological state of the intestines, presses on the organs);
  • decrease in the functional activity of the gastrointestinal tract in old age.

Microlax is also indicated for encopresis, both in adults and in children. This term implies the inability to control the process of defecation, fecal incontinence. In adults, this disease is usually associated with trauma, tumors, rectal prolapse, etc., while in children it is caused by psychological factors, for example, unwillingness to obey social norms.

How to apply correctly

Microlax works like an enema. However, in order to use the drug, you do not need syringes and petroleum jelly.

First of all, you need to warm the medicine in your hands (especially in the cold season). Then you should break off the protective seal on the "nose" of the tube by turning it, slightly press on the tube so that a drop of the agent appears - it will slightly lubricate the tip so that the insertion process is as comfortable as possible.

The applicator should be inserted into the anus completely (6.6 cm) or up to the mark if the patient is less than 3 years old. The Mikrolax tip for children from 0 years old does not have restrictive risks, which means that it is administered to the children to the end (to the base of the tube).

The solution will enter the rectum only if you press on the tube. You must completely extrude its contents. Then the tip is removed, while the tube must continue to be squeezed.

Microlax can be used both at home and in hospital. The patient is able to use the drug on his own, without anyone's help. To do this, he can squat or lie on his side. If the patient is a small child, then he should be placed on his stomach or on his side and the drug should be injected.

Each micro enema Mikrolax contains 5 ml of solution. They must be entered immediately (at one time). Dosing, division is not allowed.

Are there any contraindications for Mikrolax? Adverse reactions

The list of contraindications for the drug consists of only one item - the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the medicinal solution. That is, if the patient has previously had allergic or other abnormal reactions to sodium citrate, lauryl sulfoacetate, sorbitol, sorbic acid or glycerin, then another medicine with a laxative effect should be chosen. However, in practice, hypersensitivity to the components of Mikrolax is extremely rare.

Although this drug has a high safety profile and has no age restrictions, side effects are still possible. Very rare cases (less than one hundredth of a percent) have been recorded when a patient had the following symptoms:

  • pain in the abdomen;
  • discomfort around the anus;
  • loose stools;
  • allergic reactions, in particular urticaria.

No systemic side effects were reported. This is due to the fact that the drug does not go further from the place of the congestion from the feces and is practically not absorbed into the bloodstream.

Features of use in pregnant and lactating women

The drug is used to eliminate constipation and expectant mothers, and women who are breastfeeding. However, it should be understood that Microlax has not been tested on this category of patients. But taking into account its local action, it is not necessary to assume the development of pathologies in the fetus and the child.

Self-medication during pregnancy and lactation is always a risk, both for a woman and for her fetus (child). Therefore, it is better for patients of this category to consult a doctor before using Mikrolax microclysters.

The combination of Mikrolax with other drugs

The instructions noted only a negative result of interaction with sodium polystyrene sulfonate. With the simultaneous use of Mikrolax per os or per rectum and this drug for the treatment of hyperkalemia, necrosis (tissue necrosis) of the large intestine may develop. The reason for the incompatibility of the solution of microclysters and sodium polystyrosulfonate is the presence of sorbitol in the composition.

Must know

Recommendations and warnings for those who use or are going to resort to the help of Mikrolax:

  1. The drug acts gently and quickly, which captivates many chronic constipation patients. And although Microlax is not addictive, it is still not recommended for daily and constant use. Therefore, if constipation reappears, you should see your doctor.
  2. The drug does not affect the ability to drive a car and mechanisms. Patient drivers and people responsible for the operation of mechanisms in the workplace can safely use it.
  3. The medicinal product should not be used after the expiration date. or in case of accidental violation of the integrity of the primary packaging.
  4. It is impossible to pour the solution into the sewer, as well as throw it out into the street. The correct thing to do is to put the drug in a bag and put it in the trash can

Before using Mikrolax, it will be useful to look at the instructions. All the information about the drug necessary for the consumer is indicated there. In addition, in addition to the text, there are also schematic drawings on a 1: 1 scale, which will clearly show what and how to do.

Mikrolax analogs

Today there are no drugs identical in composition and form of release in Russia. A doctor or pharmacist can advise other medicines instead of Mikrolax in the form of:

  • solution for rectal administration: Enema Klin, Enemaxal;
  • suppositories: Glycerin, Glycelax;
  • drops for oral administration: Guttalax, Slabikap;
  • syrup: Duphalac, Normase;
  • tablets: Senade, Senadexin;
  • powder for preparation of oral solution: Magnesium sulfate;
  • medicinal plant materials: Senna leaf, Buckthorn leaf.

All of them belong to the group of laxatives and in some cases can be offered as an analogue of Mikrolax. However, in terms of effectiveness, speed of onset of effect, age restrictions, contraindications, side effects, all of the above drugs are different. Therefore, the replacement will not always be equivalent.

Storage conditions and dispensing from the pharmacy

The drug is stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius. After the seal on the tip is broken off, Mikrolax must be used or disposed of.

The medicine belongs to non-prescription drugs. However, this does not replace the need to consult a doctor.


Constipation is one of the most common gastrointestinal disorders in children. Elderly people, as well as pregnant women, often suffer from them due to physiological changes. Mikrolax solves the problem of constipation quickly, gently and safely. This gives him the "right" to be used even in neonatal, pediatric and obstetric practice. In this case, you can not buy liters of solution. Dosed microclysters are convenient and hygienic.

However, we must not forget that no matter how good Microlax is, it eliminates only the symptom and does not fight the cause that caused the constipation. This means that the drug will not be able to prevent relapse in any way. In addition, temporary relief, which will be facilitated by Microlax, can cause the moment of going to the doctor to be postponed, and precious time is lost.


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Watch the video: Chronic Constipation in Children is NOT a Miralax Deficiency - Functional Nugget #330 (July 2024).