
Why does a newborn have a cold nose - reasons

Often, mothers are worried that the newborn has a cold nose. When this happens, they wrap him up even more. In order to prevent such an unpleasant, in their opinion, symptom in the future, they try to dress the baby as warm as possible, which can harm the baby.

Cool nose of the baby

They are partly right - the child's temperature regulation system is far from perfect, so it is more difficult for him to adapt to the cold. On the other hand, it should not be overly protected from the effects of low temperatures. This in the long term can lead to the fact that even the weakest breeze will lead to a cold.

How to determine the temperature of the nose

To determine how cold a newborn's nose is, just put your finger on it. Moreover, this does not always mean that he is really cold. This happens even in late spring or summer.

Experts advise to determine hypothermia not by the nose, but by the neck, nape and upper back. If these areas are warm and the nose is cool, this is normal and you can continue walking.

Newborn child

If a child's exposed parts of the body are hot after a recent ice cold nose, parents may be worried. The reason here is that the baby is just hot. The relatives wrapped up the baby too much, as if on the street it was not -1, but everything -20. In turn, this is even more dangerous than hypothermia, since a sweating baby easily picks up a variety of diseases.

If hypothermia is the cause of a cold nose in a newborn even at home, then the following symptoms can be noticed:

  1. The temperature under the clothes is low. Keep warm under the jacket and hat. If it feels even 16-18 degrees there, you need to go home to warm up.
  2. Pale cheeks and lips. If they were red a couple of minutes ago and suddenly turned white, this is a sad signal.
  3. Sleep problems or, conversely, an excessive desire to sleep.
  4. Lack of desire to play.
  5. Bluish shade of fingers.

Important! If at least some of these signs appear, the reason why a newborn has a cold nose is obvious.

Why is the nose freezing

In most cases, a child's cool nose means that his thermoregulation is fully functional. It may also indicate that the crumbs have problems with blood circulation, which are also often part of the norm. Here the reason lies in the fact that not all organs have completely completed their formation. With age, the problem should disappear.

There are many reasons why a child is cold:

  1. Clothes that are too cold or warm.
  2. Tight clothing and shoes.
  3. Violation of thermoregulation processes. In infancy, this is the norm. The main thing is that in the future the baby can independently maintain the correct body temperature.
  4. Endocrine system diseases. This is unlikely at this age. But with a reduced thyroid function, the body temperature decreases. At the same time, other manifestations are observed, for example, the child is gaining weight too quickly.

In the maternity hospital

The set of reasons why a baby may have a cool nose in a maternity hospital is very diverse, from insufficient heating to more serious problems. The baby's thermoregulation system is underdeveloped, therefore, relatively comfortable 18-20 degrees for an adult may turn out to be cold for a baby. Therefore, the parent does not feel the cold, and the child freezes.

Newborn baby in the cold

Important! If your baby has a cold nose in the birthing home, you can always see a doctor who can tell you whether to worry.

During sleep

If a child has a cold nose while sleeping, here, too, you do not always need to worry. During this period, the metabolism decreases, the body temperature can drop by a whole degree. If the arms and legs are also cold, this may indicate problems with peripheral circulation.

Newborn baby in warmth

To check how justified the feelings are, it is necessary to observe the warmth of the child's skin during the day in various situations: on a walk, while playing, eating, and so on. You need to visit a doctor regularly, who will most likely say that there is no reason to worry.

AT during the walk

If a child's nose becomes icy during a walk in the fall, spring and winter, in most situations there is no need to worry. According to its anatomical features, it freezes more than the rest of the body. The reason is the constantly circulating cold air. It is also a protruding part of the body, which has a high thermal conductivity.

Other possible options

There are a wide range of reasons why a child has problems with a cold nose. Most often So occurs in the following cases:

  1. Prematurity. Even in a full-term baby, the thermoregulation system is rather weak.
  2. Malfunctions of the endocrine system.
  3. Problems with the cardiovascular system.
  4. Onset of respiratory infections.
  5. Individual characteristics of the organism.
  6. It's cold in the apartment. This is one of the most common reasons babies have cold cheeks at home.
  7. Stress. In this state, blood flows from the face to the brain.

When to fear

If a newborn baby is constantly freezing, and nothing helps him, his temperature rises, he looks frankly painful, you should consult a doctor. If, at the same time, his mood is normal, he eats well, and the baby's body itself is warm, then you should not worry.

It is necessary to see a doctor if the nose is icy, regardless of the weather, as well as if the baby's arms and legs are cold. Only then can we talk about serious malfunctions in the body.

Important! If the baby feels normal, plays, then there is no need to worry. Usually, the state of health of the crumbs comes first in determining whether there is a reason for concern about any symptom.

Ice spout prevention

What to do to prevent the baby's nose from cooling? First of all, the baby needs to be kept warm. At the same time, you should not dress him too warmly. In the long term, this will lead to the fact that the crumb will not be tempered. As a result, even a little coolness will be enough for the baby's nose to become icy.

You need to try to keep the temperature in the apartment in the cold season within about 20 degrees. The above is not recommended, because too large temperature drops, when the room is +27, and outside -10, it is harmful. If a child is in a room for a long time, the temperature of which is below 20 degrees, he may freeze. This is why babies may have cold cheeks at home.


Watch the video: Stop a running nose with reflexology and acupressure (July 2024).