
12 tips for raising a confident child

One of the important stages of raising a child is the formation of his self-confidence. Psychologists explain that such a character trait helps children to take on difficult tasks, to try something new. If a child is not confident in his own abilities, he will be afraid to be considered a failure, disappoint loved ones and cause disapproval of others. In the future, such a person will not be able to achieve success in his career, because employees are especially valued who take responsibility and offer non-standard, risky solutions to various problems. Follow our recommendations - and raise a confident child, ensuring his successful future.

Praise the child not only for success, but also for their efforts (regardless of whether the child succeeded or not)

Achieving the goal is important for adults, and the child is just learning - first to hold a spoon on his own and go to the potty, then read, write, play ball games. Therefore, the requirements for children should be different. At the stage of growing up, the learning process itself is important, so parents should encourage the child's efforts, regardless of whether he is successful or not.... If your son misses goal while playing football, applaud loudly and express your delight anyway. You can't make a child feel uncomfortable if something doesn't work out for him. Let the kid understand that no one will mock him, condemn, scold him for his mistakes. In this case, he will not be afraid to try new things and learn further.

Encourage practice

Have you noticed that the child is watching basketball on TV with interest, he liked to draw or sing? Try to encourage him to do this more often. The main thing is to act unobtrusively and without coercion. If you discern musical talent in your child, do not force him to play the piano until his hands hurt. So after all, you can completely discourage interest not only in a particular instrument, but in music in general. All classes should be dosed, and let the teacher tell you about the schedule.

Let your child solve some of his problems on his own.

Life throws up difficulties for everyone. A person should learn how to cope with them in childhood, because as they grow up, all problems will only become more serious. Therefore, give your child the opportunity to independently find a way out of difficult situations, develop communication skills with different people. Try not to constantly interfere with your child's life, trying to make it as easy as possible. Prompt him with advice, listen and encourage, but do not rush to immediately punish his offenders without even understanding the situation. If you constantly interfere in the child's life, trying to protect him from all adversity, he will grow up dependent and insecure. Then even at the age of 40, your child will expect that at any moment his mother will come and solve his problem.

Challenge your child

Teach your child to always move forward. Let him know that achieving a small goal is just the beginning, now he can do something more meaningful. For example, if your child is learning how to ride a two-wheeled bicycle, offer to remove the extra wheels. Convince him that he is ready to go anyway, and you will insure him if necessary.

Mistakes are an integral part of learning

We all learn from our mistakes, and children are no exception. Therefore, do not require a child to be perfect, to grasp everything the first time. It's okay if the child has made an unfortunate mistake. But he realizes his mistake, learns a lesson from it, and next time he will cope better with the task.

Encourage children's curiosity

Children are little why. Of course, their endless questions tire and even start to irritate adults. It is only important for parents to understand that, by asking about something and learning new things, the child develops, replenishes his vocabulary, broadens his horizons. Getting answers for his "why", the kid understands that there are many interesting things in the world that he needs to learn more about. The child's curiosity flares up, it motivates him to learn and grow above himself.

According to statistics, boys and girls who in the first years of life ask many questions to their parents and receive answers to them, in elementary school overtake their classmates. Such children are interested in learning new information, they learn better and absorb knowledge faster.

Discover new opportunities

Try to take your child for walks and on different trips more often, tell him something new, read interesting and informative books. All this contributes to broadening one's horizons and building self-confidence.

Share your experience and knowledge

The whole world of a baby in the first years of his life is his parents. In his eyes, mom and dad are superheroes who can do anything. Become worthy role models. Pass on your knowledge to the baby, teach him everything that you can yourself.

Never criticize

Children are very vulnerable. Even if the child has failed, in any case do not criticize him, do not say that he did everything bad and wrong. Moreover, comparisons with children who turned out to be better, faster, and smarter cannot be used. Otherwise, you run the risk of completely discouraging the child from doing something. He will simply begin to be afraid of disappointing his parents again and will not dare to try something new.

Support your child when he is experiencing difficulties and setbacks

No matter how talented your child is, he still learns on himself all the injustice of this life. He will face difficulties, suffer hurtful failures. At such moments, the child needs his parents to simply support him. Remind your child that in order to achieve the goal, you need to work hard and believe in yourself, and all the difficulties are just steps on the path to success.

Encourage the urge to try new things

Starting something new is always exciting. Therefore, be sure to support your child if he wants to enroll in the sports section or learn how to roller skate. Praise him for wanting to do something useful. Tell your child that you are proud of how bravely he begins a new stage in his life.

Demonstrate the joy of learning

Each child copies the emotions and reactions of their parents, their attitude to different things. Take your child with you to the pool so he can see how much fun swimming gives you. Show how interesting it is to read in a foreign language, understanding the meaning of what is written. The child will see your reactions and will also be delighted with all these things.

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  • 12 tips for raising a confident child
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Watching a video on how to raise a successful and self-confident child:

Watch the video: 10 Parenting Tips to Calm Down Any Child In a Minute (September 2024).