Child health

3 groups of causes of cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle in infants

Often, "newly minted" parents notice that their baby's nasolabial triangle periodically turns blue. The appearance of blue in this area mainly occurs during anxiety and crying of their child. But why does the nasolabial triangle turn blue in the baby? Is this considered a pathology or is it the norm? When should parents sound the alarm? What to do about it? And which specialists should you contact? These are the questions that parents of children with cyanosis often ask pediatricians and neonatologists.

Features of the blood supply to the nasolabial triangle

A feature of this area of ​​the face is that it has a well-developed blood supply system (it is represented by the arterial and venous network). In addition, veins in the perioral region, unlike other parts of the human body, lack valves.

The nasolabial triangle has a second name - the "triangle of death". And he got this name due to the fact that any infection that gets into this part of the body (for example, with inflammatory diseases or carbuncles) quickly penetrates the brain. This can contribute to the most serious complications, up to and including death.

Possible causes of cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle

The appearance of blue in the "triangle of death" occurs when the oxygen concentration in the blood falls below 95%.

The causes of cyanosis in the perioral region in a child may be:

  • physiological;
  • pathological.

The "death triangle" can turn blue in both a healthy newborn and a sick one. Therefore, whether the condition is pathology or not should be determined exclusively by the doctor!

Does cyanosis occur in healthy babies?

In physiological cyanosis, venous and capillary vessels shine through the thin skin and appear cyanotic (cyanotic).

That is, the physiological cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle in the baby is due to the thin skin on the face (especially the newborn) and the immature respiratory system.

This type of cyanosis can occur in babies with crying, anxiety, overexcitation, hypothermia, pale and thin skin, prolonged sucking (since this process is a serious burden for the baby and during this period the superficial vessels of the skin can expand, which manifests itself in the form of blue in the "triangle of death" zone).

Pathological conditions leading to blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle

A blue nasolabial triangle in a baby can be with diseases:

  • of cardio-vascular system. These include: heart defects, heart failure, a sharp drop in blood pressure, etc.;
  • respiratory system. These include: bronchial asthma, respiratory allergies, complicated course of parainfluenza, pneumonia, bronchitis, blockage of the respiratory tract by a foreign body, pulmonary artery malformations;
  • nervous system. These include: increased intracranial pressure, immaturity of brain structures, birth trauma.

The blue discoloration of the perioral region in a baby is only a consequence of diseases of one of these systems.

Diagnosis of conditions in which cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle appears in children

It is necessary to diagnose the etiology of the "death triangle" cyanosis as early as possible.

Diagnosis of the cause due to which the blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle arose is carried out using:

  • examination by a neonatologist and / or pediatrician;
  • consultations with a neurologist. It is necessary for prematurity, difficult childbirth and to exclude pathologies of the nervous system;
  • X-ray examination of the chest organs. To exclude infectious processes and foreign bodies in the respiratory tract;
  • electrocardiogram (ECG) and ultrasound examination of the heart (ultrasound). These methods make it possible to detect heart pathologies in time;
  • ultrasound examination of the brain (performed with an open fontanelle in the baby to exclude pathological changes);
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain. It is performed in children with a closed fontanelle to exclude severe pathologies of the central nervous system;
  • bronchoscopy (if foreign bodies enter the respiratory tract).

The task of parents is to timely identify all pathological conditions and seek help (if the slightest changes appear, it is necessary to consult a child with a specialist). It is better to be overly attentive to the baby than to miss a serious pathology that can cost a baby's life.

What are the symptoms of blue discoloration?

Since there are a lot of reasons for the appearance of cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle, there are many symptoms with which it can be combined. Most often, it is combined with pallor of the skin, acrocyanosis (with "blue" heart defects), cough, shortness of breath, wheezing noisy breathing, swelling of the wings of the nose, the participation of auxiliary muscles in the act of breathing (with pathology of the respiratory system), bulging of the large fontanelle and slowing of sucking (with pathologies of the central nervous system).

If pathological conditions are found in the maternity hospital, the child must be consulted by the necessary specialist, carry out all the necessary diagnostic tests and, if necessary, transfer the newborn to the intensive care unit or prepare for surgery.

When should parents sound the alarm? What specialists should I contact?

In 90% of cases, the pathology of the development of the respiratory system, cardiovascular and nervous system is detected even at the prenatal stage (at screenings) or immediately after childbirth (in the maternity hospital).

If the baby lags behind in development from peers, does not suck well or has cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle combined with cough, difficulty breathing, blueness of other parts of the body, shortness of breath, lethargy, drowsiness, convulsions, parents need to inform the pediatrician about these symptoms as soon as possible for further diagnosis and treatment of them crumbs.

If necessary, the pediatrician sends the baby for a consultation with a pulmonologist, neurologist, cardiologist.

The essence of the treatment of cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle in infants

Do not treat babies yourself with folk or other methods! Therapy, if necessary, should only be performed by a doctor.

Treatment should be etiological and aimed at eliminating the cause that could cause cyanosis.

With physiological cyanosis, the pediatrician may prescribe:

  • restorative massage and water procedures;
  • daily walks in the fresh air;
  • limiting stress for the baby.

Perioral cyanosis is not an independent disease, but only a symptom of other diseases.

Prevention of the condition at the stage of pregnancy planning and during carrying a baby

Whether a newborn is born healthy or not depends not only on the circumstances, but also on how preventive measures were taken before the baby is born.

It is necessary to exclude the occurrence of cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle in a newborn even at the planning stage of pregnancy and during it.

To do this, the expectant mother must:

  • be examined before conceiving a child;

The expectant mother is recommended to be examined not only herself, but also to examine the future father to exclude sexually transmitted diseases, as well as to the likelihood of the occurrence of genetic diseases in the child.

  • pass all screenings to exclude genetic pathologies;
  • observe the correct sleep and wakefulness regime;
  • consume quality food in a timely manner;
  • eliminate the occurrence of stress;
  • stop drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking, taking medications that have a toxic effect on the baby;
  • walking more in the fresh air;
  • do not live in an area with a high level of pollution.


To minimize the likelihood of cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle in a child, the expectant mother should undergo a preventive examination before pregnancy and comply with certain requirements during it. And then the risk of pathology will decrease by almost 90%.

At the birth of a baby, parents with trepidation examine every area on the body of their crumbs. And at the sight of an "incomprehensible blue spot" on the face of their child, they are very frightened. But this should not always be done, since it can be a physiological process and soon all these changes will pass. But in some cases, vigilance will not hurt, because it can threaten the life of the child.

Therefore, if you find any changes on the body of your child, inform the doctor about it, as it is better to play it safe than to overlook. Only a doctor has the right to make this or that diagnosis and prescribe the necessary therapy! Take care of your children! Be healthy!

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