
Features and types of strollers Zekiwa

The German company Zekiwa, which originated from the carriage workshop back in 1846, specializes in strollers. During the GDR times, it was the largest European factory, the products of which were used by the inhabitants of Europe. And our grandparents tried to get imported strollers for their children. The range of the famous company even includes retro strollers, which are made by hand from willow twigs, but the most popular are the modern Touring models.

The quality of the components

The traditional German quality and safety of the materials from which goods for children are made are confirmed by the European quality certificate DIN EN 1888, as well as by the certificate of conformity in Russia. The basis is made up of a strong steel frame, the wheels have inflatable tires, the inflation of which can be adjusted. The outer coating materials are moisture resistant and windproof, so they are easy to clean.

At the base of the cradle there is an environmentally friendly material made of wood or cork. The inner mattress and upholstery are made of cotton and do not cause allergies. A popular phrase from the owners' reviews perfectly characterizes the Zekiwa stroller - "our SUV". The product received such a characteristic for its excellent driving performance and cross-country ability on uneven surfaces. Large basket sizes and inflatable wheels are also a hallmark of this product.

However, the dimensions of the Touring are balanced to accommodate the use of an elevator. Another feature of German models is the strap fastening of the basket, which provides improved shock absorption during movement and does not disturb the baby's sleep during sudden movements.

The De Luxe kit comes with a belt care agent, but from the practical comments of the owners there is information about the possibility of replacing the belts yourself.


Touring strollers are presented on the Russian market in two versions.

Model Standart

Designed for children from birth to three years old. The 2-in-1 model includes a basket with a carrycot function and a seat unit. During discussions about the advantages of transformers and strollers "2 in 1", the owners always note that the transformers are convenient for storage, as they consist of one block. For this, you have to put up with the heavy weight of the structure, carry all the components with you in any situation.

When using a 2-in-1 child transport, such as the Touring Standart, you can separately use the cradle for motion sickness without a chassis, change the basket for a lighter walking block, and use the shopping net on the chassis as a trolley. In addition, this configuration allows you to turn the baby basket facing you, which is important if the weather worsens. When storing such shipments, modules take up more space than transformers. To reduce the volume, the manufacturer has implemented an option, which is rare for strollers on frames, to fold the sides of a child's basket, which reduces it by 2 times.

Model De Luxe

Designed for babies from birth to 8 months. This classic stroller is adapted for regions with harsh weather conditions. Double-sided mattress. One side is cotton, the other is insulated with fleece. In addition, the sides of the cradle are insulated, and there is also an additional visor on the hood. In contrast to the Standard model, which has wheel rotation for maneuvering, the De Luxe walking model has rigid wheel mounts and a reinforced frame. This design is designed for increased cross-country ability in ice, with snowdrifts or on a bad road (outside the city or in nature).

The common equipment details for both variants are:

  • raincoat;
  • a bag for Mother;
  • cradle with mattress;
  • inflatable wheels;
  • shopping basket;
  • mosquito net.

The Le Luxe set is complemented by a pump and belt spray. And Standart provides for a walking block and a cape for legs.


The Touring line in both variants has a tested waterproof coating that not only protects against wind and rain, but also cleans quickly. Remove fresh stains with a damp cloth. For the possibility of complete cleaning, all fabric parts are completely disassembled, which greatly facilitates maintenance. The hood mechanism works silently in three modes. Attached to buttons. On initial use, some women notice a tight fastening that softens after the first 10-15 uses. A similar situation with the brake. Initial blockages are somewhat labor intensive for women. The adaptation takes about two weeks.

A mosquito net on the back wall is useful to facilitate the flow of air in hot weather. A bag for mom includes not only small items, but also a supply of diapers or diapers. Small toys and bottles are placed in the cradle and carrier pockets. The food grid can hold up to 8 kg, but its location is rather low. Consider high obstacles to prevent the basket from rubbing against the obstacle.

Recognized as the most comfortable sleeping solution for babies, the harness anchorages require adult attention. In the event of a strong slope, the harness will increase the roll. In order not to create a danger for the baby, do not bend over, holding on to the stroller with your hand. The walking box, similar to the cradle, is installed in 2 positions. The cradle can be easily removed by the rigid handle and used indoors, rocking the sleeping baby.

For the Standart option, it is possible to install a specialized car seat, but it and adapters for fastening to the frame must be purchased separately. Touring strollers are available in soft pastel colors (blue, coffee, burgundy, pistachio and combination). Both models have a classic design due to the width of the child seat and may not impress young mothers who put a creative look at the fore.

Price segment

The cost of Zekiwa strollers is quite high, since the product is made of certified and high-quality components that are characterized by durability. Some of the Zekiwa transports that parents bought for the children of the Soviet Union, simply calling them "German strollers", still serve. When deciding to purchase a product from Zekiwa, it will be useful to know the company's slogan: “All parents want the best for their child. We, too."

For an overview of the Zekiwa stroller, see below.

Watch the video: Top 5 Best Luxury Strollers in 2020 (July 2024).