
Maria Montessori methodology: basic principles, advantages and disadvantages

In modern pedagogy, parents can find many author's methods of raising a child from the cradle. However, the most popular is the developmental program of the Italian scientist Maria Montessori. Her method, of course, with an eye on new achievements in pedagogy, is actively used in numerous development centers and kindergartens in many countries of the world. What is the secret of such popularity?

A bit of history ...

The founder of the famous technique is the first woman in Italy who mastered the profession of a doctor. Working with children with developmental disabilities, the author developed her own rehabilitation course, which was highly appreciated in the teaching environment.

In 1907, for the first time, the Children's House opened its doors for healthy preschoolers and schoolchildren. It was in this institution that the very technique that we are talking about today was applied.

Later, the method became widely known - Montessori gave a large number of lectures, published several unique books and many teaching aids. All over the world, preschool educational institutions appeared in which teachers used this method, and a little later, experimental schools appeared. For more than a hundred years, it has remained at the peak of popularity among parents and teachers.

The essence of Montessori pedagogy

Perhaps the main principle of this method is the idea of ​​self-education of the baby. Parents and educators need to understand what the child is interested in, create the necessary developmental conditions and explain how you can get knowledge. Hence the motto of the educational system: "Help me do it myself!".

Key points:

  • Classes are held in a specially organized environment, divided into several zones (we will talk about them a little later), in which manuals for work are conveniently placed.
  • In groups, preschoolers of different ages are engaged: the elders take care of small children, and those, in turn, try to learn from older children.
  • Teachers should not impose anything on the child, he himself will decide what is interesting for him (to bathe the baby, paint or play with insert frames), how much time he will spend, whether he will study alone or in a company.

However, do not think that permissiveness flourishes in groups and classes. Children are taught to observe the following rules:

  • What the child can do on his own, he does without the participation of a teacher or parent. This develops independence, self-confidence.
  • Children should be quiet, do not interfere with others to play and study. However, they can let off steam in special relaxation rooms.
  • All toys, blocks and writing utensils with which the kids interact, they must wash, fold and put away. This develops respect for other people in children.
  • The one who first took the doll or inserts, and deals with these manuals. In this way, children develop an understanding of their own and others' boundaries.

Compliance with the rules, streamlining of activities brings stability to children's life, allows preschoolers to feel more confident, fosters patience and respect for peers and adults.

What is special about Montessori classes?

In the kindergartens, groups are divided into several zones and are filled with a variety of didactic aids. Such zoning helps teachers organize their workspace and maintain order, and children can better navigate a variety of materials. So, in more detail about zoning:

  1. Practical area helps children to acquire the simplest household skills. For example, children from one to three years old learn to sweep the floor with a brush and scoop, button and unfasten buttons of different sizes, Velcro, dress and undress dolls. Children from three to eight years old learn to clean shoes, wash and iron clothes, wash and cut vegetables for salads, and even polish metal objects.
  2. Sensory zone includes items that differ in shape, size, color and weight. Games with similar materials (foam balls of various diameters, a set of lids of different sizes for jars and bottles) develop in children the motor skills of hands and fingers, tactile sensations, as well as mental processes - memory and attention.
  3. Math zone consists of materials that help kids to master counting, get acquainted with mathematical symbols and geometric shapes. Models of geometric bodies were selected for kids. Older children learn mathematics using counting, wooden boards with examples of calculations, sets of figures that give an idea of ​​fractions. Solving such tasks, the child also improves abstract thinking, fosters perseverance.
  4. In the language zone the little one will find manuals designed to study letters and syllables, expanding vocabulary. For example, textured letters, boxes with pictures "What is this?", "Who is this?" for the little ones, as well as cash registers of letters and syllables, sets of printed and capital letters, books "My first words" for older children. With their help, children learn to write and read.
  5. Space zone will introduce you to the Universe, the environment, the mysteries of nature and weather phenomena, the culture and customs of the peoples of the world. Figures of various animals are waiting for young children, and older preschoolers are engaged with maps and collections of minerals.

INTERESTING: Busyboard - a development board with locks and buttons for kids with their own hands

A photo:

Controversial points in the Montessori method

The main advantage of the Montessori technique is that the child develops independently, at his own pace, without much intervention from adults. As for the significant disadvantages of the method, experts refer to them as follows:

  1. Most of the textbooks are aimed at developing fine motor skills, logical and analytical thinking, and intelligence. The creative and emotional spheres are practically not affected.
  2. There are no role-playing and outdoor games, which, according to the author, only hinder the intellectual development of the baby. But scientists have proven that play in preschool childhood is the leading activity. The child learns the world around him, human relationships, playing and interacting with peers.
  3. Psychologists advise mothers of shy and withdrawn children to be very careful with the Montessori technique. She assumes considerable independence, and quiet kids are unlikely to ask for help if suddenly they cannot do something.
  4. Teachers note that after the democratic atmosphere prevailing in Montessori groups, the child hardly gets used to the rules of ordinary kindergartens and schools.

Currently, development centers and many educational institutions do not practice the Montessori method in its original form. Modern teachers take only the best out of itby adding your own developments.

Conversation with a Montessori Early Infant Development Specialist: What Parents Need to Know When They Want Their Child to Develop Early

Our opinion

The early education methodology of the Italian doctor and scientist Maria Montessori is quite interesting and peculiar. Children brought up in Montessori classes are independent and self-confident, they know how to solve everyday problems. They not only defend their opinions, but are also able to take responsibility for their own actions.If you have a desire to see these qualities in your child, try reading several books and manuals by the author:“Children's home”, “My method”, “My method. Guidelines for raising children from 3 to 6 years old ”,“ Help me do it myself ”,“ Montessori child eats everything and does not bite ”,“ Self-education and self-education in primary school (collection) ”,“ Children - others ”,“ Montessori Home School (set of 8 books) ”,“ Absorbing the mind of a child ”,“ After 6 months, it's too late. A unique method of early development " - and take note of some tips for child development and parenting.

Further:Do-it-yourself Montessori technique: organizing a developing environment at home

Useful book - 60 lessons with a child using the Montessori method

  • Early parenting techniques
  • Early development techniques

Julia shares her experience with the positive and negative sides of the Montessori technique:

Film about Maria Montessori

Montessori method. Development of children from 8 months to 3 years

Every child is naturally given to be an intelligent and successful person. The task of an adult is simply to help the kid to reveal his potential, to learn to comprehend the world on his own. And he can comprehend it only through experience - the experience of thought, feeling, action.

Playing with Montessori material, children develop fine motor skills of hands and hand-eye coordination, improve coordination and accuracy of movements, and develop their sensory abilities.

These seemingly simple exercises are pouring water, sifting the cereal mixture through a colander, wiping the water with a sponge, folding napkins, sprinkling the cereal with a spoon, catching balls, and washing and sweeping the floor so unloved by most adults, etc. - act on the baby is simply bewitching. Now he is just like an adult, he can do everything and does everything on his own! This greatly increases their self-esteem, and as a result, self-confidence appears. Needless to say, how important this is!

Mom's School: Child Development in the Montessori System

Watch the video: The Montessori Method: Education for Life (July 2024).