
"Ampicillin" during pregnancy: instructions for use

It is quite often necessary to resort to treatment with antibacterial drugs while waiting for the child, because during this period the immunity of most women weakens, and the risk of infectious diseases becomes higher. In the event of an infection that is dangerous for the expectant mother or fetus, it is necessary to choose a medicine that has been well studied for a long time, for example, "Ampicillin". If such an antibiotic was prescribed by a doctor, then you should carefully read the instructions for use and the review of reviews, clarify the features of injections, the permissibility of use for pregnant women in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters, possible side effects and other nuances.

Features of the drug

Ampicillin is available in several forms. One of them are white flat pillscontaining 250 mg of ampicillin trihydrate. The second version of the drug, often used in childhood, is presented granules or yellowish powder. This product is sold in a glass bottle of 40 grams.

Before use, water is poured into the vial and a suspension is obtained containing 125 mg or 250 mg of ampicillin in each spoon (5 ml).

The third form of medication is powder packaged in sterile glass vials, which are usually sold together with a solvent. This is an injectable "Ampicillin", which is injected into a vein or muscle tissue. One bottle contains from 250 to 2000 mg of the active substance (ampicillin sodium salt). A prescription is required to purchase any form of the drug.

Operating principle

"Ampicillin" is one of the antibiotics from the penicillin group. After ingestion, it is sufficiently well absorbed in the digestive tract, without being destroyed by the action of gastric juice. The spectrum of the antibacterial effect of the drug is quite wide. Its active substance has the ability to destroy Salmonella, Gonococcus, Clostridium, Streptococcus, Escherichia, Haemophilus influenzae, Shigella, Listeria and many other bacteria.

Under the influence of ampicillin, the synthesis of cell walls of such pathogens is disrupted, because of which they soon die. However, this drug may not work on certain types of microbes, including staphylococci, proteas, klebsiella and pseudomonas. If there is a suspicion of contamination with such microorganisms, it is recommended to first check their sensitivity.

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

The child's waiting period is not included in the list of contraindications for treatment with "Ampicillin", but the annotations to all forms of the drug contain information that the remedy is prescribed to expectant mothers according to strict indications. Such an antibiotic is used if the expected benefit from it is higher than the possible harmful effect on the fetus.

In the early stages, its use is undesirable, like treatment with any other medications, therefore, if it is possible to avoid its appointment in the 1st trimester, then such a drug is discarded.

To reduce the risk of exacerbation of chronic infections, it is advisable to treat them at the planning stage.

In a situation where in the first months of gestation a woman has developed pyelonephritis, cystitis, bronchitis or other acute infectious process, treatment with "Ampicillin" will be justified, and the remedy can be prescribed even up to 12 weeks. If you can wait, then antibiotic therapy is postponed until the second trimester, when the formation of important fetal organs is completed.

In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, the drug is prescribed for many diseases, but they try to use the minimum dosages that cause a sufficient effect. At the same time, independent use of "Ampicillin" is unacceptable, as well as violation of the scheme prescribed by the doctor or termination of admission ahead of time, even if the condition improves.

When is it prescribed for expectant mothers?

The reason to prescribe "Ampicillin" may be an infectious disease caused by microorganisms sensitive to the drug. The tool is in demand for inflammation of the respiratory system, digestive tract and urinary system. It can be prescribed for the treatment of otitis media, tonsillitis, intestinal infection, meningitis, erysipelas, nephritis, bronchitis, urethritis, cholecystitis, arthritis and many other pathologies of a bacterial nature.


The medicine is not used if the patient has an intolerance to its components.

In addition, "Ampicillin" is not prescribed for liver failure, and in case of kidney disease, treatment requires increased caution.

The drug is also contraindicated in infectious mononucleosis... If in the past the expectant mother had a negative reaction of the gastrointestinal tract to the use of any antibiotics, "Ampicillin" is used under the close supervision of a specialist.

Side effects

The use of "Ampicillin" may be accompanied by a number of negative effects, including allergic manifestations (itching, swelling, skin inflammation, redness, rash, and others) or symptoms of dyspepsia. The drug can also cause candidal infections. In some patients, it causes leukopenia, anemia, headaches, thrombocytopenia, and other side effects. Any ailments that may be associated with taking "Ampicillin" require a doctor's consultation.

Instructions for use

Tableted "Ampicillin" swallow with water. Taking this antibiotic option does not need to be coordinated with the diet. The granules are diluted with water before use, following the advice in the annotation. To dispense the suspension, use a measuring spoon, washing down the swallowed liquid with water.

If the doctor has prescribed injections, then the preparation of the solution should take place immediately before the injection. A sterile solvent is poured into the vial, after which the liquid is drawn into a syringe and injected intramuscularly or intravenously. Such procedures are most often performed in a hospital setting.

The way of using the drug and the treatment regimen is influenced by several factors, among which the most important are the localization of inflammation and the severity of the disease. The daily dosage is usually divided into several doses. How long to take "Ampicillin" is also determined individually. As the symptoms subside, therapy continues for some time after the condition improves, so as not to provoke the resistance of microorganisms.


Women who have had a chance to be treated with "Ampicillin" while expecting a child, leave many positive reviews about such a medicine. They confirm that the remedy had an effect on pyelonephritis, intestinal infection, otitis media and many other diseases. Among its advantages are the availability and low price.

However, you can find many negative reviews. They complain about side effects or the lack of a therapeutic effect when microorganisms are resistant to such an antibiotic.


If it is necessary to replace "Ampicillin" with a similar agent, the doctor may prescribe "Amoxicillin", "Amoxiclav", "Ospamox", "Augmentin", "Flemoxin" or another penicillin antibiotic. If a woman is allergic to such a group of drugs or the medication is ineffective, then other antibacterial agents can also be used, for example, from the macrolide group. In this case, the choice of a suitable analogue should be carried out by a doctor on an individual basis.

For more information about Ampicillin, see below.

Watch the video: Preparing Ampicillin and Gentamicin for Injection Arabic - Newborn Care Series (September 2024).