
Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after giving birth? How to protect yourself?

After giving birth, especially if this happens to a woman for the first time, young mothers often ask many questions. Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after giving birth? What are the best contraceptives to use during lactation? When is the best time to conceive a second child?

Is it possible to conceive if you have not had your period yet?

After childbirth, bleeding occurs for a long time. This is a normal phenomenon, it happens in all women without exception. In the first days, the discharge is abundant, gradually they come to naught and after about 4-8 weeks they disappear completely.

Until the bleeding has ended, it is impossible to become pregnant, since it is strictly forbidden to have sex during this period. During intercourse, if the uterus has not yet healed after placental abruption, an infection can be introduced into the woman's body.

After the cessation of bloody postpartum discharge, the woman begins to wait for her period. They can come within a month, although for a long time it was believed that the first menstruation occurs only after the cessation of breastfeeding. Regardless of whether the cycle has recovered or not yet, with the resumption of sexual activity during this period, conception is quite possible.

Is it possible to get pregnant during lactation

There is a myth that it is impossible to get pregnant while breastfeeding. It is based on the hormonal characteristics of the postpartum period, when a large amount of prolactin is secreted in a woman's body. This hormone enhances the secretion of the mammary glands. If its concentration is so high that it prevents the resumption of the female cycle, then re-conception really becomes impossible. This phenomenon is called "lactational amenorrhea".

Relying on lactational amenorrhea as a method of contraception is not worth it, since conception can occur during ovulation before the arrival of the first menstruation. In this case, the absence of monthly ailments will be assessed by the woman as a consequence of lactation, but in fact it will mean a second pregnancy.

If you do decide to use lactation as a contraceptive, then you need to strictly follow several rules:

  1. To feed the baby not expressed milk, namely to apply it to the breast.
  2. Feeding should be regular, the intervals between them should not exceed 5 hours.
  3. Do not replace breast milk with artificial milk formulas.

As practice shows, few people follow these recommendations, therefore, in most cases, the cycle is restored no later than three months after childbirth.

How soon can you get pregnant after a cesarean section?

Caesarean section is an extreme measure that is used in the absence of the possibility of the fetus being released naturally. This operation is rather complicated and dangerous.

The restoration of the reproductive function of the female body after a cesarean section does not differ in terms of time from standard cases. I.e you can get pregnant in fact a month after giving birth.

But if after natural childbirth, repeated pregnancy does not threaten a woman's life, then after a cesarean section at least three years should pass. It is extremely dangerous to conceive a child before this date!

Why re-conception immediately after childbirth is not desirable

Despite the rapid recovery of reproductive function in women after childbirth, doctors strongly recommend refraining from re-conception for at least one and a half to two years. This measure is associated not so much with taking care of the health of the new baby (he just might be born completely healthy), but with the possible stress on the mother's body.

The restoration of the reproductive system occurs quickly, but it takes time for the whole organism to return to normal. Rapid re-conception is fraught with unpleasant, and even tragic, consequences:

  • after the stress suffered, the body is not fully restored, the ability to carry the baby for the prescribed period is sharply reduced, that is, the likelihood of premature birth or miscarriage increases;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases after the first birth can be aggravated by repeated pregnancy, which will significantly undermine the health of both the mother and the unborn baby;
  • postpartum depression after the first childbirth in a woman can continue with a new pregnancy, which can lead to serious mental disorders.

To avoid re-pregnancy, it is necessary to start using contraception immediately with the resumption of sexual activity.

Contraception after childbirth

Upon completion of postpartum bleeding, you should immediately contact your gynecologist. Your doctor can help you determine the need for contraception and find the right method for this.

There is an opinion that the use of oral contraceptives during lactation is unacceptable. It is a myth. The lion's share of birth control pills is hormone-based. When breastfeeding, you should not use only those that contain estrogens, as they will reduce milk production. If the composition includes a gestagen, then it will not have any effect on the secretion of the mammary glands.

In addition to birth control pills, there are barrier contraception methods. Now their choice is quite large. In addition to the condoms familiar to all of us, there are special candles, tampons and creams that prevent the survival of sperm cells inside the female body.

In the absence of contraindications, a spiral is a reliable contraceptive. It can only be used after consulting a gynecologist. It must be remembered that after installation it is necessary to check the position of the spiral at least once every six months.

Natalia Osipova, obstetrician-gynecologist, employee of the Research Laboratory of Women's Reproductive Health at the Federal Specialized Perinatal Center, tells everything you need to know about contraception after childbirth.

The ideal age difference for children in the same family is 2-3 years. This opinion is shared by both pediatricians and psychologists. Children with such a difference get along better with each other, and have excellent health, since the mother's body has time to prepare for the birth of the youngest child. Do not rush to give birth again, wait until your first child grows up and gets stronger.

Video consultation

Watch the video: How to Look After Yourself After Having a Baby (July 2024).