
How to teach your baby to sleep and feed

A stable schedule has a positive effect on the development of the baby. Every mother should know how to accustom her child to the daily routine. The health of both him and the mother will depend on this.

How to teach a child to the regime

Why teach a newborn to a regimen

A properly organized daily routine is useful not only for the child, but also for the mother. It will not harm the nervous system and will help you develop healthy habits. Knowing how to accustom a baby to a regimen is invaluable for a mother.

Note! The developed schedule should not diverge from the natural regime of the baby. Serious discrepancies with him (for example, missed feeds or a discrepancy in the sleep schedule) lead to irritability and nervousness in the infant.

A well-designed regime is the key to strengthening immunity, restoring strength and adapting to the environment. The child will grow up balanced and disciplined, it will be easier to teach him order and self-control in the future.

The daily routine is also an invaluable benefit for parents. They will be able to plan their schedule efficiently.

The pivot points in children's graphics are:

  • bathing;
  • physical Culture;
  • massage;
  • walk;
  • play activity.

The basic needs of the newborn - food and sleep - should also organically fit here.

Sleep is one of the basic needs of a baby

The need for sleep changes during the first year of life:

  • in the first month - at least 20 hours;
  • at two months of age - from 17 to 18 hours;
  • up to six months of age - from 15 to 16 hours;
  • babies aged 6 to 12 months sleep 14 to 15 hours a day.

Regime organization rules

When making a schedule for a baby, you should be guided by the following principles:

  1. Individual approach. Parents should take into account the baby's habits and developmental characteristics of his body. It is necessary to understand that the regime is based on the rhythm of natural processes occurring in the body.
  2. Compromise. The regime promotes timely feeding, falling asleep, and provides appetite. However, in creating and observing the regime, you need to know when to stop. It does not need to be approached as a binding law. The peculiarities of the rhythm of other family members should also be taken into account. First of all, a reasonable schedule should be convenient for everyone.
  3. Adhering to the regime must be consistent. This also applies to other family members. If the parents are inconsistent in the requirements of the routine, then this should not be expected from the child. All family members should be unanimous in the drawn up schedule.
  4. The schedule must be flexible, otherwise it will exhaust itself. This is due to the fact that children's needs change with age. It is necessary to observe all disturbances in the well-being of the baby and make adjustments in time.

The advantages and disadvantages of accustoming a newborn to the regimen

With a properly organized daily routine, food, play and sleep replace each other. Pediatricians highlight the following undeniable benefits of a persistent sleep schedule:

  1. Young children quickly learn to distinguish between day and night. This skill is very useful for the baby.
  2. A schedule helps you avoid overwork. The baby will develop persistent reflexes, and the body will not spend a lot of energy on the transition from one type of activity to another.
  3. The child will be able to harmoniously develop mentally and physically. Periodically changing sleep and wakefulness effectively distribute the forces of the child's body. The crumbs have a lot of energy for playing and exploring the world around them.

Baby wake

  1. A kid who gets enough sleep is not capricious.

The only drawback of accustoming a child to a regimen is fatigue or overexcitation. They can be prevented by milder tactics. You can not rigidly demand from the newborn to follow the regime.

Attention! It will not be possible to quickly establish a single schedule for the baby, and there is no strict need for this. It will have to be changed several times a year.

At what age to accustom a newborn to the regimen

Parents may not know when they are accustoming a child to a regimen, and try to establish it as early as possible. There is no need to rush with this. In the first month of life, the body of the baby adapts to the environment. The mother needs to adjust to the rhythm of the baby's life.

Important! Parents should supervise the baby up to the age of one month. Important information is the duration of sleep, the number of meals.

Training should begin at the age of two months. During this time, the baby has certain habits. Here parents need:

  • be accurate and punctual;
  • do not turn on loud music;
  • do not turn on the TV in the children's room;
  • do not invite guests for a while;
  • not to conflict and not quarrel in the family.

The mother should show maximum love for the baby.

The child feels maternal love

How to teach a newborn to a daily routine and sleep

The process of accustoming a newborn to the regime is individual. After observing the baby, you can notice that he already has his own regime - he performs all actions at about the same time. The following tips will help to establish a daily routine:

  1. The infant should be in the habit of falling asleep quickly. It is useful to lay it outdoors or in a ventilated room 10 minutes before bedtime. He must be rocked for a few minutes.
  2. Before going to bed, you do not need to play outdoor games with your child.
  3. You should regularly walk with your baby in the fresh air.
  4. You don't need to overfeed your baby or ruin his appetite.

Important! Breastfeeding contributes to the early development of a regimen, strengthening the immune system and the nervous system.

  1. A child's life should be active and rich. You need to visit him more often, introduce him to the world around him, and play.
  2. Lullaby before bed promotes fast falling asleep.


  1. It is necessary that family members also adhere to a certain daily routine. They must make sure the child sticks to the schedule every day.
  2. In the crib where the baby sleeps, there should not be a large number of pillows and blankets, soft toys. All this is bad for falling asleep.

When teaching a child to the regime, you do not need to make such mistakes:

  • allow irregular sleep (under the age of six months, the baby should sleep every 2 hours);
  • try to sharply accustom the baby to the schedule (such suddenness causes stress in the baby);
  • work on this task while moving or on vacation.

How to teach your baby to feed

Parents need to know how to teach their babies to feed. The baby should be fed by the hour. The optimal meal regimen for children under 4 months of age with an interval of 2 to 2.5 hours. Then the interval between feedings may increase (only after the advice of a pediatrician).

Frequent breastfeeding is very important for the baby. This is not only feeding, but also communication. Contact with the mother gives the baby a sense of security. For women, this will help prevent milk stagnation.

If the child often cries and needs food in less than 2 hours, then you need to give him some water. This will help you get used to longer feeding intervals.

Some mums may not be able to figure out what they eat at night. This is very important as they can sleep peacefully for several hours. This is the main thing - clarity and consistency. Mothers should react differently to crying babies and feed only by the hour. In the future, the child will develop a persistent habit. It is advisable to reduce the number of night feedings to one or two.

If the child is artificially fed, then the intervals between meals can be increased to 4 hours. This is due to the fact that the milk mixture is absorbed in the stomach and intestines longer. When the baby is hungry, you do not need to endure such a long period of time.

Important! If the baby sleeps well during the night, do not wake him up and force-feed him.

Some young mothers place the baby next to them to feed him in bed. This is a big mistake. The crumb can be harmed in bed and prevent the correct formation of the diet.

Sharing sleep is harmful

If the baby is naughty at night, you can give him warm water. If he cannot sleep within the next half hour, then he must be fed.

Getting used to a properly organized regimen is a guarantee of the baby's health and activity. The mother needs to know when to accustom her newborn to the regimen, and to start doing this already at the age of 2 months. This should be done gently, without undue persistence. The sooner the baby is taught to be in order, the better it will be for both mother and child.

Watch the video: The Problem With Nursing Your Baby to Sleep (September 2024).