
10 weeks pregnant: what happens to the fetus and the expectant mother?

10 weeks pregnant is an amazing time. It was during this period that incredible metaphoses occur with the baby and his mother. Every day of this week, inside a pregnant woman, intensive processes go through, repeating the entire process of evolution. In this article, we will talk about this period in more detail.

How many months is it?

9-10 obstetric week, which will be discussed, can be regarded by a woman differently. Those who count from ovulation as the estimated date of conception of the baby are now at 8 weeks. It is 8 weeks or two lunar months that have passed since the meeting of the mother's egg and the father's sperm.

In the antenatal clinic, where the expectant mother, most likely, has already applied for registration or is going to do it in the coming days, the term will be indicated according to the tradition generally accepted in medical obstetric practice - from the first day of the last menstruation.

Therefore, 8 weeks of embryonic actual life is 10 weeks by obstetric standards... In order not to get confused in the timing, it is better to focus on obstetric data, because both the test results and the ultrasound standards throughout pregnancy will be calculated exactly like this - from the first day of the last menstruation that preceded the onset of pregnancy. The tenth week is the middle of the third month of pregnancy.

If a woman has passed 10 weeks from the delay, then she should read materials about a different period, because she already has 14 obstetric weeks or 12 weeks from conception.

Baby development

The main event of this week is the change of status. The baby is no longer an embryo. Now he is a fetus, this is how doctors will call him from now on, since the fetal period of pregnancy has begun. The baby is now developing its own blood cells. There is already an opportunity to determine his blood group and Rh affiliation.

Your son or daughter weighs about 5 grams and grows very quickly. So, at the beginning of the 10th week, his (or her) length from the crown to the coccyx is on average 23 mm, and already at the end of this week it is approaching 38 mm.

With the change in status, the baby lost its embryonic tail. Now it's the tailbone. In all other respects, he looks more and more like a little man, his appearance changes every day. The overall size of the fruit at this time makes it possible to compare it with a small plum.


Something extraterrestrial in the child's image is still there. For example, he has a large head. It is still the largest part of his body, but this week it becomes round, it ceases to be oval.

Its diameter at this time is more than one and a half centimeters. Now there is an active formation of the individual features of the child's face - the mouth is formed with sponges, the eyes have almost moved to their proper place (previously they were on the sides of the head). The eyes remain closed for centuries; it will take a long time for the baby to learn how to open them.

The neck, the formation of which began just a week ago, is already there, and the baby was able to turn his head to the right and left. At 10 weeks, the parts of the nose and the outer ear - the auricle itself - develop. The facial muscles are still weak, but the child actively "trains" them by opening and closing his mouth. The first hair begins to grow on the head at this time.

The arms and legs can already be seen on an ultrasound scan, if the study is done with a device with a good, high resolution. They have tiny toes, the nails almost "stood" in the place assigned by them by nature (they migrated from the palms and feet, where a week earlier they had formed as tissue compaction).

Since about this week, the skeletal system is actively developing. Now the need for calcium is increasing significantly, a woman should make sure that her diet contains enough foods containing this mineral.

The abdominal cavity and chest cavity have increased, the internal organs no longer protrude beyond the child's body, a diaphragm is forming this week.

Nervous system

The brain and spinal cord are formed, the network of nerve plexuses and nodes is actively developing. In the brain at the 10th obstetric week of pregnancy, differentiation occurs - now the hemispheres are separated from the cerebellum, formed a week earlier, the medulla oblongata is also isolated.

Every minute changes occur in the structure of the brain, and its large hemispheres develop. Every day, the number of brain cells increases by about a quarter of a million.

The first neural connections begin to form. This is an ongoing process. The nervous system is one of the few in the body, the formation of which takes place not only in the prenatal period, but also for a long time after the birth of a child.

From week 10, the nervous system is already completely divided into central and peripheral. The cerebellum has already been formed - it is responsible for the coordination of movements. However, it is still far from coordination. This week, your toddler will learn how to bring their hands to their face and will soon realize that they can suck their fingers. In the meantime, the sucking reflex is in the stage of formation.

Internal organs

The formation of all organs by week 10 is almost complete. Now each of them "masters" a range of their own functionality. The child's heart has an atrial septum, it works confidently and rhythmically. The heart rate characteristic for this period is 170 beats per minute. Permissible fluctuations from 160 to 179 strokes.

The child's thyroid gland is working this week, the kidneys and the bladder are sharpening their "skills", the urine is already accumulating in the kidneys and excreted outside, into the amniotic fluid. The composition of the waters remains sterile, because they are renewed every 3-4 hours.

The esophagus is separated from the trachea this week, now it will connect the oral cavity and stomach, and the baby's digestive organs will begin to "rehearse" their work.

What can a baby do?

At 10 weeks, the baby learns to bend and unbend the limbs. There is a lot of space in the uterus, he feels free in it. If the legs touch the wall of the fetal bladder, the baby is able to push off from it and swim in the other direction. From day to day, the baby will learn to distinguish between taste, because right now taste buds-receptors are forming on his tongue.

By the end of this week, the thin and almost transparent skin of the fetus will acquire sensitivity due to the formation of nerve endings on it. From this moment, the baby will begin to “accumulate” the experience of tactile sensations.

What is seen on an ultrasound scan?

An ultrasound scan is not considered mandatory this week, but it may well be carried out for medical reasons or at the discretion of a pregnant woman. The number of fetuses is determined in the uterus if the pregnancy is multiple.

In babies, vital activity is recorded - heartbeat and movement. An ultrasound scan may be needed if the doctor needs to clarify the timing of gestation, because soon the first prenatal screening is due, which should be carried out in strictly designated time intervals (from 10-11 to 12-13 weeks inclusive).

Also, ultrasound is recommended at 10 weeks for women who have certain complications - the threat of miscarriage, suspicion of intrauterine growth retardation, etc. Particularly curious expectant mothers themselves go to the diagnostician just to see how the baby has become, how he grew up.

This week, the gestational age and compliance of the baby are judged by such parameters as the average inner diameter of the ovum (SVD) and the coccygeal-parietal size (CTE). Women who go for an ultrasound this week will be interested in what indicators are considered normal for a given period.

Average inner diameter of the ovum at 10 weeks

Coccyx-parietal size at 10 weeks of gestation

The yolk sac, which has practically surrendered all its responsibilities for feeding the baby and synthesizing hormones in the young placenta, begins to decrease. At 10 weeks, its size is approximately 5 mm.

The thickness of the young placenta at this time can also be measured for the first time. Its normal size for this period is about 13 mm, but other values ​​in the range from 9 to 17 mm will be considered quite normal indicators.

Baby gender

The sex of the baby is determined. He is already developing either in the female or in the male pattern. This week, the formation of the external genital organs from the genital tubercle continues, which looks the same in both boys and girls. therefore there is no point in asking during an ultrasound scan what gender the baby is. Even a very experienced diagnostician will not be able to answer this question until he sees external sexual characteristics, and this will only happen closer to the 16th week of pregnancy.

It is theoretically possible to consider gender even at 12-13 weeks, but no doctor can guarantee the accuracy of such a "prediction": the genitals are too small, and it is very easy to confuse a boy with a girl and vice versa.

Heart rate sex determination is not scientifically proven. Gender does not in any way affect the work of the cardiovascular system.

Feelings of a future mother

Feeling pregnant this week may begin to stabilize. If you used to be tormented by toxicosis, now its manifestations and symptoms begin to gradually recede, it becomes easier. By this time, the size of the uterus had increased more than 2 times from its original value. Now the main female reproductive organ is getting cramped in the abdominal cavity, and a woman may begin to feel something new this week. It is a feeling of fullness in the pelvic area.

The uterus is still in the small pelvis, it is already getting cramped, it begins to rise above the pubic joint. The woman begins to experience more frequent urge to urinate. The rest of the woman's feelings are still quite light and not burdensome.

The uterus weighs about 150 grams, if the pregnancy is the first, during the second pregnancy and each subsequent uterus at this time is somewhat heavier - about 230 grams.

Due to the increase in the amount of blood circulating in the body, there may be attacks of dizziness. If they are not accompanied by loss of consciousness, do not occur too often, there is no reason for worry. Under the influence of progesterone, a hormone that is produced in large quantities, sleep can be disturbed, while a woman has problems falling asleep at night, as a result, she feels weak during the day.

Nature arranged it so that at the very beginning of pregnancy, when the fetus is most vulnerable, the woman's sleep becomes more anxious and sensitive, she “protects” the child around the clock.

Many expectant mothers complain about nightmares this week of pregnancy. All the processes that are now taking place in the body require considerable energy expenditures, so a feeling of fatigue, increased fatigue still accompanies pregnancy at 10 weeks, but soon the body will be able to "compensate" for the lack of energy, and already in the second trimester, which is not far off , the well-being of the expectant mother will become noticeably better.

Some women this week have been complaining of a pull on their lower abdomen from time to time. This has a completely physiological and natural reason - the ligaments that hold the growing uterus begin to stretch, and this is what causes not very pleasant sensations.

The weight gain by this week is from one and a half to two and a half kilograms, but the woman wants to eat almost constantly - this is how the hormone progesterone manifests itself, one of the tasks of which is to create reserves in the mother's body for food and energy metabolism of both the woman herself and her baby. If you blindly follow the "instructions" of progesterone, the increase may be greater, but it will be considered pathological.

The mood of the expectant mother begins to “level off”. If earlier it was unstable, with frequent changes and contrasting reactions, now a woman is beginning to acquire a certain calmness, although it is still far from the present calm time.

At week 10, there is still the possibility of a miscarriage, the risks are no longer as great as a few weeks ago, but they exist, and this thought does not give many expectant mothers the opportunity to relax and enjoy their position to the fullest.

Many pregnant women at this time suffer from a cold, the causes of which cannot be established. The woman did not get sick, did not have a cold, she does not have flu and ENT diseases, and nasal breathing is still difficult. This happens at the end of the first trimester quite often.

The real cause of "pregnancy rhinitis", as experts call it, lies in hormonal changes. Progesterone stores "for future use" not only adipose tissue, but also water. Excess moisture can build up in tissues. This is what sometimes leads to early gestosis, and quite often - to the occurrence of swelling of the nasal passages, to a runny nose.

Changes in the body

At the physical level, rounding of shapes becomes noticeable. Visually, the woman, of course, does not yet look pregnant, but the tummy is somewhat rounded due to the fact that the uterus begins to rise above the bosom.

In addition to the pretty roundness, the growing uterus often causes less pleasant sensations this week - it squeezes the blood vessels of the major vessels. This leads to the appearance of hemorrhoids, which can cause a lot of painful and unpleasant sensations.

It is by no means recommended to treat it yourself, because there are very few drugs that can now be used without the risk of harming the baby - the doctor must choose a specific remedy. A woman should eat so as to avoid constipation.

The waistline begins to smooth out slowly. But the chest, to the envy of everyone, takes on stunning shapes and sizes. It increases by about 1-2 sizes, looks "poured", elastic. This week, small bumps, called Montgomery nodules, may appear in the nipple area.

On the stomach of many, by week 10, a vertical stripe, which is darker than the rest of the skin, appears due to the increased synthesis of melatonin in the body. After childbirth, the strip will disappear, and the breast will return to the same size.

Now the breast can bother the expectant mother quite strongly. She is actively preparing for the upcoming breastfeeding, the glandular tissue is growing.

Pain, burning, aches and itching in the mammary glands bring many to almost a nervous breakdown. There is practically no way to alleviate this condition, you need to be patient and wait a little longer - by the second trimester, the chest will practically stop hurting, since all the most large-scale rearrangements in the mammary glands occur precisely in the first third of the gestation period.

In the meantime, it is worth taking care of purchasing a comfortable and large bra, you can immediately choose a model for pregnant and lactating women - with special pockets on the inside of the cups for breast pads. You may need to update your wardrobe - the hips are wider, the waist is larger, clothes should now be comfortable and practical, not tightening the abdomen and not restricting movements.

At the hormonal level, all processes in the body of a pregnant woman at 10 weeks are still controlled by progesterone, estrogens and hCG - human chorionic gonadotropin. HCG begins to be synthesized by chorionic cells immediately after the attachment of the blastocyst in the uterine cavity (7-9 days after conception).

Now the concentration of hCG is approaching a maximum. It will grow up to 12 weeks, and then gradually begin to decline. Now its concentration is in the range of 20900-291000 mU / ml. The norm of progesterone for this period is 23-27.6 ng / ml.

This hormone is essential in order for the child to have the best conditions for growth and development. Lack of progesterone increases the risk of spontaneous abortion.

In a woman's body, progesterone is now "responsible" for mood swings, the accumulation of fat and water, and appetite. This hormone controls the consistency of the uterine muscles and placenta, does not allow the cervix to open prematurely, and the uterine muscles - to contract, maintaining them in a relaxed state.

However, it is thanks to such hormonal influences that many expectant mothers look great at 10 weeks - their skin becomes smoother, softer, cleaner, free from acne, an amazing mysterious shine, inherent only in pregnant women, appears in the eyes, the woman becomes prettier.

Pain - physiological and pathological

Minor abdominal pain during this period may be quite normal. They do not differ in sharpness and strength, are pulling in nature, and are not permanent. Such pains are associated with the functional features of pregnancy of this period - the uterus is constantly growing, this growth does not stop for a minute, muscles and ligaments are stretched.

It is necessary to sound the alarm when the pain in the abdomen is accompanied by strange, atypical discharge, is of a cutting nature, is localized in the lower abdomen, radiates to the lower back and to the rectal region. You can't put up with such pain.

You should take a horizontal position, limit physical activity and call an ambulance, since such pains can be signs of a threat of miscarriage or an ongoing miscarriage.

The lower back and back at week 10 hurt from time to time and, in fact, there is nothing wrong with that. The load on all muscles under the influence of the relaxing progesterone increases, the pelvic bones begin to prepare in advance for the upcoming birth, therefore, unpleasant sensations in the coccyx area may be observed.

The tailbone, back and lower back do not hurt all the time, but only when a woman is in an upright position for a long time, sits in the same position. To relieve discomfort, you should stretch, walk, lie down a little, change your body position. .

Most often, the back and lower back begin to hurt in the late afternoon, after a busy day. Many women report having a headache at week 10. This pain should alert and make the pregnant woman more attentive to her health and all the changes. The amount of blood with the appearance of the placenta increased, the pressure on the vessel walls increased. If earlier a woman had a tendency to increase blood pressure, now tight control over its level is needed - the pressure should be measured every day on two hands.

If headaches appear against a background of completely normal blood pressure, then they are associated with hormonal changes. You need to endure a little, the hormonal background will begin to change very soon, the headaches will recede.

Progesterone in large quantities, alas, does not contribute to normal digestion. Constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, indigestion are all well known to pregnant women. Eating disorders can also cause pain. Do not confuse them with pregnancy complications.

Abdominal pain due to problems with the digestive system is of a different nature - they are most often concentrated in the upper abdomen, a woman may have a feeling that the stomach is twisting, the pain syndrome may be cutting in the right or left side and be accompanied by a feeling of intestinal distention ...

The causes of pathological pain in which a woman needs medical help may be as follows:

  • Risk of miscarriage - pulling pains, intensifying, concentrated in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back, back, rectum. Accompanied by secretions.
  • Ectopic pregnancy - the pain is sharp, severe, unbearable, accompanied by nausea, loss of consciousness, bleeding from the genitals.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases - a woman may become aggravated against the background of a load on the whole body pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, osteochondrosis, gastritis, colitis, if she had previously had them.

It is clear that it is difficult for a woman to figure out for herself whether her pain is normal or pathological at such an early date.

Therefore, if you experience pain localized in any part of the body, especially in the back and abdomen, you should contact your doctor and consult him about the causes of pain and how to reduce it.


Normally, the discharge at the 10th obstetric week of pregnancy increases somewhat quantitatively. This is due to the fact that the uterus begins to extend beyond the pelvic floor. However, the qualitative features of vaginal discharge should be the same as before - light, white or milky, as well as a yellowish tint, odorless and impurities. Discharge of any other color or shade is considered abnormal and is a reason to see a doctor.

Bubbling green discharge with an unpleasant fishy odor may indicate a bacterial infection. Staphylococci, gonococci and Escherichia coli give different shades of green to vaginal secretions.

White, thick and viscous discharge, having a curdled structure and consistency, indicates that a woman has thrush, colpitis. With a bacterial infection and thrush, a woman often experiences itching, burning, and discomfort in the perineum.

Blood in the discharge can manifest itself in different ways. It all depends on the pathology and the amount of blood. So, the discharge can be pink, orange, mucous with streaks of blood, bloody liquid or pure blood.

Brown "daub" is also one of the options for the presence of blood in the genital tract. Such discharge can be a sign of a threatening miscarriage, placental abruption, pathologies from the cervix. Therefore, any hint of the presence of blood in the discharge, even if it is clearly not visible, should be regarded by a woman as a reason for an immediate visit to a doctor.

Some women (this happens quite rarely) have quite normal spotting. For example, on the day when the next period came outside of pregnancy, a drop of blood can be seen on the daily pad at week 10.

It is imperative to talk to a doctor about this, but if this woman has such a feature, then she should be prepared for the fact that all 9 months, while she is carrying a child, the body "from old memory" will bleed on the day of menstruation, which according to the essence will not happen. Such a phenomenon is not harmful for the baby and mother. Science has not yet succeeded in explaining it convincingly.

Yellow discharge, accompanied by itching and discomfort at this time, may indicate the presence of a genital infection. Gray and brown discharge most often speaks of the inflammatory process of the organs of the woman's reproductive system. You do not need to be ashamed to see a doctor.

Discharge is an important diagnostic feature. Any infection of the genital tract, inflammatory process can become factors in the death of the baby, his intrauterine infection.

Modern medicine has a sufficient arsenal of tools and methods to treat them even during the period of bearing a child.

Possible problems and dangers

The period of increased danger has not yet ended, it is too early to say that the threats to the baby and his mother have passed. The baby now needs maternal protection, organogenesis (the formation of all organs) is complete, but the immune system is not working yet, and therefore any negative factor can affect the baby.

Let's talk about the most common dangers that can lie in wait for a pregnant woman at 10 weeks by obstetric standards.

Retrochorial hematoma

Such a pathology at 10 weeks is not detected as often as at earlier stages, but it is not excluded. It represents accumulation of blood between the chorion and the membranes. This becomes possible if a detachment occurs. Retrochorial hematoma is most often found in pregnant women who have untreated infectious diseases, who have had flu, colds, or ARVI at an earlier date.

Often, such a diagnosis based on the results of an ultrasound scan can be given to women who have chronic inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs.

Detachment with the formation of a hematoma can occur when lifting weights, exposure to strong vibration, in violation of hormonal levels, with strong and prolonged stress. If a pregnant woman cannot part with bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol), then the likelihood of developing such a hematoma increases tenfold.

Very often retrochorial hematoma develops in women who suffered from severe early toxicosis with vomiting, loose stools.

The pathology may not have symptoms, then it will become apparent on ultrasound. Sometimes a hematoma appears as pink or brownish discharge from the genitals. The main danger is further detachment and fetal death in the event that the hematoma increases.

Treatment is carried out in a gynecological hospital, if the hematoma is quite impressive in size, or at home, if it is small. A woman is shown hemostatic drugs, drugs that prevent an increase in the tone of the uterus, vitamins and complete rest until the hematoma resolves.

Projections depend on the size of the cavity filled with blood. In most cases, the pregnancy can be maintained.


Severe toxicosis, which is manifested by the physical inability to eat well, vomiting and indigestion, at 10 weeks is not so frequent. Now toxicosis is already a rather serious danger - every day a child needs more and more nutrients, vitamins, minerals for further growth. Therefore, severe toxicosis, which did not pass or did not decrease before 10 weeks, is best treated in a hospital.

A woman who cannot fully eat due to nausea and vomiting will be injected intravenously with vitamin solutions, drugs that will improve uteroplacental blood flow.

In all other cases, the woman is advised to eat a little, but often, so that the baby does not "starve". Soon the symptoms of toxicosis should subside, for the majority this is already happening, for the rest, relief occurs before 12-14 weeks of pregnancy.

Frozen pregnancy

Frozen is a pregnancy in which the fetus for some reason stops growing, developing and dying. The irreparable can happen at any gestational age, but there are periods during which fetal freezing is considered most likely. The tenth obstetric week just refers to such periods.

The risk of sudden death of a baby is highest at 3-4 weeks, in the period from 8 to 10 weeks, and from 16 to 18 weeks of pregnancy.

The reasons why the baby stops developing are not completely clear to medicine.... The most likely genetic version... During conception, chromosomal pathologies, triplodia, could arise, due to which pathologies incompatible with life were formed in the child during development at the embryonic stage. He cannot grow further, the genetic error turns out to be total and insurmountable.

Other reasons include infectious diseases of the mother, pathological forms of spermatozoa (teratozoospermia) in the father, various unfavorable factors - ecology, poisons, toxins, radiation, certain medications, bad habits of the expectant mother, a large number of abortions in her gynecological history.

At week 10, this pathology may not appear in any way until the moment of a gynecological examination. The woman's uterus lags behind the deadline in size, which is the basis for the appointment of an unscheduled ultrasound. The diagnostician ascertains the absence of fetal activity - it has no motor activity and the heart does not beat.

After 2-4 weeks after its death, the fetus may begin to be rejected, then the first symptoms will be bloody brown spotting and pulling pains in the lower abdomen.

At an earlier stage, a woman can theoretically guess that something went wrong. Many argue that they felt that one "fine" day all the symptoms and signs of pregnancy that existed before disappeared completely, their chest stopped hurting, and the basal temperature dropped.

The uterine cavity is subject to scraping without fail. Fetal tissue samples are taken for genetic analysis to try to establish exactly what causes the tragedy.

This information is needed in order to start planning the next pregnancy after anti-inflammatory treatment, but adjusted for possible risks.

Risk of miscarriage

According to statistics, the threat of termination of pregnancy manifests itself in the early stages of about 7 out of 10 pregnant women. But these data should not greatly upset the expectant mother, because in 90% of all cases, doctors quite successfully manage to cope with her and keep the baby. Exceptions are cases of threat arising from genetic pathologies. If a baby is not viable by definition, medicine is powerless.

The shorter the pregnancy, the higher the chance of miscarriage. Usually, at 10 obstetric week, the risks are no longer as great as before.

The most susceptible to miscarriages during this period are women who previously had miscarriages in the same week, as well as women who became pregnant through in vitro fertilization.

At risk and older mothers who are over 35 years old, after all, with increasing age, the likelihood of a miscarriage in the first trimester is higher.

The threatening condition is manifested by the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen, discharge from the genitals that is atypical for this week, as well as a deterioration in general well-being.

Analyzes and examinations

The list of tests and examinations at week 10 depends on when the woman registered for pregnancy at the antenatal clinic. If she did this before the 10th week, then now you can relax and tune in to the first prenatal screening, which may be scheduled for the next week or in two weeks.

If the expectant mother has not yet registered, this week is a high time to do it in order to have time to prepare for the screening test... When registering, a woman undergoes a complete and detailed examination. At the first visit to the gynecologist, she will be given directions, and throughout the week she will be tested and undergo diagnostic examinations.

Mandatory analyzes when registering include:

  • general blood and urine tests;
  • blood chemistry;
  • bacterial urine culture;
  • blood tests for HIV status and syphilis;
  • blood test for hepatitis B and C;
  • blood tests to determine antibodies to chickenpox, cytomegalovirus, rubella, herpes - the so-called TORCH infections;
  • blood tests to determine infections, including latent ones (chlamydia, mycoplasma, etc.);
  • a blood test to determine the blood group and Rh-affiliation, if a woman has Rh-negative blood, then an additional analysis of venous blood is done for the presence of nonspecific antibodies, which may indicate the onset of the Rh-conflict between the mother and the fetus;
  • a smear of vaginal contents and scraping from the cervix;
  • coagulogram - determination of blood clotting factors;
  • colposcopy.

In the same week, a woman may be assigned the day of the first prenatal screening, during which a blood test for hCG and plasma protein PAPP-A is taken, as well as an ultrasound scan of the fetus. The purpose of this study is to identify women at risk for fetal genetic abnormalities.

You should not refuse to undergo this examination.

Recommendations for expectant mothers

To avoid many complications at week 10, following the doctor's recommendations and following simple rules will help.


A woman needs a full night's sleep, therefore, all night shifts, if work is associated with them, should be abandoned, legally a pregnant woman has every right to do so. It is important for a woman to find time during the day to lie down and rest a little. If sleep is disturbed, you should seek the advice of your doctor and choose a light, natural, sedative-based sedative together.

Physical inactivity is the scourge of Russian pregnant women. Therefore, in your daily routine, you should set aside time for a short walk in the fresh air. Evening promenades can help normalize the process of falling asleep and improve the quality of sleep.


At week 10, it is important to eat rationally and fully, eat at least 5-6 times a day, but in small portions, without overeating. A woman should give up smoked meats, pickled foods, fried, fatty, spicy. It is advisable to reduce the amount of salt to 5 grams per day to avoid the occurrence of edema.

The diet should have enough fresh vegetables and fruits. - it is good for the baby and is an excellent prevention of constipation and the appearance of hemorrhoids.

It is undesirable to drink carbonated drinks, eat a lot of sweets - this will help eliminate the likelihood of gestational diabetes.

Do not forget that from week 10, the need for calcium increases sharply. A sufficient amount of dairy products, cottage cheese, fresh herbs, nuts must be introduced into the diet.


At 10 weeks, there are no obvious contraindications to a rich intimate life. Sexual activity should be limited only if a threat of termination of pregnancy is detected and during the treatment of identified genital tract infections.

If the pregnant woman is healthy, the doctor has no fears for the condition of the baby and mother, then sex will only benefit - it helps a woman to improve her mood, improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

The belly does not interfere at this time, it is no longer necessary to protect herself, the woman's sexual desire is at a sufficiently high level, and therefore intimate pleasures this week can give both partners a lot of pleasure.


Excessive physical activity during this period is not encouraged, since it can lead to abortion, but swimming is good.

If a woman did not do it before, it's time to enroll in a special group of aqua aerobics for pregnant women, to do yoga. This will help avoid weight gain, and will also prepare the muscles of the female body for the upcoming birth.


Vitamin complexes created specifically for pregnant women will help compensate for the lack of certain nutrients during this period. True, experts warn pregnant women against self-prescription of vitamins.

All complexes are different in their composition, and an excess of one or another vitamin is no less harmful than its lack.

The doctor will help you choose a drug based on the results of a biochemical blood test, which shows what vitamins and minerals and how much is contained in the blood of the expectant mother.


Mothers' comments on the 10th week of pregnancy mainly concern the issues of new sensations that the growing uterus causes. Many say that it has become uncomfortable to lie on your back, to sit for a long time at the workplace. Suddenly, at this time, women come to the idea that it is time to change their wardrobe - all the belts and elastic bands begin to "reap".

Some of the moms-to-be are already photographing their rounded tummy. Basically, "belly" begin to appear at this time in thin girls. Most mothers by this time have already had an ultrasound scan.

Each disturbing thought, and in pregnant women they appear often, can become a reason to check whether "everything is in order with the baby." Too frequent exposure to ultrasound is discouraged, since the effect of ultrasonic radiation on the fetus is not fully understood.

See the next video about what happens to the fetus and the expectant mother at the 10th week of pregnancy.

Watch the video: Pregnancy at 10th week complete mothers guide about 10th week of pregnancy (July 2024).