
Cervical mucus during ovulation

Women planning to conceive a baby have probably heard of a method for evaluating cervical mucus to determine the best time to conceive. Indeed, mucus changes during ovulation, and this quality is one of the principles of the symptothermal method for determining fertility. How it should look like, in how many days it takes to appear and what functions it performs, this article will tell.

Composition and functions

The cervical canal, which gave the name of the mucus secreted by it, is located inside the cervix, it connects the vagina and the cavity of this organ. The composition of mucus is quite complex: it contains glycoproteins, minerals, water, enzymes and carbohydrates. Its amount depends on what the woman's current hormonal background is.... Cervical mucus is an alkaline environment, this property does not allow bacteria to survive, but it allows sperm to survive, for which the acidic aggressive environment of the vagina is destructive.

Usually mucus is clear, and its color can change depending on the density. The fluid is produced constantly to protect the uterus from harmful organisms on any day of the cycle. If inflammation occurs, then the secretion doubles, the discharge becomes more abundant.

What's happening?

One of the signs of approaching ovulation, women consider a change in the amount and density of cervical mucus. This is a really convincing symptom that allows us to judge that the hormonal background has changed and the period is approaching that is most favorable for conceiving a baby.

In the first half of the female cycle, the body is dominated by the concentration of estrogen, a follicle-stimulating hormone, and against this background, the secretion of the cervical canal is below average. This means that little mucus is produced, just as much as is needed to protect the genital tract from bacteria.

As the follicle matures on the surface of the ovary, the hormonal background also changes.... The concentration of luteinizing hormone rises and the cervical canal receives a new "command" - to secrete mucus with special zeal. The fact is that "ovulation" mucus takes on important reproductive functions - it protects sperm from increased acidity of the vagina, partially neutralizing it, thereby helping the male reproductive cells to move forward to meet the egg and slightly speeding up the movement of sperm. Some researchers argue that cervical mucus during ovulation also plays the role of a filter, weeding out weak and defective spermatozoa from living, mobile and full-fledged ones.

What does it look like?

The ability to determine the nature of cervical mucus is important not only for those planning to conceive a baby, but also for those who want to avoid an unplanned pregnancy. During ovulation, the amount of secretion increases due to the fact that much more mucus itself is secreted. It liquefies somewhat, becomes viscous. Stretchy mucus resembles the consistency of raw egg white, you can stretch these mucous secretions between the fingers by several centimeters. This process can also be accompanied by increased libido, sensation of "hot perineum".

In the absence of ovulation due to hormonal disruption, the middle of the menstrual cycle often passes without mucus secretion or with a slight increase in it.

The ovum lives and retains the ability to fertilize for a day, sometimes 36 hours. After this time, the ovulation window is considered closed. Regardless of whether conception has taken place or not, the amount of mucus decreases, the so-called "dry period" begins, when conception is impossible. If pregnancy occurs, the mucus under the action of progesterone creates a tight plug that clogs the cervical canal to prevent infection from entering the uterine cavity. This plug persists throughout the entire period of gestation and leaves its place only immediately before childbirth.

Thickening of mucus outside pregnancy, even during ovulation, can be a sign of dehydration, genital infections, inflammation in the tubes, uterus, appendages, and also a sign of hormonal imbalance.

How many days before ovulation does it appear and how long does it last?

Characteristic "ovulation" discharge in the female cycle usually lasts only for 2-4 days, no more... Immediately after the oocyte leaves the follicle, the formed corpus luteum begins to work in its place, producing progesterone, which noticeably thickens cervical mucus. As soon as the discharge becomes not transparent, but white, we can safely say that progesterone has begun its effect, ovulation is over.

The change in mucus usually occurs 2-3 days before ovulation, in rare cases - one day.

Normally, the mucus can be slightly pink or cream, you do not need to be afraid of this. It is important that after ovulation it becomes light again.

The possibility of ovulation without discharge exists, but mainly in women with estrogen deficiency. The likelihood of conception with such ovulation decreases, since the survival of spermatozoa without proper support of the necessary amount of cervical mucus also decreases, but conception is still possible.

How is mucus examined?

At home, a woman should diagnose herself by stretching the mucus between her fingers and visually determining the length of the stretch (do not forget that your hands must be clean!). Doctors also use this visual method, but for this they use not fingers, but special tweezers. Ovulation is indicated by the divergence of branches up to 8 centimeters.

This method is considered to be only 50% accurate, since a wide variety of factors can affect the secretion. Microscopic examination is a much more informative method.

When dried, cervical mucus before ovulation crystallizes in a special way due to the presence of a high concentration of estrogen in the body - in the eyepiece of the microscope it looks like a fern leaf. This technique is also used at home, for this there are test systems in the form of mini-microscopes, which determine such a pattern in a period favorable for conception by mucus and saliva.

When to see a doctor?

Usually, the nature of the cervical mucus in a particular woman persists from cycle to cycle. It is for this reason that it will not be difficult to notice something unusual, new, which has appeared recently. If the mucus has always been transparent, then you should pay attention to the appearance of blood impurities in it. - this may indicate inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system, the formation of endometrial polyps or the development of uterine fibroids. Also, breakthrough bleeding in the middle of the cycle can talk about polycystic ovaries, insufficient functioning of the thyroid gland, endometrial hyperplasia, cervical cancer, as well as some blood pathologies. Only short-term spotting during ovulation itself and within 1-2 days after it can be considered relatively normal.

If, in the middle of the cycle, mucus from the cervical canal turns yellow, bright, this may indicate bacterial vaginosis. Usually, such discharge is accompanied by itching and burning, as well as a very unpleasant odor. You should also be screened for chlamydia and gonorrhea.

If during ovulation the discharge becomes very abundant, a doctor's consultation is also needed. This phenomenon is not associated with ovulation, it is a sign of inflammation, in which secretion in the early stages increases.

Useful Tips

It is easier to navigate the state of your reproductive health and to maintain it for many years, simple recommendations will help.

  • Assessing the nature of cervical mucus, always confirm the received data by other methods - measurement of basal temperature, ovulation tests. This will help to quickly distinguish the norm from pathology, and the onset of the fetal period from the infertile.
  • If the discharge during ovulation is uncomfortable, use sanitary napkins, but avoid using tampons... Their use can cause stagnation of cervical fluid in the vagina and the development of bacterial vaginosis.
  • If wash off cervical mucus too diligently, do douching, you can overdo it, which will jeopardize not only the likelihood of conception, but also the state of health, because a small amount of mucus increases the likelihood of the penetration of pathogenic bacteria.
  • Wear loose underwear made from natural materials during ovulation... Such underwear does not squeeze, does not disturb blood circulation.
  • When the characteristic viscous mucus appears, a woman who is planning a pregnancy should begin to have unprotected intercourse., and women who want to avoid pregnancy need to refrain from unprotected contact, paying enough attention to contraceptive methods.

A specialist in the symptothermal method for determining fertility in the video below tells more about the reliability of the method for determining cervical mucus.

Watch the video: Ela - Menstrual Cycle - Bodys Natural Signal of Fertility - Cervical Mucus (July 2024).