
What to do if irritation or rash develops around your child's mouth?

Various redness often appears around the lips of babies. Such skin manifestations can appear both in newborns and infants, and in older children. This article will tell parents what to do if their baby has redness around the lips.

Causes of occurrence

A wide variety of causative factors can cause a rash around the mouth in babies. In some cases, such irritation is not serious and disappears on its own without a trace after a couple of days. If, over time, the red rashes on the face do not disappear, but begin to increase in size, then this symptom is already extremely unfavorable.

Environmental factors

They can be quite numerous. Intense UV rays have a negative effect on the delicate skin around the lips. Such sun exposure contributes to the appearance of irritation on the skin. They appear in a child, as a rule, after walking on the street.

In hot weather, when solar activity is quite pronounced, the baby is at a higher risk of developing various rashes around the lips.

Irritation around the mouth also occurs in the child and when exposed to strong wind. In this case, adverse symptoms develop gradually. In the first hours after such a strong chapping, patches of dry skin appear on the baby's skin. By the beginning of the second day, these affected areas acquire a bright red color. The surface of the skin becomes rough, covered with a large number of easily exfoliated skin scales.

Irritation around the baby's mouth can also result from banal lip licking... This habit is present in many babies. It is most dangerous in the cold season. The baby, biting or licking his lips, contributes to the fact that they are easily chapped. Wet areas also become an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria that can get on delicate skin.

Staying in hot and very humid climates also contributes to the fact that the child has various rashes around the mouth. In most cases, they look like bright red specks. Usually, such a rash appears in a baby spontaneously while traveling to hot countries on vacation. Salty seawater can also cause a baby's characteristic rash on the face.

Infectious diseases

There are many different infections that can lead to specific rashes on the skin around the lips:

  • The rash may also be preceded by a strong decrease in immunity. As a rule, this situation occurs during the cold season, during the period of seasonal colds. Severe psycho-emotional stress and excessive stress at school also significantly weaken the child's immunity.

  • Rotaviruses - Quite frequent culprits of various rashes on the skin around the mouth in babies. Any child who has not been vaccinated can get rotavirus infection. The disease is accompanied by the appearance of specific rashes, which can appear in various parts of the body, including around the mucous membranes of the lips. The infection leads to a severe fever and severe weakness.

  • Herpetic eruptions are found in babies quite often. Various subspecies of herpes viruses can lead to the development of such rashes on the skin. The rash with this infection is represented by numerous bubbles filled with a serous transparent fluid inside. The inflamed areas around the lips are usually very itchy. Herpes infection is also accompanied by a significant violation of the general well-being of the child. Itchy skin can be quite unbearable.

Small children, against the background of the development of the disease, become capricious, may refuse to play with their favorite toys. In the acute period, a sick baby's sleep is significantly disturbed. This is manifested in the fact that the baby can wake up several times during the night and it is very difficult to fall asleep.

  • Staphylococcal infection is one of the most common skin pathologies that contribute to the appearance of a rash on the child's skin. The most aggressive causative agents of this disease are Staphylococcus aureus. They lead to the appearance of various bubbles and areas of irritation on the skin around the mouth. The blisters are filled with pus from the inside, which is yellow or greenish in color. The course of staphylococcal infection can be very severe and accompanied by the appearance of a wide variety of adverse symptoms.
  • Fungal infection leads to the appearance around the lips of multiple specific rashes. In most cases, they appear as white or yellowish patches covered on the outside with a large number of easily peeled scales. Babies with various diseases of the endocrine system have a fairly high risk of fungal rash on the skin.

How to treat?

Before treating skin rashes, it is imperative to establish the exact cause that led to their occurrence on the skin. This diagnosis is carried out by a pediatrician or pediatric dermatologist. Specific skin diseases also require differential diagnosis. Laboratory tests and analyzes can accurately identify the infectious agent.

After the diagnosis is established, the baby is discharged course treatment. It can include a combination of drugs, physiotherapy, a special diet, and ancillary hygiene procedures. Such a scheme is selected individually for each specific child.

If the baby has a simple irritation on the skin around the mouth due to the influence of unfavorable environmental factors, then no specific treatment is required. In this case, you can only use cosmetics that eliminate dryness and redness on the skin.

The composition of such products should contain anti-inflammatory components that will have a healing and restorative effect.

If the baby has severe dry skin, then in this case it is better to use medicated ointments. These products have a fatty nutrient base, which helps them easily penetrate into the skin layers and provide the maximum therapeutic effect there. The selection of the ointment is carried out by the attending physician, taking into account the initial well-being of the child. For each drug, there are certain contraindications that do not allow its use in certain diseases.

Nutritional therapy plays a very important role in prevention and treatment various types of allergic rashes. Toddlers with a tendency to develop allergies should eliminate all food allergens from their daily diet. The ingestion of such substances into the body contributes to the development of an allergic rash, which brings significant discomfort to the child.

The elimination of seafood, chocolate, honey and citrus fruits will have a positive effect on the overall well-being of the child, as well as improve the condition of his skin.

Drug therapy

In order to clear the skin of rashes resulting from a bacterial infection, various antibacterial drugs are prescribed. Currently, these funds have a fairly wide range of actions, which allows them to be used to treat a wide variety of infections.

These funds are assigned for course admission. During the appointment of treatment, control over the effectiveness of the selected therapy is mandatory.

To eliminate the manifestation of an allergic rash different antihistamines. They help relieve itching and significantly improve the mood and sleep of a sick baby. Such funds are usually prescribed for 1-2 weeks. Antihistamines are taken up to twice a day. These tools include: Loratadin, Zyrtec, Suprastin and many others.

Treatment of fungal rash is carried out using specific antifungal drugs. They are usually prescribed by doctors for quite a long time. These funds are often combined with immunostimulating drugs. In some cases, it may take about a month to achieve a lasting positive effect.

To consolidate the result obtained will help physiotherapy methods. They are prescribed, as a rule, when the body temperature is normalized. Ultrasound and Darsonval have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and also improve local blood supply.

The use of such techniques helps to improve the healing of damaged skin in sick babies. To achieve a positive result, usually 10-12 procedures are required. They can be carried out both daily and in 1-2 days. The physiotherapy treatment scheme is built individually, taking into account the child's well-being, as well as his age.


To prevent the appearance of various rashes on the skin around the mouth, it is imperative to remember to observe preventive measures. Before taking walks outside in cold weather, parents should apply to the delicate skin of the child's face special protective baby cream. It is better to choose a product that does not contain aggressive dyes and fragrances in its composition, since this can only provoke the development of various allergic rashes on the child's skin.

Personal hygiene is also very important. in the prevention of the development of rashes around the mouth. From a very early age, parents should teach their child to wash their hands after using the toilet and public places. It is necessary to explain to the baby that you should not touch your face with dirty hands.

Parents should carefully monitor their child's hygiene practices. Only in this way can this useful habit be formed in him.

For information on what kind of rash a child may have, see the next video.

Watch the video: How to treat Perioral Dermatitis- Dermatologist Explains (July 2024).