
Opinions of pregnant women that do not stand up to scrutiny

Theoretical knowledge is useful, of course, and all pregnant women are strong in it. Only in practice, everything often turns out not to be as you imagined. We present to you a selection of controversial statements and beliefs of expectant mothers. When babies are born, women themselves remember how they used to think with a smile.

"I am sure that I will not scream, because I am hardy and strong in spirit!"

Each person has their own pain threshold - someone is higher, someone is lower. Childbirth itself also takes place in completely different ways, and its course is difficult to predict even for experienced doctors. Often, women who were shaking with horror give birth quickly, easily and relatively painlessly, and the courageous opponents of epidural anesthesia cannot endure even the first contractions. How everything will go in your case, no one knows, so do not renounce.

"Before giving birth, I will have to do makeup, manicure and hair - I should look great even in the delivery room!"

It is very, very important to look beautiful both in prenatal and in the bathroom during an enema, and even on a gynecological chair, when the hospital shirt is pulled up to the chin. Only in reality, the pose in which they give birth, and the process itself, differ from a picture from a Hollywood movie. And doctors need to monitor the dilatation of the cervix, so that they will not even pay attention to the shade of the mother's lipstick. Nail polish is even asked to be washed. Obstetricians should see the color of the patient's nails - the color of the nail plate can help diagnose the condition.

"Postpartum depression was invented by bums who have too much free time"

Childbirth is still stressful for the body, which can cause unpredictable reactions. Denial of apathy, depression, bad mood can play a cruel joke - so you only drive problems inside yourself.

We also read: postpartum depression - how to deal

"I am not going to spend money on useless toys, fashionable and impractical clothes - the baby needs mom's love and care more"

If it is impossible to argue with the second half of this statement, then the first will fly to pieces already during the first trip to the children's store. When the baby grows up and begins to enjoy the new toys, even the most ardent supporter of economy will give up.

"I will never begin to say" we ate ", lisp, chat with everyone in a row about the child's chair"

Before giving birth, every woman thinks that she will be completely different from other mothers with children. On walks, she plans to read, listen to audiobooks in English, during the decree she is seriously going to master psychology, improve her knowledge of history, and learn to dance salsa. Maybe you will become a role model or you will cause the envy of all the moms in the area. The truth is that many during pregnancy think that they will be engaged in self-development on maternity leave, but in the first year of motherhood, dreams become more prosaic. During this period, a woman just wants to sleep, read something longer than a nursery rhyme and learn something more difficult than labels from infant formula.

We also read: how not to go crazy after childbirth

"It's easy to set a child's regime, the main thing is not to be lazy"

Moms who complain about sleepless nights are certainly to blame for this. They are simply too lazy to set a regime for the child, but they are not too lazy to fall asleep on the go and bump into walls. Of course, you can dream that you can easily accustom your baby to a certain daily routine. When else to dream, if not during pregnancy?

We also read: 5 fears of childbirth

Watch the video: The Alphabet vs. The Goddess Lecture by Dr. Leonard Shlain (July 2024).