
Why does a child's leg hurt after DPT - what to do

Successful immunization leads to a decrease in the number of people suffering from dangerous diseases. Vaccinations are designed to protect against infections that pose a serious threat to life and health. Side effects after the vaccine is given indicate that the immune system is starting to work. Complications require immediate medical attention.


The composition and principle of action of the vaccine

DTP is one of the mandatory vaccinations included in the vaccination calendar. It protects the child from dangerous diseases such as whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. Microbial bodies enter the body of the crumbs, the immune cells remember them and the next time they encounter them, they begin to fight. Even if a child encounters an infectious agent, he will suffer the disease in a mild form, without serious consequences.

To form a more stable immunity, up to a year the vaccine is given three times with an interval of 45 days. The first one is carried out at the age of 3 months, then at 4.5 and 6. A revaccination should be planned in a year. If, for some reason, the vaccination period is shifted, you do not need to put them again. In total, you need to enter exactly 4 injections.

Preparing for DTP

During the vaccination, the child must be completely healthy. Before vaccination, a doctor examines him, first of all, he measures the temperature. If the baby has recently been sick, then at least two weeks should pass after a full recovery. It is advisable to donate blood and urine before the procedure.

The child should be calm, full, but not overfed. If the baby is on the GV, the mother should not use new products during the vaccination period. When the baby has already become acquainted with adult food, his diet during this period should remain unchanged.

Note! Vaccination is stress for the body, you do not need to combine it with other exciting activities and events.

Sometimes doctors recommend giving children antihistamines two days before the procedure. This will reduce the risk of negative manifestations. Side effects are more common with DTP than with other vaccines. If the child did not tolerate the first vaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus, after a month and a half, he is recommended to put a lightweight drug, namely ADSM, characterized in that complications practically do not occur after it. This is due to the absence of the whooping cough component. It is he who is responsible for the severity of the reaction.

Where the drug is administered

The vaccine must be injected into the muscle. Do not inject into the buttock, where the subcutaneous fatty layer slows down the absorption and assimilation of the drug, which may cause a seal. A small child is vaccinated in the leg, namely in the muscle located in the middle of the thigh, in older children - in the shoulder.

The state of the crumbs after vaccination

After the DPT vaccination, the baby may develop symptoms:

  • Temperature rise. Usually the value does not exceed 38 degrees. If a child has a high fever, his temperature is brought down. Doctors recommend doing this when the baby's state of health suffers, he becomes lethargic and apathetic;
  • Swelling and swelling at the injection site. The baby may complain of pain in this place;
  • It is not uncommon for a child to limp after a leg shot. More often, a similar symptom is observed after the introduction of the vaccine 3 and 4 times.

Leg pain after vaccination

Complaints after DPT vaccination are frequent. Parents are advised to keep antihistamines and antipyretic drugs in the home medicine cabinet. The latter are recommended for infants to buy in the form of candles. They are designed to help not only reduce fever, but also reduce pain.

Causes of pain

Often after DPT a child's leg hurts, which is explained by the following reasons:

  • The drug was injected incorrectly, it ended up under the skin. Because of this, a seal is formed, pain occurs. If the baby can walk, he begins to limp. It happens that the pain increases with inflammation, if an infection was brought in during the injection. Then redness will be noticeable, suppuration will begin;
  • The vaccine contains a small amount of aluminum supplementing the main active ingredient. Its presence is believed to result in soreness at the injection site.

If, after the DPT vaccination, the child has a slightly sore leg, and there is a slight lump, do not worry. This is believed to be the body's normal response to the vaccine. This means that the immune system begins to work and at the right time will begin to resist infection.

Duration of reaction

Usually painful sensations, low-grade fever persist for several days. All unpleasant symptoms disappear on their own, they do not require treatment. You can relieve the condition of the crumbs with antipyretic drugs. It is important to maintain an interval between taking medications that bring down the temperature and eliminate pain. This is usually 8 hours.

Note! If the seal does not go away after five days, while lameness persists, it is difficult for the child to stand on his leg, you need to show him to the doctor.

Baby at the doctor

Care after vaccination

Immediately after the procedure, you need to stay at the clinic for half an hour. If the baby is allergic to any of the components of the vaccine, during this time it will manifest itself. It is better when there is a medical staff nearby who can provide assistance.

After vaccination, it is not recommended to wet the injection site for three days. The baby can be washed, nothing will happen if a few drops of water get on the leg. It is necessary to ensure that the baby does not scratch the injection site. Also, you do not need to smear it with anything without consulting a doctor. You cannot apply cabbage leaves, make a grid with iodine, especially rubbing with alcohol. Such actions can provoke infection of the injection site.

If a child's leg hurts after vaccination, and he begins to limp, it is necessary to consider the injection site. When a baby complains of increased discomfort on palpation, and the skin is hot to the touch, you need to see a doctor. The doctor can advise on means with which you can spread the sore spot to get rid of the unpleasant manifestation.

When to call a doctor

Some of the symptoms that occur after vaccination require an immediate visit to the clinic or call an ambulance:

  • The temperature rises above 39.5 degrees. It is especially disturbing if she does not lend itself to knocking down and the child is less than 6 months old. The long preservation of low-grade fever should also alert. A child could get sick while in a polyclinic, after vaccination his immunity was heavily loaded and could not cope with ARVI;
  • The baby starts having seizures;
  • The kid breathes strangely, as if suffocating;
  • Redness and induration in the area of ​​the injection more than 1 centimeter in diameter;
  • The leg not only hurts, but also swollen, became hot. The child cannot step on it;
  • Increased lymph nodes in the groin area;
  • After the vaccine was administered, a wound remained, which bleeds and festers.

It often happens that a child is lame after receiving a DPT vaccine. It is important that there is no large lump-like lump on the leg.

Note! Hot skin at the vaccination site is a reason to see a doctor. Mild pain should not be scary, they gradually pass, every day the baby complains less and less and starts running and jumping again.

Healthy toddler

Children's doctor Komarovsky insists on vaccination. He notes that, in addition to the domestic vaccine, there are imported drugs. There are fewer side effects after using them. But the reaction is individual for everyone, it is explained by the characteristics of the body and the state of immunity. One child may react worse to an imported vaccine than another child will perceive a domestic one. The main thing is to properly prepare for the vaccination and provide proper care after the procedure.

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