
Solution "Hofitol": instructions for use for children

"Hofitol" is a herbal choleretic agent, which is in demand for cholecystitis, hepatitis and many other diseases. One of the dosage forms of such a drug is represented by a solution. It is this variant of "Hofitol" that is most often chosen for the treatment of children. If you are going to give such a medicine to a small patient, you should figure out how it works on the body, when it is prescribed and in what dosages it is used in childhood.

Release form and composition

The liquid form of "Hofitol" is an opaque brown solution, which usually has a slight yellow precipitate. The drug is sold in dark glass bottles containing 120 ml of medicine. Its main ingredient, due to which "Hofitol" has medicinal properties, is of plant origin. It is an aqueous extract of artichoke artichoke obtained from the fresh leaves of such a plant. In 100 ml of solution, it is contained in an amount of 20 g.

The preparation also contains inactive components, among which you can see propyl and methyl parahydroxybenzoate. The medicine also includes ethyl alcohol and glycerin, and has an orange flavor for the scent. To make the drug liquid, purified water is added to all these ingredients. "Hofitol" is also available in tablets and injections.

The tablet medicine has a brown color and a convex shape, and the content of artichoke extract in one tablet is 200 mg. Such a remedy is not prescribed for children under 6 years of age. Ampoules "Hofitol" contain 20 mg of active substance in 1 ml, they are used in the treatment of patients over 15 years old.

Operating principle

The healing effect of "Hofitol" is provided by active biological substances contained in the leaves of the artichoke:

  • due to the presence of phenolic acids and cynarin, the solution has choleretic properties, and also protects the liver from damaging factors and accelerates the recovery of hepatocytes (this action is called hepatoprotective);
  • due to the presence of carotene, vitamins and inulin in the plant, metabolic processes are normalized (especially the exchange of fats and cholesterol);
  • taking the solution helps to remove nitrates, heavy metals and other toxic substances from the body;
  • the drug also has a diuretic effect, as well as the ability to accelerate the excretion of urea.


"Hofitol" is used for such problems:

  • dyskinesia of the biliary tract, when their function is reduced;
  • jaundice in newborns;
  • belching, nausea, bloating and other dyspeptic symptoms;
  • chronic inflammation of the gallbladder (without the formation of stones);
  • chronic inflammation of the liver, provoked by a virus, toxins or other reasons;

  • an increase in the level of acetone in the blood;
  • intoxication due to an infectious disease or poisoning;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • skin conditions such as acne or psoriasis
  • obesity;
  • giardiasis.

It can also be prescribed for severe kidney damage in which mild to moderate renal failure (chronic) has developed.

At what age is it prescribed?

Hofitol in liquid form can be used for babies from birth. Such a medicine is considered safe even for newborn babies, but still you should not give it to a baby without a doctor's prescription. Going to start treatment with such a choleretic agent in childhood, it is worth consulting with a specialist.


The use of "Hofitol" is prohibited when:

  • stones in the biliary tract and gallbladder;
  • lack of normal patency of the biliary tract;
  • acute pathologies of the biliary tract or liver;
  • acute diseases of the urinary tract or kidneys;
  • severe hepatic or renal impairment;
  • hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients of the solution.

Due to the presence of ethyl alcohol in the medicine, "Hofitol" in liquid form is given with caution to children with diseases or brain injuries.

Side effects

The child's alimentary tract can react to taking Hofitol by thinning the stool. As a rule, diarrhea appears with prolonged use of the medication (especially if given in high doses). In addition, for some patients, the drug may cause an allergic reaction.


The instructions for use recommend giving the solution to the child before meals, and before use, the bottle with the drug must be shaken so that all the components are mixed. Usually this medicine is taken three times a day. The dosage of "Hofitol" for a particular child should be determined by the doctor, since it differs for babies of different ages. If the child is under one year old, the medication is dosed in drops. The drug is dripped into a spoonful of water and given to the baby to drink from a spoon or bottle.

The duration of taking "Hofitol" will depend on the reason why the child is prescribed such a solution. Most often, the medication is taken for 2-3 weeks, but in some cases the doctor prescribes a longer course.

Overdose and drug interactions

Too large a dose of the solution usually causes diarrhea, which disappears as soon as the medicine is discontinued. For treatment, symptomatic agents are used: for example, if loose stools are frequent and there is a high risk of dehydration, they give solutions for rehydration. The manufacturer does not mention the incompatibility of "Hofitol" with other drugs.

Terms of sale and storage

"Hofitol" refers to non-prescription drugs, therefore it is freely sold in most pharmacies. The average price of one bottle of solution is 400 rubles. To eliminate the risk of accidentally swallowing a large dose of the medication, the drug should be stored out of the reach of babies. Storage temperature should not exceed 25 degrees Celsius. The shelf life of liquid "Hofitol" is 4 years.


In most reviews, the "Hofitol" solution is called an effective and efficient remedy that helped with various diseases of the biliary tract and eliminated the uncomfortable symptoms from the digestive tract. The advantages of the drug include its liquid consistency (the drug is easy to dose and swallow in childhood), a plant base, a positive effect on the liver and the possibility of using it even for the smallest patients.

As for the shortcomings, they most often complain about the unpleasant smell of the drug and the bitter taste. Some mothers also do not like the presence of alcohol in the composition and the high price of the solution.


Instead of "Hofitol", the doctor may prescribe another herbal remedy for the child that has a similar effect on the body:

  • Flamin granules... After adding water, this agent becomes a suspension, so giving the drug to children is as easy as the Hofitol solution. The action of "Flamin" is provided by active substances from the flowers of the immortelle. This medicine can be prescribed for the smallest patients (excluding newborns). It is also available in tablet form, which is prescribed from the age of 12.
  • Syrup "Holosas"... This remedy has choleretic properties and protects liver cells thanks to rosehip extract. The drug is in demand with the same indications when taking "Hofitol", but is contraindicated in babies in the first 3 years of life. Children over the age of three are given it under the supervision of a specialist.
  • Allochol tablets. Their therapeutic effect is similar to that of "Hofitol", but the composition of such a drug is more complex. Such a preparation contains not only plant raw materials (nettle and garlic extracts), but also activated carbon, as well as dry bile. Due to its solid form, this remedy can be prescribed to children only from the age of 7.

See the following video for an overview of the Hofitol solution.