Newborn health

The most common diseases, ailments and problems of newborn children (MINI DIRECTORY)

A newborn child appeared in the family. Together with him came not only a feeling of great love, but also a sense of responsibility for his life and health. What difficulties can caring parents face in the first year of a baby's life, what are the most common ailments, diseases and illnesses parents will have to face - we will try to tell all this in this mini encyclopedia.

Colic and gas

A common disease of young children is colic, severe pain in the baby's intestines.

If the baby twists its legs, presses them to the breast, cries often and loudly, especially in the evenings, often farts, you can confidently make this diagnosis yourself.

The reason is most often the swallowing of air with milk and improper nutrition of the mother who is breastfeeding.

After feeding, hold the baby upright to vomit air. Spread on your tummy often. Review the maternal diet, excluding cabbage, hot spices, nuts, coffee, tomatoes. Brew dill water or fennel decoction for your baby.

Colic and gas usually disappear by three months. Colic - How to Treat | About gaziks - how to treat | Colic Tummy Massage | List of Colic Medicines

The navel does not heal well

The navel heals in a week and a half after birth. If it is constantly wet, blood and pus ooze from the umbilical wound, measures must be taken. Treat the navel with a sterile cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide. Also remove the formed yellow crusts. After treatment with peroxide, lubricate the navel with brilliant green. It is impossible to bathe the baby during the treatment period; you can wipe the body with a damp cloth. How to treat an umbilical wound | What to do if the navel is bleeding

Umbilical hernia

An umbilical hernia is a weakness of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, increased intra-abdominal pressure, prolapse of an internal organ through the umbilical ring. Most often, the hernia heals on its own, but the observing physician should be aware of it. Symptoms and treatment of umbilical hernia

Skin problems


In the first days of life, the baby's skin may acquire a yellowish tint, even the whites of the eyes may turn slightly yellow. Do not be afraid of this, the baby has jaundice of newborns. It is not dangerous and usually goes away by the end of the first month. Observe the rules of hygiene, walk more with your baby. About jaundice - causes, symptoms, how to treat

The skin of a newborn is flaky

The skin of a baby born at term is covered with a special lubricant - a white oily liquid. It protects the delicate skin of a newborn from dry air (after all, he was in an aquatic environment before his birth) in the first hours of life. Gradually, the lubricant is absorbed into the baby's skin almost completely.

If it was wiped off at birth, or the child was born later than the term, which means practically without lubrication, the skin dries up and begins to peel off. Frequent lubrication of the baby's skin with sterile vegetable oil will help solve the problem. Why skin peels off and what to do | About crusts on a child's head

Diaper rash

A baby may develop redness, dry or weeping in the groin, armpits, and cervical folds. The reason is overheating and failure to comply with hygiene rules.

How to treat? Reduce the temperature in the nursery to + 21 ... + 22 degrees. Determine which diaper rash is dry or wet?

For dry, lubricate with baby cream or sterilized vegetable oil. If it gets wet, use baby powder, preferably without additives or fragrances.

Rinse problem areas with a light solution of potassium permanganate or just warm water more often. Don't wrap your child up. Do air baths, keep diaper rash open for better drying. About diaper rash (treatment and prevention) | Traditional methods of treating diaper rash

Prickly heat

What does prickly heat look like? Reddened skin, on it - clusters of small red pimples, sometimes with white purulent tips. Usually they are poured out on the ass, neck, head, groin, armpits, can be on the back, on the chest, behind the ears.

Sometimes prickly heat can be confused with allergies. Parents should be alerted if the child itches, is restless, the rash quickly spreads over the baby's body. An accurate diagnosis will be made by a pediatrician.

With prickly heat, the rash does not bother the baby. It is enough to wash the affected areas with infusion of calendula flowers, chamomile, string, with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Lubricate with baby cream, Bipanten cream, boiled vegetable oil. You can use a pharmacy powder. About prickly heat - treatment and prevention

Diaper dermatitis (diaper thrush)

The most striking sign of diaper dermatitis is the appearance of a small rash in the form of bubbles crowded together, but not going beyond the well-defined border of the affected area. You can see them in the groin, perineum, in the folds of the legs, around the genitals. For treatment, it is better to use ointments based on nystatin or clotrimazole (strictly according to the doctor's prescription). About diaper dermatitis

Pemphigus of newborns

Soon after birth, large bubbles (pea-sized) filled with a yellowish liquid may appear on the baby's body. Gradually they burst, leaving a pink spot in their place. Pemphigus is treated with antibiotics and special ointments (prescribed by a doctor).

Acne in newborns

Acne of newborns (infantile acne, neonatal pustulosis) - occurs in ~ 20% of newborns. Rash on the face in the form of pimples. The causes of acne in newborns are hormonal. No treatment required. Reading in detail about Acne


The baby has white spots on the face that look like acne. There is no need to treat them, they will go away within two to four months.

Important: proper skin care for a newborn baby


Rickets is a lack of vitamin D in the body of a newborn baby. Symptoms, treatment and prevention of rickets

Hormonal crisis

Usually occurs shortly after the birth of a baby. In infants, the mammary glands swell, girls may have white or bloody discharge, and boys may have a swollen scrotum.

Call your doctor if redness or fever develops.

In other cases, it is sufficient to observe the hygiene of the newborn. Everything will pass by itself. For relief, it is advisable to apply a bandage with Vishnevsky ointment on severely swollen glands.


Conjunctivitis in an infant is a rather serious problem. With this disease, the eyes turn red, purulent discharge accumulates in their corners. After sleep, the child hardly lifts the cilia stuck together.

For relief, you can rinse your eyes with an infusion of chamomile, calendula, weak tea leaves. It is necessary to wipe each eye from the outer corner to the inner one with your own tampon. The doctor will prescribe treatment, usually eye drops. Clean your eyes before each drop of medication. If a child's eye festers | Newborn baby eye care


Torticollis is a very common condition in newborn babies. This defect means an incorrect position of the head, asymmetry of the shoulders and further deviation of the development of the spine. Treatment is carried out using electrophoresis, massages, magnetotherapy, gymnastics. Cause and treatment of torticollis

Oral thrush

In the mouth of the child, white, uneven spots appear on the tongue and inner surface of the cheeks. They are coarse and greasy, like pieces of cottage cheese or milk residues. But, unlike milk stains, these are not washed off the baby's tongue. You can distinguish thrush as follows - the remains of milk disappear in the interval between feeding, the spots of thrush, on the contrary, spread along the oral mucosa.

It is imperative to treat thrush, because it causes painful sensations in the mouth of the baby. He sucks worse or refuses to breastfeed at all.

When feeding, the mother can also get thrush. Therefore, before giving a breast, treat the baby's mouth with a gauze or bandage napkin dipped in a solution of baking soda (add 1 teaspoon of soda to a glass of warm water).

Sterilization of nipples, bottles is mandatory, while breastfeeding - thorough rinsing of the breast before and after feeding. For the treatment of thrush, special preparations based on nystatin are used. They will be picked up and written out by a doctor. We treat thrush of the mouth in newborns

Stool problems


A breastfed newborn may poop every five days. And this is normal if the baby is calm, cheerful, eats well. It's just that my mother's milk is absorbed almost completely.

However, we can say with confidence that he has constipation, if the baby has difficulty in defecating, cries, and the feces are of a very dense consistency.

How to help a little sufferer? Gently massage your tummy with light clockwise movements. Alternately press the legs bent at the knees to the tummy, as if kneading it. If the child could not poop and after these procedures, pushing, crying, then you can give the crumbs lactulose syrup or use a candle with glycerin. Constipation Treatment | Constipation remedies for the little ones


Very frequent (more than 4-5 times a day) loose stools with mucus, accompanied by abdominal pain, bloating, and sometimes even vomiting, is a sign of diarrhea.

It is imperative, without delay, to call a doctor or an ambulance. Indeed, with severe diarrhea, dehydration quickly sets in.

Before their arrival, it is necessary to give more water to drink. From the age of one month, Smecta can be diluted, 2 sachets per day. You need to drink it like that for three days. Symptoms and Treatment of Diarrhea in Infants | Green stool with mucus | Dysbacteriosis in newborns


At times, spitting up becomes a problem for young parents. After eating, hold your baby upright to vomit air. This is usually sufficient.

If spitting up does not stop, consult a doctor, because this may be the beginning of more serious diseases (for example, dysbiosis). Why does the baby spit up a lot after breastfeeding


Runny nose in a newborn

When the baby breathes through the nose, you can hear hoarse sounds, the air is difficult to pass through the nasal passages. It's not a cold. Dust and mucus accumulate in the nasal passages. Make a turundochka out of gauze, moisten slightly and gently clean the nasal passages.

So, observe hygiene and temperature conditions, walk more with your child, carefully observe his behavior - and grow up healthy! Treatment of a cold in an infant | Green snot in baby | How to instill nasal drops in a newborn baby


Cough Treatment | Dry Cough | Wet cough


How to bring down the temperature of a baby | We treat the temperature of a newborn with folk remedies | Antipyretics for the little ones


  • Skin problems in the smallest
  • Complete list of first aid kits for a newborn baby

Watch the video: Neonatal Infections - Overview (July 2024).