Child health

All the nuances of using Stopussin in childhood

Stopussin is a drug that is quite common in the practice of a pediatrician. A specialist, under certain indications, can prescribe this drug to a child, so parents should be familiar with it. Know the side effects and actions in case of an overdose. Interest in Stoptussin lies in its combined action. Everything is described in more detail in this article.

Stopussin for the treatment of cough in children

The main clinical symptom in a child, which should alert a specialist and prompt the appointment of Stopussin, is a dry cough. This clinical manifestation can be intrusive in nature, which disrupts the sleep of the child and other family members.

Dosages should be observed according to the age of the child.

Characteristics of the drug Stopussin

Before talking about indications, contraindications, side effects, you need to know about the composition of the drug, its forms, as well as the mechanism of action.

Main active ingredients

The main components of Stopussin are of particular interest.

  • Butamirate citrate, which is one of the main substances of the drug, has a direct effect on the cough center, thereby having a central effect.
  • Guaifenesin, which is the second main substance in the composition, has an expectorant effect.

1 ml and 1 tablet of Stopussin has the same proportions of the main substances.

The mechanism of action of Stopussin

Like other drugs, Stoptussin contains excipients in its composition, depending on the form of the drug.

The antitussive effect of butamirate in the form of citrate suppresses the cough center, and also acts on the peripheral nerve endings of the bronchi.

A different mechanism of action is observed in guaifenesin, which consists in liquefying phlegm and removing it from the bronchi. Thus, an additional action is the expectorant effect.

Both main substances are almost completely absorbed in the intestine. More than 90% of the split metabolites are excreted by the kidneys, the rest by the intestines. The half-life (half-life) is 6 hours for butamirate, and 1 hour for guaifenesin. This term denotes the time during which a medicinal product loses half of its pharmacological action.

What are the dosage forms

Dosage forms are invented for ease of use. The drug should be available to both children and adults. The latter are prescribed tablets, since the concentration of the main substances in this form is greater. And drops, which are also available, are used for children, because it is easier and more convenient to dose it.

In what cases is Stopsussin prescribed for children

Prescribing drugs should be strictly according to indications.

No need to self-medicate.

Dry cough can be caused by various factors. In addition to infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, cough can have an allergic etiology. Dry, obsessive, irritating cough is the main indication for the prescription of the drug.

More often, this clinical symptom is observed in acute or chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, whooping cough. And also Stoptussin can be used for preoperative preparation and in the postoperative period to suppress cough.

Contraindications to the appointment of Stopussin

All contraindications for prescribing the drug are usually divided into relative and absolute. But if the latter have no doubts, then the relative ones can be revised when the benefits of the drug outweigh the risks.

Absolute contraindications

The absolute ones include:

  • pulmonary bleeding;
  • allergic reactions to the drug;
  • 1st trimester of pregnancy;
  • myasthenia gravis (weakness of the striated muscles).

Relative contraindications


  • 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy;
  • the use of inconvenient dosage forms for young children;
  • cough with a large amount of sputum;
  • smokers cough;
  • prescribing the drug to persons driving a car, as well as during work that requires a high concentration of attention;
  • lactation period (breastfeeding).

Is Stopussin allowed for pregnant women and nursing mothers

The question of the use of the drug by pregnant and lactating women was mentioned earlier. But this issue should be clarified.

The 1st trimester of pregnancy is the most responsible, because it is in this period that all organs and systems of the unborn baby are formed. Therefore, the use of any medicines, with the exception of vitamins, can cause negative effects on the fetus.

In the first trimester, Stopussin is contraindicated.

As for the following periods of pregnancy, then it is necessary to adequately assess the potential benefits for the mother and the risks of using the drug for the fetus.

Clinical experiments on the penetration of the constituent substances of the drug into breast milk have not been carried out. Therefore, it is recommended for the mother to stop breastfeeding during the treatment with Stoptussin.

Possible side effects of taking Stopussin

Like any other drug, Stopussin has side effects. But usually, with the correct prescription of the drug, as well as with the observance of the dosage, the drug is well tolerated. All side effects are usually divided into groups according to the likelihood of occurrence (frequent and rare).

Frequent side effects

Frequent ones include: headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, diarrhea.

Rare side effects

Rare phenomena can also be observed: while taking pills - an unpleasant bitter taste in the mouth, heaviness in the projection of the stomach and heartburn, allergic rashes, shortness of breath (increased respiratory rate), tachycardia (increased heart rate), pain around the eyes, urolithiasis ( the formation of stones in the urinary system).

Overdose. What to do?

The most formidable side effects can be observed with an overdose of Stopussin. Only guaifenesin can have a negative effect on the body. Overdose is more common in children, with accidental use of the drug at home. The child has signs of intoxication (drowsiness, nausea, vomiting), muscle weakness, and later the deposition of stones in the urinary system.

In case of an overdose with Stopussin, you must immediately call an ambulance.

There is no specific antidote (antidote) for Stopussin. Therefore, the patient is placed in a hospital under observation. First aid consists in mechanical removal of the drug (gastric lavage, cleansing enema). Further, the doctor prescribes enterosorbents, as well as drugs to support the respiratory, renal and cardiovascular systems.

What drugs can not be combined with Stopussin

Stoptussin should not be taken with other antitussive drugs (narcotic or non-narcotic), as well as mucolytic drugs that improve sputum discharge, dilute it and increase production.

We buy Stopussin at the pharmacy

Do I need a prescription

Having come to the pharmacy, Stoptussin can be bought without a doctor's prescription, but consultation is necessary.

Average price

The average price in Russia is 200 rubles. But the price varies depending on the volume of the drug. So, for example, for 20 tablets the average price is about 250 rubles, 50 ml drops cost 350 rubles, 25 ml - 240 rubles, 10 ml - 160 rubles.

How to store at home

Storage conditions

After purchasing the medicine, it is important to store the medicine correctly. Stopussin is stored in a protected place from light and children, at room temperature (no more than 25 degrees).

Shelf life

The shelf life is 5 years.

Do not use Stoptussin after the expiration date.

A practitioner's opinion on Stopussin

Stopussin is a unique drug that combines multidirectional effects on the body. The effectiveness of this drug is high, but it should be understood that the appointment of the drug should be carried out strictly according to the indications and in the correct dosages.

The course reception of Stopussin also increases the likelihood of a quick recovery. This drug is non-narcotic, while acting directly on the cough center. Practicing pediatricians quite widely prescribe and use Stoptussin.


Drug articles cannot be direct guides to action. Each person is individual, requires a thorough examination and collection of anamnesis in case of illness. Therefore, self-medication is strictly prohibited.

The drug is effective only when administered correctly. Cough is a clinical symptom that requires seeking medical attention.

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