Child health

3 things to do when a child bites a dog

Now the number of stray dogs has increased on the streets, which pose a very big threat, especially to children. Although not only homeless pets, but also our beloved pets can pose a danger to a child. It is worth teaching children how to behave with dogs and explaining not to come into contact with street animals. In addition, each parent should know what to do when bitten, what consequences can be expected.

First aid

1. If a child is bitten by a dog, it is necessary to immediately treat the bite site.

If the wound bleeds, do not rush to stop the bleeding, because the blood will come out with the dog's saliva, which is a great danger to health.

The bite site must be well rinsed, ideally treated with any antiseptic solution, even a hand sanitizer, which many now carry with them in their bags, is suitable. If there is no antiseptic at hand, wash the wound well with soap for at least 10 to 15 minutes. The sooner we start processing, the better.

Timely wound cleaning can save lives!

2. If profuse bleeding continues from the wound, it is necessary to apply a tight pressure bandage.

3. After providing emergency care call an ambulance or go to the children's emergency room or surgical department yourself, where they will provide assistance and tell everything about further prevention of possible complications.

One of the worst threats to a dog bite is rabies.

Rabies is a dangerous viral disease with severe damage to the nervous system, which almost always ends in death when symptoms appear.

Rabies is widespread almost everywhere, with the exception of Antarctica. This disease is not registered in the island states.

About 40% of those affected are children. By providing preventive measures and early treatment, death rates from rabid animal bites are reduced.

The main source of human infection is dogs, which carry the dangerous virus in their saliva.

The rabies virus from a dog to a person can be transmitted only by contact of blood with saliva - in the presence of a bite wound, in the presence of saliva on the skin, which has abrasions or wounds, if saliva gets on the mucous membranes.

Signs of illness

The incubation period of rabies can last from 7 days to 1 year or more, but most often the clinical manifestations of rabies in humans occur after 1 to 2 months. It depends on the location of the infected wound on the body (the closer to the head, the more dangerous) and on the number of viruses that have entered.

The manifestation of the disease begins with headache, fever, general weakness, loss of appetite, pain in the bite area. Then a sharp excitement of the infected develops, an increase in sensitivity to light, noise, hydrophobia, convulsive syndrome, hallucinations. Over time, neurological symptoms progress (worsen). Paresis (partial loss of movement) and paralysis of the entire musculature occur. When the vital centers of the brain are damaged, death occurs.

How to avoid getting sick?

The only prevention of rabies is the rabies vaccination. Vaccination is considered effective if it is started no later than 14 days from the moment of infection. It is optimal to start vaccination on the day of the bite.

If a dog bites you, it is imperative to find out if it is vaccinated against rabies.

If the child has been bitten by a neighbor's dog, you should ask for the passport of the animal, which marks the vaccinations. If the animal was vaccinated less than a year ago, you should not worry, prevention is not needed.

Do not trust people at their word, personally check the document certifying that the dog is vaccinated.

If there is no veterinary passport, the vaccination schedule is violated or the animal bitten outdoors, it should be considered as potentially infected with rabies. An unidentified stray street dog should always be considered infected.

For the prevention of rabies, inactivated vaccines (KOKAV, Rabivak-Vnukovo-32, Rabipur) and specific immunoglobulins are used, which are administered only if indicated by a doctor's prescription.

Many people mistakenly think that by making one vaccine, they have protected themselves from a terrible disease. This is not true! There is a vaccination schedule that must be strictly adhered to. It includes six doses, which are administered on days 0 (day of the bite), 3, 7, 14, 30 and 90 days. The first vaccination is performed in the emergency room where you turned, the next vaccines are continued with the pediatrician in the polyclinic. If at least one injection is missed or not given on time, the vaccination is considered ineffective.

If the animal's vaccination schedule is not strictly followed, immediately after the bite, the dog should be placed under the supervision of a veterinarian. If the dog is sick with rabies, then it will die within 10 days. If the dog is healthy within 10 days, you can stop vaccination after the third dose. If a dog is labeled negative, but has strange behavior or dies, the vaccination course continues completely.

There are no contraindications for vaccination, it can be carried out for everyone - pregnant women, allergy sufferers, people with congenital heart defects and neurological diseases. Side effects may include individual intolerance to the vaccine.

When using rabies immunoglobulin, the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction is high.

The second, but no less dangerous complication after a dog bite can be tetanus.

What is tetanus?

Tetanus is a wound toxic infection that affects the nervous system and is characterized by high mortality.

The causative agent of tetanus is Clostridium tetani, a spore-forming anaerobe that produces one of the most powerful biological toxins, tetanospasmin, which damages the central nervous system. This bacterium is very resistant to external influences, therefore, specific prevention of the disease is required.

Tetanus symptoms

A tetanus clinic can begin 6-14 days after the bite in the form of an increase in body temperature, pulling pains at the site of the bite, which spread longer along the affected limb. With the development of the disease, a spasm occurs first of the facial muscles, then the masticatory muscles, skeletal muscles, up to the defeat of the diaphragm, which will lead to respiratory arrest.

Prevention of tetanus

If a dog has bitten a child who is undergoing preventive vaccinations by age, then do not worry. The national immunization schedule includes tetanus vaccination as part of the DTP, ADS and Pentaxim vaccines at 3, 4.5, 6 and 18 months (according to the vaccination calendar of the Russian Federation). And in the future, tetanus protection is made as part of the ADS vaccine at 7 and 14 years old. Revaccination should be performed every 10 years.

If the child has no vaccinations at all, for the prevention of tetanus, the introduction of a specific immunoglobulin or tetanus toxoid in a trauma center is prescribed. If vaccinations are made, but not completely, you should consult your local pediatrician for advice.

Skin and soft tissue infection

After talking about the most dangerous, we will tell you about the most common consequence.

Dogs have a huge number of bacteria on their teeth, which, when bitten, enter the skin and soft tissues, where, multiplying, they cause inflammatory diseases. In a short time, even a small abrasion or scratch can develop phlegmon at the site. First aid always begins with the prevention of this complication.

This does not require any specific vaccines. It is necessary to make a toilet of the wound, rinse it well and treat it with antiseptics. In the conditions of a trauma center, if necessary, primary surgical treatment is performed, and local anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed. With extensive bitten wounds, systemic antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed.

Memo to parents

  1. Always vaccinate your pet dogs against rabies on time.
  2. Seek medical attention promptly if bitten by a dog.
  3. Give your children preventive vaccinations on time.
  4. With any, even dubious risk of rabies, it is necessary to carry out a course of anti-rabies vaccination.

By observing all these conditions, you can avoid the possible dire consequences of dog bites.

Watch the video: Dog Attacks Baby (July 2024).