Child development

What should a child be able to do at 10 months?

A 10-month-old baby is not that tiny lump that you seemed to have recently taken from the hospital. This is already a conscious person, with its own temperament and an already forming character. Every day, the baby shows increasing independence - he crawls further, stands longer, speaks more repetitive syllables or even words.

What can a child at 10 months do?

  1. The kid crawls confidently. Some are for short distances, others are simply impossible to catch up. The speed of movement of the baby especially increases if he managed to grab something forbidden and tries to hide.

    It happens that a 10-month-old baby crawls very little, but immediately tries to walk. Moreover, it will be more typical for a boy than for a girl.

  2. Babies at 10 months stand well. Many people try to walk with their handles on the edge of a sofa or bed. And some toddlers are already learning to walk without any support.
  3. The child finally masters the pinch grip. The baby likes to hold small objects with his fingers, if you give him a pencil or pen, the baby will try to draw, imitating the actions of his parents.
  4. A baby at 10 months is even more interesting in terms of communication. It is easy to teach him to wave a pen goodbye or twist his head in agreement or disagreement. The child also responds to simple requests from an adult. The kid can take, bring, give something or perform certain actions with toys (ride, close, open).
  5. The child improves control of his body. Due to the fact that the gains in body weight are no longer as significant as before, it is easier for the baby to control his movements. The link between thinking and motor skills is growing stronger. Hand manipulations, leg movements, head turns become even more conscious. And the more the kid plays with his hands, fingers, the sooner and stronger this connection will be fixed.
  6. The development of a child at 10 months already allows you to determine the leading hand.

    If the left hand turns out to be the main one, in no case should the baby be retrained. In this case, it is better to choose games in which both hands are involved.

  7. In the addressed speech, the child easily guesses intonation. If the speech has an approving tone, the baby is happy, smiles. If the baby hears disapproval in the voice of a loved one, he is upset.
  8. The kid is aware of the word "no". The main thing is not to abuse it. Prohibited should be in situations where the actions of the child may harm him or others. In other cases, it is better to distract him by turning his attention to something more interesting.

    The prohibition must be carried through to the end. There is no need to follow the lead of a baby who, with his cry, is trying to get permission to do something that threatens him, which was previously prohibited. Once again, gently tell your child why not, and how this action or object threatens him.

  9. A child in the tenth month can say his first words. Or often and for a long time repeats the most popular syllables - "ma-ma", "pa-pa", "ba-ba".

    But even if it doesn't, don't worry. The development of a child at ten months does not yet imply clear, conscious speaking of words.

  10. Your baby's feelings and emotional responses become more diverse. For example, a 10-month-old baby may feel jealous. It manifests itself when another baby is in the center of attention of loved ones.
  11. Holds the mug tightly with both hands and drinks on his own.

Height and body weight of a child at 10 months

Due to the increasing physical activity, the child's body weight does not increase at the same rate as before. In the tenth month, the baby is 400 - 450 grams heavier and grows 1 - 1.5 centimeters.

Daily regime

The kid still sleeps twice during the day and once at night. The total sleep duration is 12-14 hours. Each child independently chooses his own regime. Some wake up earlier and, accordingly, go to bed earlier. Others sleep very little during the day, literally 30-40 minutes. If the baby sleeps twice during the day, make sure that the interval between naps is no more than four hours. This will avoid problems with laying at night.

Parents should be very careful to observe the child and the signals that he gives. It is in this way that you can choose the optimal daily routine that is most suitable for your baby.


At 10 months old, the child receives almost adult food. The exception is that it can be in a more crushed (ground) form.

Naturally, children should not be given fried or fatty foods. The same applies to canned food, smoked meats, semi-finished products and sweets.

The child receives formula or breast milk before bedtime, at night or after the main meal as a drink.

Babies usually latch on to the breast more than is required to satisfy hunger or thirst. Do not worry. This is normal. Everything will fall into place when the baby and mother are ready to give up breastfeeding.

To instill in the baby a culture of nutrition, it is useful to organize joint meals. So the child will master the skills of independent food intake. In addition, eating together with your family is a great way to become even closer and dearer to each other.

How to develop a child at 10 months?

At 10 months, the development of the crumbs, as before, occurs through the game. It is important for parents both to set aside separate time for this and to weave playful elements into the context of the family's daily life. It will be great if both mom and dad play with the baby, because their playing style is different.

  • in development motor skills it is important to help the baby improve crawling skills and lay a solid foundation for subsequent upright walking.

Don't restrict your toddler outside the playpen. Having secured the space in advance, let it float freely on the floor.

Place toys on the floor to make it more interesting for your baby to crawl from one fun to the next. To strengthen the muscles of the arms and legs, it will be interesting to play catch-up. Of course, the child still does not know how to walk well enough for this, but he is already crawling decently. The kid will be interested in both running and catching up.

If your baby doesn't want to crawl at all, build a play tunnel at home. Show your child how to crawl to overcome it. A rare baby can resist such entertainment.

Show how it turns out to be easier to take the first steps by holding onto a bed or sofa.

  • physical exercise. First of all, these are fitball exercises and classes in the pool. This will strengthen the baby's muscle frame and prevent umbilical hernia;
  • talk to your child more. Talk about the world and phenomena. Follow your actions with comments.

This way you can learn the skill of cooking together. Mom will cook on the stove in real dishes, and the baby, sitting on the floor, will repeat. It will also have a positive effect on hand motility.

At this age, it is easier for a baby to perceive poetic forms, melodious speech by ear. For a better understanding of fairy tales, you can use finger games.

Parents can independently make a set of finger toys for several fairy tales. This is a great option for family leisure.

  • role-playing games. Choose your favorite toy with the baby and show the baby how to take care of it - feed it, put it to bed and so on. The little one will gladly repeat these simple steps.

Small children are great imitators. And parents are the best role model for them.